Spike's Finale Teaser Speculation


The Big Bad.
May 30, 2001
OK, this is where we get to discuss and debate on what happened/will happen with Spike getting his 'soul' back.

MODERATOR'S NOTE: This thread has been moved from it's first home at Season Six to the new Season Seven forum.
well, don't wanna sound like a broken record - but I think it would be really interesting for Spike to return to Sunnydale as 1880's William --

however, somehow, I don't see them doing that - <shrug>

if I think of something else, I'll come back ---
I don't even think that's possible to do, unless the PTB did it of course. No, I think there will be a lot of experimentation being done by spike.
ooh, I have so many questions on this topic

1. Spike has his soul back - does he feel incredible remorse for what he has done and feel some need to repent for his previous sins (far too Angel for it to be a possiblility)? Or might his remorse turn him completely mad, having to deal with the guilt might send him over the edge?

2. Even if he does have his soul back, doesn't nessecarily mean that he's going to be a good person. His soul will act as a conscience, but doesn't mean he's nessecarily going to listen to it. And if this season of Buffy has taught us anything, it's that having a soul doesn't stop you from committing wrong.

3. Could the whole thing be a scam - I mean the demon might not have given him a soul at all and just be waiting to see how he's going to react, thinking that he has a soul?

4. Like Highlander said, the soul might not be a human one or the way that we understand it. Might mean he is re-demonised after all.

5. What's happening with the chip?

6. Will he retreat to being William or stay Spike?

7. Did he even ask for the soul in the first place?

8. What's going to happen when Buffy finds out?

I dunno - too many questions and far too long to wait to find out the answers.

1) If you remember both of those possibilties happened to Angel really.

2) I think the significance of Spike getting his soul back means he will not kill anymore, otherwise he just would have had the chip removed.

3) No i think that look of total pain on his face shows that it wasnt a scam, and I don't think Joss would do that to us.

4) We haven't come across another type of soul in either BTVS or Angel yet...

5) This I don't know at all. I'd like to hear anyone else's opinion on this subject.

6) Through the evidence a soul doesn't turn them human again, neither does it make them lose any memory.

7) Yes I think he did - he wanted to give 'the slayer what she deserves' - someone who can love her properly.

8) Once again I have no idea...that all depends on what Spike is like with a soul.
7) Yes I think he did - he wanted to give 'the slayer what she deserves' - someone who can love her properly.

Where does this come from? I'm just curious, b/c Spike never said this --

I'm not saying this isn't the case, just wondering where the idea came from ------
Well, he did say he wanted to give her what she deserves, didn't he?

Either that or I am having the same hallucination as a few other people ;) . It seems that imagining 'what she deserves' as being a bit of happiness and a man that isn't too hard to love could well fit into this category.

Although considering that Spike has already fallen victim to his own vague wording once already, I can't see this phrase being interpreted that way.
yeah - now, while it might be nice for Buffy to have a happy ending - things generally don't turn out that way --

does this mean that Buffy finding someone to love won't happen? no -

Spike's wording 'Give her what she deserves' is terribly vague - and can be interpreted in a number of ways - based on who is doing the interpreting --- if it's a 'good' guy - she might get someone to love, but if it's a 'bad' guy - she could get something else ----
I do like your idea of an 1880s William. That would be funny, but I don't know for how long - it could get pretty old pretty quick. Also, I can't really see how it could happen - unless all Spike's memories since being turned were erased.

As for the points about having a soul back and what it's effect might be on Spike - does anyone remember Darla? Not only did she get her soul back, but she was human. Maybe she didn't get used to having her soul back before she was turned into a vamp again, but she never appeared to be too torn up by having a soul.
Chipless Spike was pretty nasty - and he was able to overcome the effects of the chip for a while in season five.

I hope they don't take Spike too close to the Angel storyline in terms of the Vamp-with-a-soul (if of course, that's what's going to happen in the first place). I do have faith in Joss and the other writers to bring us something interesting.
Darla was brought back as human - she wasn't turned into a human - she had been a vampire and she was killed - the only way to bring her back was as human -- (tho I'm still not really sure how they did that) --

now - my question is - was she then inhabited by the same demon when she was turned by Dru? b/c, the way I see it, Darla was human, was turned by the Master and inhabited by DemonVamp#1, DV#1 was dusted by Angel, so when W&H brough Darla back as human, and she was turned by Dru, then DV#2 would take over and she wouldn't be the same, but apparently that's not the case - the 'demon' returns - apparently the same one - and the vamp we all know and love is back --- <shrug>

Whether or not she was bothered by her soul, I don't know--

And about remembering -- when Angelus' soul was restored - Angel didn't remember anything (or much) of what he had done as Angelus - (IIRC - and I may not be) -- so, returning William's soul might result in similar circumstances --

Guess anything could happen ---
Originally posted by Highlander II

And about remembering -- when Angelus' soul was restored - Angel didn't remember anything (or much) of what he had done as Angelus - (IIRC - and I may not be) -- so, returning William's soul might result in similar circumstances --

Guess anything could happen ---

The whole Darla business was very confusing - especially from the point of view of the 'demon' that inhabits the human after they are turned... It doesn't seem to match with what we have been told already.

