Guess what? This morning, I was watching TV whil doing my chemistry problems and I suddently felt it was time to go check on channel 14 ( don't ask me why, I just felt it!!) To my suprise, Vicky Gabereau was interviewing our sweet RDA!!!!! And yes, that was a new interview!!! He was sooo handsome!!!! With his usual cute messed up hair and he had some kind of Hawaian neckless! He looked 20 years younger!!! And this goes without saying, I'm gonna have to look for pics from that interview on the Net to post for you!!!!
OK, so you want a pic from COTG? Looking in my database...
Sorry, I couldn't find one in his leather jacket. I know exactly what you want and I'm gonna try to find one...
BUT I did find others in the leather jacket from other episodes!!!
That on is from Upgrades.
Not bad, hein?