Making Stargate a Reality


Aug 6, 2002
(Warning: After finally completing this message, it takes over an hour to read and digest it.)

After finding this board, I immediately went to this section and read all of its messages. Yes, at the time there were 2141 messages, and it took 2.5 halfdays to get through them all. Much of that time, though, was spent loading the long, heavily-formatted tables. About three people maintained the threads, and it was interesting seeing their ideas revise as the months passed. I read all the messages for two reasons: Having my attention diverted and finely divided doesn't always let me follow the series closely enough, so there were gaps and voids in my understanding of its technology, and it was to avoid repeating an old topic. After finishing that, and looking at all the FAQs and lexicons and databases, I've managed to cull enough insights to brainstorm and relate what was not covered in those 2141 messages and several external sources. There are enough explanations to base a future technical manual on, and they'd be canon. They are meant to supplement the FAQs, databases, and even the Writer's Bible, not to contradict them. We'll see if they parallel the line of thinking in that Writer's Bible. Does anyone know if the writers, cast, or crew monitor this board?

Get more people to this thread; see if they have any problems or suggestions. Btw, I have not read or consulted The Physics of Star Trek or any similar source, so all of the below is pure, original thought. If the ideas share a resemblance to such a source, share the notes.

Making Stargate a Reality
9–13 Aug 2002

Stargate and SG-1 are very special in that their content, though fictional, is more real than any other show because it uses scientific and theoretical principles to bridge into the unknown. And they occur in the present, which is awesome for the fans who can identify with current concepts. When the original Star Trek came out, at first it was found to be too intellectual in its time as compared to other sci-fi series. The pilot was rejected and the first seasons never gained a large following. The same thing happened with Stargate, and I think the writers intended this series to be the next step in technical thought and creativity. It's unfortunate that these series, like artists, are not famous or admired enough until they're dead, and a movie or some other popularised work is made about them. This is why a circus such as Star Wars has always been popular, more popular than most Star Treks, when it has little value, and has not even been a series. People who are devoted to Star Wars are interested in science fiction for the fiction, not the science, and as such are hypocrites. The same goes for the original Star Trek, which most people are obsessed with by their frequent pointless invocations of the cast-crew such as Kirk or Scotty, which I never liked and also don't find any value in. The series has become popular and tenacious to this day because of its hypocritical popularisation and glamorization, and because its crew's antics resemble those of Friends. The series has had the shortest run of the four, yet it had the most movies! Like Star Wars, the original Star Trek was nouveau fameux, and the following series and Stargate were much better and valuable and deserving of attention. Yet these shows and their elements are hardly mentioned outside a reference to a show itself, unlike SW and TOS, except for Klingons and the Borg, yet more dumb anthropy. Given some more time SG-1 will expand its fan base. That is, if everyone can understand it.

I. The Wormhole
The problem with most, or even all, of these sci-fi series is that they take common or pop concepts or entities and reuse them without constructing them from first principles. Every wormhole I've seen looks and works just like a regular tunnel: from Stargate to Sliders to DS9 to B5 to Hyperspace. So the opening on both ends is a disc basically. But the reduced illustration of a wormhole already uses discs for openings, as a pair of two punctured and interconnected rubber sheets, in 2-space. But we're in 3-space, so each opening should be a sphere, not a disc. This would eliminate the other-face problem of the Stargate. The event horizon is a spatial inversion and tear the width of the Planck length, or 1.616e-35 m. I realise that the wormhole only has to be wide enough to admit the traveller, and even that Hyperspace shows a diagram of a strip connecting two planes. The wormhole's dimensions only need to include the object's cross-section, which would be an (N-1)-hole in an N-space. A reduced wormhole may even be economically better. But an N-hole in an N-space, this case being 3, would allow the object to enter from any angle. The passage would not be a tunnel though, but the tunnel is only the hypercylinder's cross-section. Because it's a hypercylinder, and the aperature is known, the particle stream should appear to be reflected multiple times at distances of the circumference. When the writers use local concepts to describe supernal concepts instead of using the intersection of supernal and local concepts, the viewers are going to misassume.

From the other side it's clear, which not only means the event horizon is semitransparent, but that the tear as a void maps both ends of space across its body. So if someone tried to pass through on the other side, there are two scenarios. The void would either act as a barrier, preventing someone else on the other side to stick a body part or object through the opening and for you to pass through and materialise around that object (ow), or you would still be able to pass through as long as there wasn't an object on the other side, which would itself act as a barrier. In the second scenario, of course if you rammed something hard or energetic enough through the barrier just might break and you'd have a severed object or body part going through the wormhole without you.

