Shippers: it's time to vote!

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Ignoring continuity is not the way to write a good series. Weather we personally like it or not, the "shippiness" is a part of the SG-1 longterm storyline, and has had segemnts of eps that are all about it. If the writers want to get past it and end it, then fine, more power to them. But for god's sake, don't just pretend it never happened. If we start ignoring things that happeded in the series, where do we draw the line? "Earth was attacked by two ships? Nah"? "Apofis...who?"?

These are two people who have/had feelings for eachother, and had to deal with it almost interfearing with their careers. These two continue to work together. I will be sorely disapointed in the writers if they don't have the sight to adress this in even a single line.
Shippiness - is really part of the canon?

I thought they did address that at the end of 'Divide and Conquer' when they agreed to leave any such implications in the room. To do otherwise would have meant that one of them would have had to leave and clearly neither of them does want to do that or they've have taken up the option then.

I didn't see 'Divide and Conquer' as being particularly 'shippy' anyway. All O'Neill said was that he cared about Carter more than he should. The 'L' word was never mentioned.

Under the unique circumstances in which S.G.-1 operates, it is not unreasonable to imagine that the team as a whole would be closer together emotionally than the average. That being the case, O'Neill could well say that about any member of his team.

Also, one can be fond of another person without wanting that sort of relationship with him or her. The Greeks had four different words for love, only one being the erotic love required for 'shippiness'.

I'm more than happy for them to keep any such feelings to themselves - as they must - because romance in a programme like 'Stargate S.G.-1' is inappropriate, slows down the action and drives a wedge between the 'shippy' pair and the rest of the team, hence the need for the Chain of Command protocol in the first place.

I think Anni and Rowan would back me up here if they're around?

Best wishes,
Re: Shippiness - is really part of the canon?

Originally posted by Hatshepsut
I'm more than happy for them to keep any such feelings to themselves - as they must - because romance in a programme like 'Stargate S.G.-1' is inappropriate, slows down the action and drives a wedge between the 'shippy' pair and the rest of the team, hence the need for the Chain of Command protocol in the first place.

Focusing purely on the action/adventure aspect would make for a dull show. The best Scifi shows are those that deal with the full scope of the characters, as well as with the plot.
Originally posted by spider
I don't want to see it made into a big focus of the show...I think that at this point it would be kinda out of place anyway...but I do think they shoudl adress it within an ep, and they can do this in a very easy way. As I understand it, Daniel is slated to return for at least one ep this season, so all it would take is 15 seconds of him talking to Jack, an making a comment or asking a question regarding Sam, and having Jack say something to the regard of "she's like family to me" or "we're closer than any of that", and that would be enough to cap it all off.
interesting premise, Spider. I like it! :rolly2:
Re: Re: Shippiness - is really part of the canon?

Originally posted by spider
Focusing purely on the action/adventure aspect would make for a dull show. The best Scifi shows are those that deal with the full scope of the characters, as well as with the plot.

Now, I didn't say the focus should be *purely* on the action/adventure aspect of the programme. In fact I'm right with you in deprecating too much shoot-'em-up stuff.

What I said was that romance in a programme like 'Stargate S.G.-1' is inappropriate, slows down the action and drives a wedge between the 'shippy' pair and the rest of the team, hence the need for the Chain of Command protocol in the first place.

The action I was referring to was anything that drives the plot forward, like investigating what's going on, or interesting interludes like S.G-1's *team* visit to O'Malley's in 'Upgrades'. O.K., there was a little violence in that, but it was humorously implied rather than in your face :)

Bring in romance and the plot hits the buffers :( *And* - between team members, it's both inappropriate and divisive.

Sorry, but I hope my meaning is a little clearer now :)

Best wishes,
Hatshepsut :wave:
Re: Re: Re: Shippiness - is really part of the canon?

Originally posted by Hatshepsut

Now, I didn't say the focus should be *purely* on the action/adventure aspect of the programme. In fact I'm right with you in deprecating too much shoot-'em-up stuff.

What I said was that romance in a programme like 'Stargate S.G.-1' is inappropriate, slows down the action and drives a wedge between the 'shippy' pair and the rest of the team, hence the need for the Chain of Command protocol in the first place.

The action I was referring to was anything that drives the plot forward, like investigating what's going on, or interesting interludes like S.G-1's *team* visit to O'Malley's in 'Upgrades'. O.K., there was a little violence in that, but it was humorously implied rather than in your face :)

Bring in romance and the plot hits the buffers :( *And* - between team members, it's both inappropriate and divisive.

