aide for the showtime deficient
it opens with military trucks driving...low and behold it's the russians...don't ask me what they're saying, no subtitles and all i understand is nyet...anyway,the truck is ambushed and it's revealed they're transporting a jaffa....ought ooh...
now we see sam leaving her health club (exercizing on a sat mornign...uggh)
she walks to her car, tosses her bag in the trunk and a white van pulls up and guys jump out. she gets a few licks in but they over power her adn she's tossed inside
now we're at the sgc, it's monday and sam isn't there. must be late monday cause hammy says forensics didnt' find anything at her house, danny says the police found her car in the lot by the health club 12 blocks from her house. so thery're thinking she's been kidnapped or somethign, but outside of the mountain they have zero jurisdcition so...nothgin they can officially do. but jack says. 'doesn't mean we can't look?' (yes shippers, he still cares)
cut to sam waking up restrained to the bed, guys come in tell her she's in the hospital then drug her through an iv. she's back out.
jacks looking, he finds a bum who saw the whole thing, it was ninjas in a white van...
jack, with danny's help, leaves a message for harry via the net. starsky contact hutch (or vice versa)
jack goes bakc to the bum and low and behold harry shows up, with a beard and mustach..very dapper. harry knows nothing about where she is. and now it's been four days. harry tells him to check out user 4574(yep...colonel q is back)
jack calls it in and danny & hammy know exactly who to blame.
jack goes to the pentagon and confronts simmons...who of course knows nothing.
danny does more research, seems harry was paid 3 million from an account by this company. whose owner hasn't been seen in public for 6 months....
meanwhile harry goes to confront another person at this company (can't recall all the names, we'll jsut call her stupid chick, you'll see why later). he threatens her, she won't spill.
jack now catches up iwth harry, who tells him jack won't kill him cause harry has the name of the doctor whos treating rich dude (adrian conrad...who my fingers keep spelling adrain)
they go to the doctors office and discover that adrian has bertrand's syndrom...a fatal disease ruining his immune system. now this is just the thing a snake can cure. they put two and two together and realize that he's the baddie here.
(harry fans, rest assured, yes harry gave them the snake, but he didn't know they were going to use he's not all bad)
turns out this corporation owns st. catherine's hospital in seattle....and adraian is sick enough to need constant care they go.
meanwhile sam manages to escape, actually she tries several times, such an uncooperative captive. this time she practically makes it to the exits (ok total irony here, she's trying to escape and follows the exit signs...gotta love osha)
anyway, adrian tells her his precidament, and she's not totally callous to it but also these are the kids who have been keeping her drugged for days...
they chain her back to the bed. adrian takes a turn for the worse and they realize they have to implant him now. so they do (do not ask me know they get the snake outta the tank and into him...we'll never find out)
adrain of course is healing and all nice...but the doctors dont know how to get the snake back outta him. stupid chick wants it gone, see she;s got a crush abotu the size of cheyenne mountain on him and wants her adrain back.
the doctors say the only chance they have of finding a 'cure' is to examine sam's brain tissue, something adrian didnt' want them to do. stupid chick doesn't care. she tells them to do ti.
so...danny goes in the front door of the hospital' i need to see a doctor, i almost electroctued myself'
'you have to leave' the guard says
'i have insurance,' danny says back
'this hospital is closed.'
'i said i was almost electrocuted, do you have any idea what that feels like?'
the gurad comes closer...and danny zats him...and the second one.
'abotu like that' he quips....yes, once again danny got quote of the week
so they're in, so is jack and harry....and the big bad evil doctors are going to carry out stupid chicks order and carve sam open like a turkey...
sam realizes, starts to really fight them, as well as she can cuffed to abed....jsut as they're starting to stick a needle in her...jack and harry barge in.
sam gets second place with 'very dramatic,. thank you'
yes shippers you do get a moment, as harry takes the bad guys into the hall there is a glance and i think a brief hand touch...not much but better than last week
now they realize they have a problem, seems danny and tealc' have found stupid chick's body. see adrain convinced her that he was in control of the snake and he jsut wanted to hold her hand so he unrestrained i said , stupid chick
so we got a goauld running loose.
amazingly mobile for being drugged half out of her mind for the better part of a week sam helps jack look for it, as do danny and teal'c while harry is left behind to guard the prisoners...(yes harry gets away...jack's way of saying thank you i think)
after much searching in halls we see jack going down to the boiler room...and if your'e a homicical alien where will yougo??? wow you guessed it, the dark and scary place.
jack finds about to shoot somone shoots jack!!!! in the back no less...and the villian is....COLONEL Q
gee there's a shocker. simmons helps the snake get away. sam finds jack...he wants sleeves on bullet proof vests....
cut to the infirmary. jack is in bed, hammy and sam at his side...simmons is gone and there is a snake on the loose....
fade to black
no overt shippiness...but more than last week and enough to project your little hearts out...everyone keep your eyes on helio...this is gonna spawn a few dozen fic...
now off to bed for back with wormhole extreme in a few hours