About Angel's memory - surely it was complete? That's why he is so broody and stuff - guilt and that. Or do you mean when he was turned into Angelus in Buffy season two?
Still, as far as Spike is concerned, gaining a soul would be like when Angel got his soul back a hundred years ago - all his memories would still be there, right?
I can't wait to find out what happens with spike :D
I hope he does go like Angel though!
Originally posted by Tabitha

The whole Darla business was very confusing - especially from the point of view of the 'demon' that inhabits the human after they are turned... It doesn't seem to match with what we have been told already.

About Angel's memory - surely it was complete? That's why he is so broody and stuff - guilt and that. Or do you mean when he was turned into Angelus in Buffy season two?
Still, as far as Spike is concerned, gaining a soul would be like when Angel got his soul back a hundred years ago - all his memories would still be there, right?

Yes - the Darla thing didn't match canon -

b/c they say that when the demon takes over, the human isn't really in control anymore - it's a demon in a human body - kind of like a Spike demon wearing a William suit - (but altering the appearance as he chooses ;))--- anyway -

I'm still wondering how the same demon would take over if the 1st one was killed - b/c when Darla was turned she acted like the Darla from S1 Buffy - how can that be if it's a different demon? unless the explanation around this is b/c Dru turned her and Darla and Dru were of the same 'line' that a 'similar' demon would inhabit Darla --

the line thing - The Master turned Darla, Darla turned Liam (Angelus), Angelus turned Dru, Dru turned William (Spike) ---

So - they're all of the same 'family' - so the vampire 'bloodline' keeps Darla in a similar humor to the one she held before she was dusted? (only explanation I can think of to 'work around' the demon thing) --

And Angel - when he was given his soul back in 1880-ish (forgot the exact year) - he remembered everything... but, yeah - I was referring to S3 Buffy when he was dropped out of hell - he didn't seem to remember - or maybe it was S2 Buffy that moment right when he got his soul back, he didn't seem to remember what had happened - b/c he gave Buffy this look of 'what's going on' - b/c he didn't seem to know --- like his soul was 'missing' pieces of his life and the dots needed to be connected for him to remember - (he might have regained his memory by the time he returned in S3) ----
The demon only gives them all the physical add-ons, and makes them viscious, the memories and character are carried over from the person.

Willow: (appalled) It's horrible! That's me as a vampire? (Angel closes the door) I'm so evil and... skanky. (aside to Buffy, worried) And I think I'm kinda gay.

Buffy: (reassuringly) Willow, just remember, a vampire's personality has nothing to do with the person it was.

Angel: (without thinking) Well, actually... (gets a look from Buffy)
That's a good point.
Angel seems to have been three different people tho' - Liam, drunk, womaniser and rebellious son, Angelus, evil, souless vamp, and Angel, repentant, tortured and caring, so if this is anything to go by, it looks like Spike will have a few changes ahead of him. On the question of what he wanted, yeah, he said that he wanted to give Buffy what she deserved, but from his manner, it didn't sound as though he had love in mind. Could have just been a ploy on behalf of the writers to distract us from what was really going on, or could have meant something more sinister. The way I see it, they have to do something pretty different from what happened Angel to keep the whole thing fresh so for B + S to be all lovey-dovey after he gets the soul is just so tired. There has to be more to it.
gotta say that if Spike comes back and is all like Angel was - I'm gonna give up -- redundant storylines kill a show --

I'm hoping that Joss and Co give us a big surprise when Spike makes it back to Sunnydale -- ie: not only does Spike not really get what he wanted, but he gets something that none of us ever thought he would get ---
I second that H2. I hope there is little or no allusion to Angel's unique situation or Buffy's relationship with him in the continuance of Spike's story.

One other thing though - I really hope Spike changes his hairstyle! I know some people love his look, but I am pretty sick of it myself.
I love Spike's hair, however...

I think it's time for Spike to get a new look. He's been sporting the bleached head since, at least, the 1970's - it's getting on about time to come up with something new. I know they initially wanted a 'blond' to counter Angel's 'brown', but Angel's on his own show now, and Spike doesn't have him to contend with. Everyone else has done a style change - except Dawn - so, think it's Spike's turn. Now, while I love the whole 'big bad' look he's got going on, it gets a little tired. Does he NOT have any other clothes at all? My feeling on the hair? it can stay blond - just take the gel out ---

okay - that doesn't really have much to do w/ Spike's 'reward' - but - maybe everything will change ---- we'll have to wait, I guess...
His hair is excellent, leave it the way it is (unless of course he had a mohawk....). AS for the clothes, he does vary sometimes, but he never grows out of them, so...
He might not grow out of them, but surely they would wear out...

Oh, I just think he should be ready for a bit of a change. Maybe he is not as 'fashion-conscious' as normal people, what with his very long life and everything, but he has been wearing the same style clothes at least since the 70s. I think he should try something different. Maybe pull some choice item of clothing off another slayer? Can you imagine him in one of Buffy's frilly tops?
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