American dubbed anime viewing reaches an all time low: 2 Gundam series screwed over

I was down to a few seconds in getting the first full episode... from an msn friend.. so i can't watch any of it now.. have to do it all over again...
lol this sounds like my internet messing with a flame I spent two hours on one time.... but noo it had to delete it.
well thats a very interesting point now isn't it...anyways I gotta be pushing this thing back on topic
Yes... i never realized there was another episode of 0083! stupid dub cutting it out. And they always showed the movie right in the middle of the series instead of an episode or something...
they like to screw things up with dubbing.On one hand,it probably gives them better ratings(Unless you're an Anime fan you're never gonna know about the missing parts,or care right?) so Tailoring it to American crowds makes just enrages the anime fans
did you notice the movie? I mean they always showed Miller's Report right in the middle of the series instead of like an episode or something and that really got on my nerves to. I mean they didn't even bill it as a movie but only as a longer show.
lol I can be happy
*thinks of the fantastic first episodes with the fights with the Zakus*
