6.05: Nightwalkers

Garron, please don't shoot everyone down for having a feeling about the show that's less than glowing. The show is not the same show it was just two seasons ago. Maybe it is pleasing more X-files fans than space oriented, culture loving, science savy scifi fans at this point. But these last two weeks I was more intrigued with The Dead Zone and Farscape than with Stargate SG-1. And I'm a huge fan of SG-1. I was one of the nutso fans that went to the Vancouver con last fall and stood around in BDUs and a black T-shirt.
Originally posted by CynVision
Garron, please don't shoot everyone down for having a feeling about the show that's less than glowing. The show is not the same show it was just two seasons ago. Maybe it is pleasing more X-files fans than space oriented, culture loving, science savy scifi fans at this point. But these last two weeks I was more intrigued with The Dead Zone and Farscape than with Stargate SG-1. And I'm a huge fan of SG-1. I was one of the nutso fans that went to the Vancouver con last fall and stood around in BDUs and a black T-shirt.

The following statement is no attack on you personally, but opinions in general.

"Opinions are like a*sh*l**s, everyone's got one."

You're opinion, just like mine, is just an opinion. We're all entitled to one.



Re: Nightwalkers

Originally posted by Arc_Angel
Info on a new eppy called nightwalkers, from what I've read, it souds pretty cool :D
Its an earth based ep with the NID and plenty of goauld
For more info, look at the site below


This episode, like all of Season 6, ROCKS.

Everyone's a critic. Everyone's got an opinion on how the series isn't doing a good job.

I don't see any of you people on the list of credits. I don't see you people doing any better.

If you have nothing good to say, shut up.


Warmest regards,

You say: "Stargate is a show that looks into the history of human beings. Its only natural that the storyline look into what's happening on earth. "

my feeling is that very little exploring of all this facinating stuff is being done lately. Nightwalkers is just another example. The episode was okay. Stuff that happened was alright. But it wasn't "Point of No Return" even if it lacked the brigher humor of that ep, NW didn't have a moral. There was no hook to the plot. It just painted Goa'uld as stupid, helpless, and unable to complete a plan to get off the planet. These are the creatures terrorizing the local corner of the galaxy?!
Re: Re: Nightwalkers

Originally posted by Garron
This episode, like all of Season 6, ROCKS.
Everyone's a critic. Everyone's got an opinion on how the series isn't doing a good job.
I don't see any of you people on the list of credits. I don't see you people doing any better.
If you have nothing good to say, shut up.
Garron, I think you've done this before. I think you've a habit of jumping in on discussion threads and trying to shut down the discussion.

And oh, if only the best SG fic writers that I've seen on the net could be writing for the show... Internet fic writers do think up ideas that are better than the show. Ones that use the Stargate.
it just occurs to me:

Seeing that the drug is described in Nightwalkers as a sulfur-based antibiotic, before the SG-1 team knew that it was made to counter Goa'ulds, would not this new substance be considered a biological weapon? Seeing that the world frowns on despots rumored to use such things against people they wish to destroy, isn't it questionable to be using a bio-weapon? Say if someone in the NID converted it into an airbourne version? It would be a bit like the weapon Machello used against the Linverness. An indiscriminate killing device. His morals were a bit skewed, but will the SGC brass really resort to using this stuff as their new "super weapon?"

And it occurs to me that the "threat" of being a unwilling host and this being "bad" (as in Enemy Within) is pretty much eleminated from the series. Of course it makes Kawalsky's death all the more tragic, but hell, we were talking earlier how the SGC never had a sarc because it made the risks so low, what about this Goa'uld killing syrup?

And did anyone else notice that this stuff is a lot like in the series Dark Skies where the parasites there were driven out of people with nail polish and milk?

{edit} See later post. There's a detail I missed while watching. the Earth Goa'ulds were engineered with a flaw. But I'm still a bit worried. The fact that the Gou'ald can be genetically changed to be vulnerable to the anti-biottic means the potential for all Gou'ald to have some sort of weakness to some sorts of substances.... which I suppose is reasonable. They're mortal. But in this one story the Goa'uld got knocked off rather easily and with no shown negative effects to Sam...
Re: Re: Nightwalkers

Originally posted by Garron

If you have nothing good to say, shut up.


I'm sorry, but I'm ashamed to know you are Canadian. You have your right to your opinion just like everyone else but not the right to make statements as the one above. I'm surprised a moderator hasn't steped in. You've been rude in the past.
guys, guys, guys....let's all remember that NONE of us will like every eps, and none of us will hate every eps. If we all held the same opinions, it'd be a pretty boring discussion.