The episodes state that radio waves and later show that gravity can travel both directions in the wormhole, deducing that light can too. You notice that one face of the EH is clear, and the other opaque and illuminated. The latter face is described as looking into the EH. This light is not generated by the EH itself, but is actually streaming through the wormhole from the other side, even illuminating the walls of the room, along with the radio waves and other photons. (There may be matter materialising in front of the EH, though, as Hawking radiation.) One FAQ describes the matter stream as being driven by gravity. Even though Sam described the initial and final velocities as equal, there may be an acceleration and deceleration in between. A particle beam was at least once sent through against the current, impacting against the iris, which means that the current can be overcome if the particles are light or energetic enough to reach the other end, or if they're not disturbed by the stream at all, in the case of the Tollan et al. One could probably fire a weapon through the other end as people are being streamed, killing them immediately.

The wormhole, or at least the current, is one-way probably to make the show more interesting if not thoughtful. Otherwise, once the MALP or someone is sent through, hostile armies could just bypass them and storm the complex. Being one-way poses another problem. Was it explicitly said in "100 Days" that stepping through again would mean death, and that one couldn't just be rematerialised again? Maybe the buffer zone is only on outgoing? If so, that would mean that anyone could just push the team into the incoming wormhole, before it closes or even before they fully step through, to kill them. The iris in the SGC was installed so closely just to avoid a mess...

The vortex, as implied before, was not the EH itself but a disturbance within. Every time it wooshes, it should consume some of the air in the room, making everyone's eardrums pop. But because we never get to see the gateroom's ceiling, there may be enough air to prevent that.

A. Questions
A wormhole itself brings up wacky questions. Yes, a Stargate cannot dial another within the same zone. But if another dialed to the next zone was brought in a ship to this zone, would it disengage? We need them for this setup. Most Stargates are vertical, meaning that stepping through there is no difference as the forces are isotropic. But if they were turned differently, say to different positions in a potential well, they may violate energy conservation. A pair of horizontal gates set one above the other, the lower gate connecting the upper, is an example. Drop an object into the lower gate and it re-emerges right above it. Would it continue falling faster and faster as it looped, becoming a free energy source à la Bearden? I have two solutions. As the object emerges, its momentum space is regauged such that it falls with the same initial velocity at the initial position, which would mean it brakes where your hand was. A better solution is that, because light bosons pass through the gate both ways, the object would float between the gates and wouldn't accelerate at all. The constant velocity is preserved through both aperatures. The gates then would not act as a gravity shield, but a gravity balance. Then there's no perpetual motion in the show, which sucks but is understandable. It might work if the gravity couldn't pass through...

If two vortices were to run into each other, what would happen? ;)

II. Naquada
The following treatise on naquada surely goes beyond what Seaborg ever supposed or discovered as he extended the periodic table and discovered new superheavy elements.

I've seen it spelt this way first, and it looks more official, so I'm using this. But the alternate ending -ah made me wonder if the word, as intended by the writers, was Hebrew or somehow Hebraic. A few sources link Naquada to the Egyptian village Naqada in Arabic, Nagada in English. There weren't any webpages explaining Naqada's etymology though, so could someone help with this research too? -ah, I think, denotes a feminine noun in Hebrew, and being a noun is most appropriate for a material or mineral.

Naquada (Eng.) becomes naquadah (Eng. translit.) becomes nachuwdah (nachodah?) (Eng.-Heb. translit.) becomes N-CH-D-H (Heb. translit.) becomes "nun-heth-daleth-he" (Heb.). Of course the letters in Hebrew are written backward. I searched frantically for any real word that resembled it and, astonishingly, in Strong's Concordance I found one and its declension. And being in the concordance meant that it was an ancient word, not one of many of these recent imitation Hebrew words. I found nachuwshah ("nun-heth-shin-he") n. fem. and nachuwsh adj. which mean copper or bronze, as a metal described by its ringing or hissing sound! Their root is nachash, which means divination, ringing, hissing, or snake. Then I came across a page relating the word and meaning in the Old Testament in that those metals were impure because they made a sound when struck and could corrode, unlike gold which was "noble" and pure. Thus, objects or devices crafted out of copper or bronze were thought as attractors or gateways! (my idea) into the [dark?] spirit world. The webpage was all about serpent worship, and the series is based around serpents! Nachuwshah transliterates into naquacia, naquasha, or naqucia, etc., which looks like the splitting-image variant of naquada! This section may be getting into more than what the writers had conceived or planned... Conspiracy theories may apply.

What is naquada? There are five forms hinted by the episodes: inert naquada, liquid naquada, heavy liquid naquada, weapons grade naquada, and naquadria, probably in order of density. Because of their wildly different properties, naquada may not even be a single element or compound but a common, familiar name of a group of them, like "salt". Naquada is described as a quartzite mineral, so presumably it's refined into weapons grade naquada by taking all the sand out. Naquadria, btw, would be nachuwdriah or "nun-heth-daleth-resh-he".

The Stargate uses the inert naquada, the one that doesn't react to radiation, fire, or concussions. Yet it's dense enough to couple strongly with neutrinos, at least when a voltage is applied from an external source. As a superconductor, the current will circulate in the Stargate indefinitely to open a wormhole once. The solar neutrino flux, from eight reactions, gives about 6.5e10/(cm^2 s). With an average energy each of.6 MeV, or 4.6e9 K, there is 3.9e7 GeV (6.24 mJ) flowing through each square centimetre of everything and everyone every second. Someone who has been to Gatecon and seen the gate should tell us its I/O diameters and depth. Also, someone tell how long it takes to dial the chevrons with a DHD. Both are essential to derive the energy the Stargate builds up before creating the wormhole.