Sorry, but I hope my meaning is a little clearer now :)

Best wishes,
Hatshepsut :wave:

I get what you're saying now. In truth, the Sam/Jack thing could have been delt with in a much better way. There should have been at elast one or two instances where one of them is talking to a close friend and the subject of the other comes up...J/S should have had at least some semblence of a private conversation regarding the matter...maybe even see their feelings cause them to batch a mission(nothing fatal for anyone though)...from there, J/S could have one more private talk where they agree that the SG program is too important to be botched by personal relationships, and openly agree to just dismiss their feelings for eachother as best they can.

If the series were going to continue for another year or so, I'd say they should still try to do this...but with just one season left, I say forget this idea. Now is a time when doing all that honestly WOULD detract from the rest of the show. However it still needs to be adressed, even if it's just one line.
someone please give spider Brad Wright's email address, who clearly wants to write for the show! :D
I'm all for shippy moments if they want to give them to me, however, I'm content knowing that one day, perhaps when they are old & grey they WILL be together, heck 2 alternate realities say so.
I'm still waiting for the mother ship.

I love reading Jack/Sam fanfic. I love romance and angst.

But I'm not that interested in seeing it in the show. Too many years in the military I suppose. Those protocols are there for a reason. When spouse and I were in the military we were strongly discouraged from serving in the same section. For good reason. Emotion can get in the way of common sense far faster than you can imagine. And dealing with someone 24/7 over the same things have killed many a relationship.

The direction of their lives prevent Jack & Sam from having a relationship. But that special closeness will keep them sane against the pressure.

But the fanfic is a wonderful "what if".

On the bright side the writers haven't insulted us with the alien babe/hunk of the week too often.

I'd actually kinda like to have seen them try to build a relationship only to have it crumble and cause would be an interesting sub plot, and it owuldn't end in the lovey-dovey happy ending that "non shippers" hate.
Originally posted by Gemsong
I'm still waiting for the mother ship.

On the bright side the writers haven't insulted us with the alien babe/hunk of the week too often. :cool:
. . . you must have missed the epys with Freya/Anise. :laugh2:
I don't count Leather Barbie cause nobody was willing (if you know what I mean:) )
Re: Shippiness - is really part of the canon?

Originally posted by Hatshepsut
I'm more than happy for them to keep any such feelings to themselves - as they must - because romance in a programme like 'Stargate S.G.-1' is inappropriate, slows down the action and drives a wedge between the 'shippy' pair and the rest of the team, hence the need for the Chain of Command protocol in the first place.--

Most story lines have a need to return to some sort of equilibrium when the hour is up -- the damaged ship is repaired, the injured team members are healing nicely, we'll have the computer up and running in no time, etc. Once the writers start tinkering with the basic connections between main characters that return to normality becomes ever more difficult.

It is ok to dabble with a Jack/Sam relationship in an alternate reality or to have them express feelings that both know can never be acted upon. U.S. military regulations forbid fraternization between co-workers for very good reasons. Even a relationship between Sam and a civilian on her team -- such as Daniel, Jonas, or T'ealc -- would be cause for a transfer to another team. Esprit de corps is a benefit to the team. A romantic entanglement is not because it renders a team member unable to act if it means placing a loved one in harm's way.

So we can fantasize all we want about shippy possibilities, but in the end anything along those lines would lack credibility and be ultimately detrimental to the series. For the SG1 team, love life should be limited to secondary characters -- hmmm, maybe that leaves Sam with McKay, after all . . . :D
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!:eek: no no no no no, zat him zat him, gimmie a staff weapon!
Originally posted by skoon
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!:eek: no no no no no, zat him zat him, gimmie a staff weapon!

Then maybe not McKay :D

Hmmm, who does that leave? Nareem?
EXCUSE ME!!! EVERYONE KNOWS NARIM IS MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE!!!:angryfire :angryfire :angryfire :angryfire :angryfire
Hey, maybe we've been going about this all the wrong way, seeing as how so many of the menfolk have been either dismissed or claimed by us.

Maybe we should consider Sam and Janet . . . :D

Don't go there girl....... just don't go there! You're wandering into the realm of the unspoken, at least outside of slash stories!

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Sam has to be carried off by some stonkin' great, stupendously handsome as yet unknown System Lord, who will fulfill ALL of her desires (whether she wants them fulfilled or not! :evil:

She can fall hopelessly in lust and forever sweep away the 'Balck Widow' reputation she has managed to build for herself.

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
I was just considering all the permutations :)

Your suggestion is admirable and probably the only workable one. Certainly the writers haven't left us with much to work on. I had hopes for Martouf, but it was not to be. I haven't seen the ep with Orlin, but it seems that relationship doesn't work out. Daniel has ascended, Jack is constrained by past problems and current military regulations, and T'ealc is -- well, T'ealc.

And no one likes McKay. :D
or Jonas...well there are a few strange ones among you out there that do but the majority of us are reaching for our zats & staff weapons.
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