Invader Zim

Gaz was cool,I'll admit that.but DIB RULES ALL!!!MWHAHAHAHA! the end episode which is a movie but they never showed damn jerks I'll feed them to the wall!
There is!its a TV movie.It never got aired because well...THE JERKS TOOK INVADER ZIM AWAY!*cough* looks really kool...with lots of Dibby goodness in it*droolz*dibby goodness is my life blood.*looks around at everyones weirded out faces*errr....ignore that.
im guessing then that u have to buy the tape? does dib finally prove anyting or does zim finally conqouer earth?:rolly2:
Dib becomes an Invader for the Mekrob.I dont even know if they drew it up...I just know it was planned as the last episode.
I wish it could be seen too.Damn and my friends are despreatly trying to convince YTV to but the rights to it...right now they arent listening to us...but they wouldnt listen to us about yu-gi-oh either and like 2 months after we gave up *boom* it was on YTV
lol then why dont u do a test stop trying to convince them for a month or two if nothing happnes then get back at them:rolly2:
