American dubbed anime viewing reaches an all time low: 2 Gundam series screwed over

sorry but li just bugged me they put shaman king down.. & they never even watched it.. your allowed to have your own opinions.. but god.. watch the series before jumping to conclusions..
heh shaman king is god.I still don't get how someone could say it was anything like yu yu hakusho
*shrugs* I dont know what most of you are talking about, but I thought it was a real shame that they just... cancelled MSG like that. I talked to all the people around me about it... and they were like thats cause it sucked. That made me sad, because I loved that show.... damn american audiences.

Besides, MSG was the first series, made in 1979... of course its old! and technically, Zechs is a copy of Char, so look at it that way. Anyways, Zaku II beats a Leo anyday in beautifulness
lol glad you feel so strongly about it lizard ^_^
I just want to see all gundams before i give opinions on them
probably... but since they've been licensed here they are much harder to find... means I'll actually have to have time and space to download. Lol.
I tried to get it last night so close to being done.. then i losted my power *cries* stupid power!!! grr i almost had it to
