K, so i admit to not reading every single reply on this thread, only a lot of page one, but y'all have seen my name, Sam Carter + Jack O'Neill = me, Sammy O'Neill! Wahoo!!!
So yes, i am totally for Sam and Jack gettin' it on, even if not till the very very end for continuity, and maybe for the sanity of the non-Shippers (you bloody no-romo's you).
A fishing invite would be cool, because we'd know what it meant if she accepted. Also, options galore for post-finale fic writers, hehe.
Until then, Shippy scenes rule and should continue on forever and ever. Even if you no-romo's or fence-sitters reckon there's nothing between Sam and Jack; in real life there is always lust between people - UST; so Shippy scenes can be scenes of Love, for S/J'ers, and Lust (even if thought to be misguided or wrong) by non S/J'ers/No-Romo's.