1.01: Welcome To The Hellmouth

Originally posted by Vampyre
Ah, I thought you meant that season 1 had only just been released...I thought you might have lived in Tibet.:D

This Season 1 DVD of Buffy has just been released.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer - The Complete First Season
Release date: January 15, 2002

Edition Details:
• Region 1 encoding (US and Canada only)
• Color, Dolby, Box set
• Commentary by Joss Whedon on episodes 1 and 2
• Theatrical trailer(s)
• 12 Episodes on 3 discs
• Interview with Joss Whedon and David Boreanaz
• Original pilot episode script
• Photo gallery
• Full-screen format
• Number of discs: 3

I don't know if any others came out before this one.

Hhmmmmm, that's the same as the one I've got I think, which has been out about 2 years.
it has been out in Region 2 for a good long time Vampyre... but Region 1 is just releasing it now...worth the wait though :smile:
And there's a card inside that says Season 2 will be released in June.

Originally posted by Vampyre
What's the difference then?

If you're talking about the different Regions. I'm in the US, I can't watch DVDs or Vids made for Europe, or any other country except Canada for that matter.

tis funny how it all gets released much more over here, stargate, Buffy, Angel, X Files etc all available on Region 2, but very little in R1...
Originally posted by markpud
tis funny how it all gets released much more over here, stargate, Buffy, Angel, X Files etc all available on Region 2, but very little in R1...

Oh yeah, real funny. ;)

Yeah...I thought that were supposed to be in front on all stuff like that.
[Vampyre: I would rather we all have the TV and DVDs at the same time.]

Joss has to stop sending the episodes to England via leaky tugboat.
Originally posted by markpud
thats a prob with another of my fave shows, highlander. THey're supposed to be immortatl, but they end up looking older, esp if you compare Christopher Lambert from 1986 (orig Highlander film) to 1998 (Endgame)

sticking w/ markpud's off-topic post --

but - i think the make-up department for Endgame <bad movie> made Chris look really really old - so ppl would want him out of the movie line-up --- he doesn't look like that -- b/c if you watch Beowulf - he doesn't look like he does in Endgame -- (but - they totally screwed up Endgame anyway - so why would we expect the immortals to look right?)

and - 'Welcome to the Hellmouth' -

when i saw this the 1st time (b/c i'd seen lots of season 4 & 5 prior to seeing this) -- it seemed soooo campy -- but - in a funny way --

like when Buffy says: "Aren't you just going 'ooooh'?"

and the meeting w/ Angel was really well-done too --

question on the stunt double -- has SMG had the same dbl from the beginning? Sophia --- something - can't remember her name now -- just recall seeing a pic of James Marsters and her -- and she does look enough like SMG do dbl - (or - they make-up is really well-done) ----
[Highlander II: has SMG had the same (stunt double) from the beginning?]

Well, H2, a question like this just sends me into research mode.

I found this page dedicated to "Buffy and the film-maker's art". Below is an edited excerpt from the site.

"Sophia Crawford was the woman who stunt doubled for Sarah Michelle Gellar throughout the first four seasons of the show (incidently, Sophia is married to Jeff Pruitt [Buffy's ex-stunt coordinator])... Sophia is one of the few women in America who do both martial-arts fight sequences and stunts. She trained in Hong Kong and was later hired to do all the stunts for the Pink Ranger in the Power Rangers series - which is where she met Jeff. Incidently, her Pink Ranger connection was used for a joke in an episode of Buffy, when Buffy is told 'Back off, Pink Ranger!'"

Apparently there was considerable bad feeling on all sides over Jeff's and Sophia's departure, leading to comments like this:

Sophia: "I would only say to conan or anyone interviewing sarah in the future to ask her to step out on to the stage and perform some of those spinning kicks of "hers" and flipping onto her back on the concrete. see if you think it looks the same. asking her to simply run would also be good for comic relief too."

I also found "Trade in your cow for some Buffy" which has a page of useless trivia about the show, including some stunt info.

As for after Sophia, I did find a tidbit on Slayer Sheila - buffy from an australian perspective.

"thursday 13.07.00...after the sad departure of buffy's stunt coordinator jeff pruitt and buffy's highly skilled stunt double sophie crawford, the pair have been replaced. "old time" stunt coordinator john medlin will take over the role from jeff for season five while at least three stunt women will try and fill sophia's role. one will do the kicking and punching, one will do falls and crashes and one will do the gymnastic moves..."

According to The Internet Movie Database (www.imdb.com), the following people, besides Sophia, are credited as SMG doubles:

Noby Arden.... stunt double: Buffy #2

Melissa Barker.... stunt double: Buffy [also SMG's double in Scooby Doo.]

Diana Lee Inosanto .... martial arts stunt double: Sarah Michelle Gellar

Michele Waitman .... stunt double: Sarah Michelle Gellar

Hope that helps.
thanx! didn't know SMG had that many --

only knew about the one --- (and only from that piccie) -

and kinda rude on that comment about SMG not being able to run - uh - can't all ppl run in some form? some just look stupider than others doing it? :D (sorry - snarky)

anyway --- and lemme just say - when you hit research mode - boy do you hit it! that was a TON of info! thanx!! :)
[Highlander II: thanx!!]

You're welcome, actually I enjoy it.

[Highlander II: and kinda rude on that comment about SMG not being able to run... some just look stupider than others...]

I think that was what Sophia was trying to say - that SMG runs funny. Which is silly, because Sarah has had so much practice running, with Buffy and the Scream films and now Scooby Doo. Too bad it had to end that way, because I have a lot of admiration for Sophia's work on Buffy.

#034 Becoming, Part II
Her work in the fight scene is great, although the Angel double is such a disaster that it's distracting.

I don't think it's a plot spoiler to say that after season four we have seen more of SMG in the gym. There are obviously doubles and computer-generated (fake) weapons being used, but SMG does do more work at the punching bag and some head-high kicks that look real.

It's really not fair to say that SMG should be able to do spinning kicks, that's not her job and professionals in the industry, especially, should be able to tell the difference between her acting and the fight scenes. They aren't going to hire her because of her back flips.

It's a mean comment from someone whose work I enjoy. But then I don't know the whole story. Just that her husband was not re-hired for season five and she left shortly after.
I thought SMG had a belt (don't remember which color) in Tai Kwando? Not that that would make her a great fighter, but she should at least know some of the moves.


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