Spike's Finale Teaser Speculation

And what's wrong with his style? I wear those kind of clothes. As for Buffy's frilly tops.....you think he's gonna be a transvestite now he has his soul back then?
Nah was only kidding - it was just the way my train of thought went.

I do actually like his style too. It is just odd that they have never given him any variation in his look. I prefered the way his hair was in the 70s flashback to the way it looks now. It was pretty similar, just a bit cooler.
[Vampyre: As for Buffy's frilly tops.....you think he's gonna be a transvestite now he has his soul back then?]

No, but if he's going to be joining the Un-Dead Poets Society he might change back to a look more familiar to his era. How about ruffle shirts or as Seinfeld called them, "pirate shirts"? Very manly.

I think if his poet side resurfaced next season then he would definitely be in for a change of look.
This recent turn of this thread is making me think of the Anne Rice vampires, and how they would always dress in a manner inspired by the period and place they were 'turned'. Doesn't really hold true for Whedon's vamps, though, does it? They all have their own distinct style that has generally stayed constant.
Apart from Darla maybe.
well - sort of -- if you remember back to the first season - Buffy picks out a few vamps based on their clothing choices --

the 'big' vamps are the ones w/ new clothing styles - Angel, Spike, Dru (sort of - depends on her mood), and Darla (she didn't keep those frilly things from the 1880's) -- Even the Master was a little 'up to date' - leather and all ---

And, I don't think I said there was anything particularly 'wrong' with Spike's clothing style - but the black-on-black look is a bit tired - he needs to add some color --- and I don't mean get another red tuxedo shirt! tho - he has, lately, added some black silk w/ inlaid designs -- just not so much -- and they're still black! Don't get me wrong, I love black, I just think Spike should try something new --

Then again - I'm kinda hoping for William the poet to return - mostly b/c it'll irritate the heck out of Buffy ----
Originally posted by Highlander II
Then again - I'm kinda hoping for William the poet to return - mostly b/c it'll irritate the heck out of Buffy ----
That's a good enough reason for me, just so long as they don't turn him into a comic relief character...
I thought he kind of already was? not so much as Xander, but comic relief none-the-less ---

They don't let him do anything else -

I actually came up with an idea for the season -->

Spike comes back from Africa, and he's 'William' (or some form of William), and he's nice and sweet and shy and such, and Buffy feels the need to 'take care' of him. However, about 1/2-way through the season, something happens and the chip no longer works and Spike has a 'change of heart' and turns into the BIG BAD! of the season.

Of course, the rest of my idea has Spike and Buffy facing off and Spike wins - however, Dawn's terribly annoyed and vows to hunt Spike down and avenge her sister's death.

Don't see that happening, but it would make for one exciting storyline if done right!
Well, the next step after that is a show about Spike - not Dawn - and how he avoids getting dusted and such -- of course, that would be the first ep - Spike avoiding Dawn the 1st time -- after that - there'd have to be other things for him to do - or the show would get really boring --

But a show about a 'bad' guy would be excellent! TV is boring if the good guys always win ---
I honestly can't imagine any scenario where I could deal with Dawn as the main character. I think it might just be the actress.

Spike's own show - yeah baby yeah!

Well, I'd watch it anyway!
I'll second that!

Just on the clothing topic, do you remember when they did the show where Angel got the hotel? The majority of it was flashbacks to the 20s or 30s when he originally stayed in the hotel. And he looked exactly the same! At least Spike has altered slightly in 30 years. Angel has had the same haircut and clothes for about 70 years!
Got to argue with you on that one Vampette. The episode you are talking about is set in the 1950s, and while they didn't give Angel a complete makeover he does dress in a convincingly 50s-ish style. He has his air all slicked over with serious amounts of gel too. Although as I remember, his signature white vest does makes an appearance.
I will concede that he still doesn't manage to look a whole lot different from his present day style.

Speaking of the "signature white vest" - when Angel first appeared on Buffy, he was supposed to have a "James Dean" kind of look - I think I heard that in an interview on one of the Region 2 dvds. So actually, him still having a little bit of a 50s thing going on makes sense.

Getting back to Spike - do you think he will still want to be called Spike? Angel sort-of ditched the Angelus moniker at some point after he got his soul back, maybe Spike will want people to call him William, or come up with something new.
Yeah, that episode I was talking about was on the other night, so I realised it was from the 50s, but I still don't think he looks any different from the present day.
...getting back on topic

I was reading over the aintitcool summary of the Buffy cast's chat and came across this addition to the original article. Sorry, don't have the actual link handy, but I can hunt it out if you really want it.
One Thing I Forgot
Hi. I'm the one who wrote the article. One thing I forgot to mention - the moderator asked Joss about the ending of Season Six, with Spike. She said, "I thought Spike wanted the chip taken out," and Joss said, "No - that's what you were misled to believe. It's called a plot twist." And then either Joss or Nicholas joked about Joss getting a royalty whenever anyone else used a plot twist. But the point Joss seemed to be making, unless I misunderstood, was that Spike did go to Africa with the intention of getting his soul back. Which surprised me. I didn't think Spike was acting like someone who wanted his soul back.
Interesting perspective! Bit too much of a twist for my liking, though.

And yet another reply to the same message:
*** Joss on Spike in season 7: 'Spike will not become Angel. Angel is Angel. That's been done. Spike will become... something that he's never been before and something that James has never played before. ***
well - I'm still skeptical - but I like Joss's last comment there -- I love it when we get 'something different'!


I'll be back w/ more comments later - it's time to watch the show! (yeah, it's a repeat, but that's okay - just wish it was "Life Serial" instead of "All the Way" - stupid UPN)
It's good to hear that Spike isn't going to become Angel mark II - I just hope they keep the essence of his character and he doesn't become nauseatingly good all of a sudden. Even when he was a pseudo-scoobie, you could always tell he was looking at the bad guys going 'that looks like fun'. Hope they always keep that element.
exactly - we don't need another Angel -

hmmmm - Spike with a soul - he could be quite 'devious' still - having a soul does not make one 'good' ------ necessarily ----
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