People crirtqueing the show isnt' a bad thing. In fact, such discussions are things the TPTB often lurk and read. I recall Brad Wright saying as much at gatecon. That he finds it interesting to see if we the viewers pick up on any oops and then seeing how we can explain it away.
People who post nothing but unadulterated praise are known as 'cheerleaders'. There aren't many of those here.

You don't have to like what another forum member says, you don't have to agree with it, but unless it breaks the forum rules, you do have to respect it.

so let's all take a deep breath and remember IJATVS ( it's just a tv show)

ooh, and for anyone that's interested, according to a person on another list...it was an onion ring jonas dipped into his milk shake.
Originally posted by Garron

If you have nothing good to say, shut up.

Skoon...I agree with your response to Garron's statement.
"You have your right to your opinion just like everyone else but not the right to make statements as the one above. I'm surprised a moderator hasn't steped in. You've been rude in the past."
I find this persons posts to be very inappropriate and disruptive to the flow of discussions. I hope Garron will either post appropriately or keep his negativity to himself. Negative opinions are welcome here, but rudeness is not.
Originally posted by HeyLynny
But, I did find Jonas to be really funny! I'm liking his character more and more, maybe it's the combination of cute and funny

I may be wrong here, but doesn't 'cute and funny' belong more in a teenage sit-com than a serious sci-fi programme in which highly qualified pioneers go through a - oh, what's it called? Um, er - Stargate, yes that's it, a Stargate - where they need the gravitas to convince the indigenous population that the Tau'ri would make good allies?

Best wishes,
Hatshepsut :wave:
Originally posted by Garron

The following statement is no attack on you personally, but opinions in general.

"Opinions are like a*sh*l**s, everyone's got one."

You're opinion, just like mine, is just an opinion. We're all entitled to one.




But, Garron, there is a difference between having an opinion and having an attitude. I think we're seeing more of the latter from you and it doesn't contribute to an harmonious discussion amongst a cyber-community. Consider carefully the words you choose.
Originally posted by Hatshepsut

I may be wrong here, but doesn't 'cute and funny' belong more in a teenage sit-com than a serious sci-fi programme in which highly qualified pioneers go through a - oh, what's it called? Um, er - Stargate, yes that's it, a Stargate - where they need the gravitas to convince the indigenous population that the Tau'ri would make good allies?

Best wishes,
Hatshepsut :wave:

I also think that Jack is cute and funny. :D He's obviously older than Jonas, but cute and funny none the less (in my opinion). Jonas being younger brings a newness and freshness to the team that I think is refreshing from last season (which I did not like as much as any other season in the past). Maybe his being younger (and cute) may attract younger viewers and get another age group interested in the show. That would be great!:D
Uncle Grumpy is cute and funny? :eek:

Has he had a personality transplant then? He certainly needed one after 'Menace'! :mad:

Best wishes,
Hatshepsut :wave:
I'm guilty

I'm guilty of not watching the show carefully. A chat friend has pointed out that NW was a little bit of a rip on Jurassic Park where the cloned Goa'ulds in the town were genetically adjusted to be vulnerable to the sulfur antibotic. So, theoretically it can not be used as a super-weapon against extraterrestial Goa'uld.

{edit}The fact that the Gou'ald can be genetically changed to be vulnerable to the anti-biottic means the potential for all Gou'ald to have some sort of weakness to some sorts of substances.... which I suppose is reasonable. They're mortal. But in this one story the Goa'uld got knocked off rather easily and with no shown negative effects to Sam...
Originally posted by Hatshepsut
Uncle Grumpy is cute and funny? :eek: Has he had a personality transplant then? He certainly needed one after 'Menace'! :mad:
Don't knock a character for having a real emotional response on the show! His best friend on Earth had just left for a all expense paid tour of the outer reaches of the galaxy. I'm glad to hear they actually had some lasting reprecussions on the show. Wow!

"Everybody is entitled to their opinion of Season Six...as long as it agrees with *my* opinion. Otherwise, shut up and don't watch the show. It's exactly as good as it was in the first three seasons. I don't know what you're talking about, but if you don't like every single episode, you must be pining for Daniel Jackson so I totally dismiss your comments and make derogatory references to you. But you have a right to your opinion. As long as it's mine."

Remind us of anyone?

:lol: LOL! Got a real rush on now? Nice one, Leah :D

Best wishes,
Hatshepsut :wave:
Re: ROTFL!!!

Originally posted by Bizarro7
Remind us of anyone?
Could you mean this man, Leah?
ratings for this ep are up at scifiwire

Stargate SG-1(Nightwalkers) 1.7
The Shadow 1.2
Farscape 1.1
Nick Fury 1.0
Dead Zone 1.0
Back to Future III 0.9
Beyond Belief 0.9
Nostradamus 0.9
John Edward 'Thon 0.8
When Time Expires 0.8

Source: Nielsen Galaxy Report, 7/8/02 - 7/14/02
