Shippers: it's time to vote!

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Frelling Wicked
Oct 8, 2000
As I have said before, I'm (probably) one of the few fans who likes the way the shipper issue has been written over the last five seasons. It is not a primary arc in the show, it's only written in every now and then, and it's (much) less "in your face" than some of the fan fic that can be read across the net.

Sooooooooooooooo . . . isn't it time for a little shippiness right about now?
Hee hee.......that post was me.....but no doubt I will be overtaken by everyone else's vote.

Personally I think that Jack is emotionally inept and has probably forgotten where it is and what he's supposed to do with it.

Sam's legs are locked together tighter than Fort Knox and she is singularly one of the most unsexy women I have ever seen in my life. I simply cannot imagine this woman in a passionate clinch with anybody.

The only way she'll get the trousers off any guy (including Jack) is by boring them off him!

I think Sam and McKay deserve each other, two rather tedious people who use sarcasm as wit instead of genuine humour.

;) :evil: :evil: :evil:

Now if THAT doesn't get your poll going....NOTHING will Texane!

Aren't I naughty?

:evil: :naughty: :naughty:
Chain of Command

I'm with you all the way Anni.

The Chain of Command protocol is there for very good reasons. For one thing, it's very divisive - it seemed to drive a wedge between RDA/AT and MS/CJ as well as between S.G.-1 :mad: Not so much taking a new direction as leaving the tracks...

O'Neill and Carter are mature adults and they're both too smart to jeopardize their careers for a 'relationship' which, while it might be a forever thing, might also end in disaster in a few months. Soooo, they would each squash any feelings of attraction before they took root - couldn't afford to do otherwise.

Sorry Texane :(

As regards O'Neill feeling more for Carter than he should, the 'L' word was never mentioned. I think he could probably say the same about any of his team members.

They are in the unique position of facing unknown and unpredictable dangers off-world that make threat-assessment more than ordinarily difficult, and it's not unreasonable to infer that this would make rely on each other even more than they would here, especially when they've been together for 5 years. It would be kind of a family thing, so any 'shippiness' would seem sort of incestuous.

Just my 2p. Again, apologies Texane :(

Best wishes,
Hatshepsut :wave:
Anni wrote:

I think Sam and McKay deserve each other, two rather tedious people who use sarcasm as wit instead of genuine humour.

So I'm not the only one who has seen the light! Obviously, they're perfect for each other in so many ways, and now it's canon.

Besides, I've really enjoyed reading the S/J shipper reaction on this and other boards. <Evil Cackle>

S&M 4eveh!
Arc Angel, by S/J do you mean Sam/Jonas? That would work for me.
Kiss of Death...?

So you're out for Jack's blood, hey, Arc_Angel? Clearly if Sam develops a relationship with Jack, then -

JACK MUST DIE... :eek: :D :lol:

Of course Sam and Jonas? Wouldn't have a problem with that! :evil: :evil: :evil:

Best wishes,
Hatshepsut :wave:
poor tex....we can't be the only sam/jack not jonas shippers out there can we? maybe the just haven't found this thread...

sam/mckay ewwwww.... i think she'd rather DIE!:evil:
i think jack is very fond of fond? I dunno. I have this funny image of her throwing herself at him and scaring him to pieces <G>

as for sam...we really don't know what she feels. It's never been said. i think she does know that he feels something for her.

In the series finale will we get a knock down drag out clinch with them playing tonsil hockey??? nah. IMHO all shippers are gonna get is him retiring and her asking if his fishing invite is still open. nothing more.

the main reason? then when/if there is a movie they can either deal with the relationship or totally ignore it. if they end the show on an obvious shipper rich moment, then they gotta deal with it.
Originally posted by Anni
Now if THAT doesn't get your poll going....NOTHING will Texane!

Aren't I naughty?

:evil: :naughty: :naughty:
aren't you just? :upto:

Y'all really are a bunch of sticks in the mud at heart. No one is expecting anything more than a 10 second clip of S&J fishing (without Teal'c, of course). Dare I say it again? It's just a television show, kids! (complete with crossdressers, little gray men, and tacky hand jewelry). :naughty: (now Anni's got me going . . . )
I don't want to see it made into a big focus of the show...I think that at this point it would be kinda out of place anyway...but I do think they shoudl adress it within an ep, and they can do this in a very easy way. As I understand it, Daniel is slated to return for at least one ep this season, so all it would take is 15 seconds of him talking to Jack, an making a comment or asking a question regarding Sam, and having Jack say something to the regard of "she's like family to me" or "we're closer than any of that", and that would be enough to cap it all off.
Originally posted by spider
I don't want to see it made into a big focus of the show...I think that at this point it would be kinda out of place anyway...but I do think they shoudl adress it within an ep, and they can do this in a very easy way.

