Mutant X Quiz Game

Shalimar's a feline feral, Emma's an empathetic psionic, Brennan's an electric elemental, and Jesse can alter the density of his body. (though I can never understand how he can change the density of his clothing, too. hmmm.....) :rain:
You call Jesse a freak Lonewolf89 :lol:
By the way what is the name of what Jesse do, my explanation will be the way Curupira put it. But what is the name of the power. :rolleyes:

Krystal :blpaw:
Jesse's a molecular mutant, and it's pretty common for a molecular to have a couple powers. The Genomex website had these classifications that I think fit Jesse pretty well:

Itangibility: Able to move through solids
Imperviousness: Withstands physical penetration
Thanx, for the info. I can't even write that words. :lol:

Krystal :p
lol You're very welcome! :rain: I spend a vast amount of time collecting this information. Am I obsessed? Maybe, or maybe I just have way too much time on my hands. Where the heck is Darkcity? ;)
sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!! had to work!!!!!!!!

Curupria gets the point!!!!

Lonewolf.......:eek: you called Jesse a freak!!!!

Curpupria, I myself have wondered how he makes his clothing dense or phase out....I guess it would save on replacing his clothing from all the bullet holes and to keep him from running around naked when he phases out.

Next question.....Eppy 4 Fool For Love....

What did Dr. Richard Saunders invent?
I don't know, maybe Lonewolf should have gotten a point for that answer (calling poor Jesse a freak lol). In the episode "Dark Star Rising", Brennan was informing Angel about the different types of mutants. He said that there were elementals, psionics, ferals, and freaks: mutants whose powers didn't fit into the other three categories. Maybe I heard wrong, or I'm only hearing what I want to hear :rain: Just a thought :D
Poor Jessie, I imagine he won't like a bit be included in the group of freaks. :lol:

Krystal :p
He's a nice boy. I'm sure he wouldn't take everything we say literally ;)
Originally posted by Curupira
I don't know, maybe Lonewolf should have gotten a point for that answer (calling poor Jesse a freak lol). In the episode "Dark Star Rising", Brennan was informing Angel about the different types of mutants. He said that there were elementals, psionics, ferals, and freaks: mutants whose powers didn't fit into the other three categories. Maybe I heard wrong, or I'm only hearing what I want to hear :rain: Just a thought :D

I remeber this, I would have given him a 1/2 point, but he put a (?) I took that as he did not now!!!

Lonewolf gets a point, whoo hoo:cool:
Points so far....

Krystal 2
Curupira 4
Lonewolf 2 1/2

Same Eppy...Fool for Love

How did Adam and Richard save Shalamar?
They use Richard's bone marrow to creating a protein antigen to neutralize the serum?
Originally posted by Lonewolf89
I don't know enough about the episodes to pass the quiz. :)

yeah right!!!:D and Lonewolf gets the point!!!!!

next question....

What is the name of the aircraft flown by Mutant X?

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