I personally would love to see "shipper" elements more during the show. It's the sixth and final season and I believe that Sam and Jack deserve each other. They both have had a hard time in relationships, Jack's marriage ended in divorce and every eligable bachlor who has hitted on Sam has died, like Martoof. It would be a great way for the show to end, with them together. (if this can't happen do the all the regulations and stuff, then I truley hope they express their true feelings for each other)
Like others have commented I think it might be bad for the continuance of SG1 in the movie side of things for the writers to put the shippy stuff in. All it would do would be to satisfy those romantics among you who can't watch or get interested in a TV show unless there are romantic scenes in it. I honestly don't think that either the producer's, actor's or writer's focus is actually on the notion of a romance between Jack and Sam.

Remember that if they make the movie with the current SG1 cast, they would be shooting themselves in the foot continuity wise to have a romantic ending to the present series for Jack and Sam. If they do make a spin off, then perhaps they could allude to it then, because it's been made clear that if the spin off happened it wouldn't be centred around SG1. For me that would be a bonus, because I personally feel that everyone has become so hysterical over these four characters, that the actual real focus of the show.....the stargate itself, the mystery of races like the Ancients and even the Goa'uld themselves has been lost in the mists of antiquity.

It has, in fact, truly been turned into a space soap opera in which the lives and loves and even deaths of the characters have come so far forward that this is all anyone seems to be able to see.

Jack and Sam would suck as a couple. She would bore him stiff within hours (which could be an advantage at the beginning ;)) and he would drive her nuts with his obtuse attitude. It wouldn't be a match made in heaven and they would be separated or divorced within a few months.

I think the fact that they have limited the shippy moments since Season 4 is a damn good thing.

Let's keep it that way.

Anni, as usual you make a lot of sense.

I've never seen any romantic chemistry between RDA and AT, and the characters seem completely incompatible. Also, I've seen too many TV series implode after getting the two leads together, (e.g. Moonlighting, Northern Exposure).

Sam and Jack divorced. H'm, I feel a fanfic coming on.

Personally, I feel that if TPTB must have a romance, I'd much rather have Sam/Mckay than S/J.
Originally posted by Midnight

I personally would love to see "shipper" elements more during the show. It's the sixth and final season and I believe that Sam and Jack deserve each other. They both have had a hard time in relationships, Jack's marriage ended in divorce and every eligable bachlor who has hitted on Sam has died, like Martoof. It would be a great way for the show to end, with them together. (if this can't happen do the all the regulations and stuff, then I truley hope they express their true feelings for each other)

You also once told me that you wanted the final episode of SG-1 to be Sam and Jack getting married in front of the gate. :p

...personally, I don't think this is something that they can just brush under teh rug. Recall the entire reason that they didn't die, get put to sleep, excetera during the Zatark tests...they came out and said that they had to ignore their feelings for teh sake of their careers.

All we honestly need is for one fo them(preferably would be more powerful coming from him)to make one single coment that shows that they had done this, and that's all it would take. This would literally take under 30 seconds, and then the rest of the season can be 100% based on the main story.

I'm not asking for a hapy, lovey dovey ending to the whole Sam & Jack angle, just an ending. A "sad" one would do just fine.
You also once told me that you wanted the final episode of SG-1 to be Sam and Jack getting married in front of the gate. :p

Well, unfortunatly if the cast of SG-1 is staring in the movie by MGM their relationship won't happen by the end of the season. I still hope the writers do address it in the series though.
Well, I really think that much of the time the series are better without it, and some series don't need it entirely because are good with the stories. But I have to admit that many like to see it from moment to moment. So I think Stargate don't need it but is their going to do it, make it the way it have been till now, not so part of the story mostly an in between. Did that make sense? :lol: :eek: All this coming from someone that who would love to see Martouf at one moment with Sam and love the episode of the lovely allien guy with Sam(forgot his name). So I wouldn't mind some hints of Sam/Jack or Sam/Jonas. ;)

Krystal :rain:
i voted to wait. it was either that or for sam and mackay to do it in jacks face. either would be fine with me, but i think the poor gal needs some action, if you know what i mean

shipper @ heart....
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