Though it wasn't mentioned on the show, at least that I can find, liquid naquada is assumed to power handheld energy weapons and the DHD as contained in replacable "energy crystals". Because inert naquada can't just be heated and kept at that constant temperature until it becomes molten, liquid naquada must be an entirely different substance. It is still a metal and good conductor which rules out the right part of the periodic table. From observing periodic trends it is possible to find candidates for inert and liquid naquada. Get out your periodic tables.

A dramatic change of state is seen in the transition elements, from Groups 8 through 12 as the second pair of orbital electrons are filled, in Period 6. In each period, the spin down electrons are completing the d-block gradually shifting the elements from ferromagnetism to diamagnetism. As the periods are built, the insertion of repeated lower subshells as well as of the f-block increases the number and magnitude of oxidation states of each element and pronounces the difference in physical properties over another interval of the same groups, and eventually the nuclear charge clenches the outer orbitals more. This is known as the lanthanide contraction. Elements 76 through 80 are distinguished from their lighter family in this way. The hardest but rare metals are found in the first 5d half. The softest but heavy and stable, thus common, metals are found in the last 5d half and first 6p half to the metalloids. Osmium is the hardest known metal at 7.0 mohs, the same as quartz, is stiffer than diamond, and has the lowest vapour pressure in vacuo. Iridium is the second hardest at 6.0 mohs, the densest element, and the most resistant to corrosion. Thus osmium and iridium are much nobler, and more expensive and rare, than gold. In this interval the dramatic change we see is osmium the hardest and very brittle metal, to iridium next hardest and brittle metal, to platinum the semihard and craftable metal, to gold the very soft and very craftable metal, to mercury the liquid and miscible metal.

You were probably taught that gold was the most malleable and soft element, but this is not true. What could be more applicable than a liquid? Mercury is the most malleable and soft element. The problem with textbooks, charts, and other semicommon sources is, like the sci-fi stories, they copy off another including the inaccuracies and errors. Most periodic tables do not explain the periodic trends expressed in each element. Because they're based on STP, only mercury and bromine are listed as liquids of the entire table, misleading the common reader into thinking that chemical properties are for the most part chaotic or unpredictable, and that these two elements are magically exceptional, preventing one from learning the causes of these properties. If the table could be extended to states near room temperature, which Chemicool does, more order can be expressed and understood. For example, the softest metals are on the left edge, the alkalis. Each of these metals can be cut with a knife, but their softness comes with the most reactiveness which is why they're not found in their elemental state. The atomic radii are greatest in Group 1, and increase the further down the group to cæsium and francium, which correspond to electropositivity. This causes the heavier alkalis to become softer until these last two metals which are basically a mushy semisolid that melt only a few degrees above room temperature. That means that cæsium and francium are even softer than gold, because elemental softness comes down to nearness to liquidness. The transition interval, however, is more discrete than the alkalis, because the difference of state between gold and mercury is more pronounced.

A. Solid Naquada
From the description of solid naquada, it is most similar to osmium or iridium. So I propose that refined naquada is hassium or meitnerium, Element 108 or 109. The extra period will pronounce the state changes across Group [8,12] or even (8,12) and continue to shrink the radii in inverse proportion to density through the second f-block, as the actinide contraction. The discovered isotopes of this pair have half-lives in the fractions of a second, and the doubly magic numbers in the island of stability to the right don't help much as the nuclear strains nevertheless are too high and the half-life extends only to 30 s for 114. So obviously the superheavy elements in use by the more-advanced races are prepared differently. The preparation was not by technology because naquada is a naturally-occuring mineral which doesn't spontaneously explode or decay. So these races are not advanced in materials strictly by development, but by privilege. The past multiple-generation supernovæ or even hypernovæ near the planets where naquada is found provided their abundance in heavy elements. The energy also must have altered the electroweak medium in these regions in order to retard radioactive decay of the heavy and superheavy elements. That, and/or the Ancients knew how to custom-alter the medium at an interplanetary scale.before or during these explosions that ejected the needed materials into the systems. Stablising these elements opens up a huge section of the periodic table not previously available for fabrication. Physical properties are mostly dependent on the electron orbital and valence filling, and if the nucleus were made stable by some modification or substitution no one would notice except for the mass and weight. The nucleus of any atom could be removed entirely, and retain its orbital filling, if a sufficiently strong and crafted localised field were injected into the centre—a synthetic nucleus. This can be done for cellular nuclei in biotech, so an advanced species should know how to do the analogue in... picotech. Any substance mentioned in Stargate or Star Trek which should be too unstable to use has actually undergone NM: nuclear modification.

So I'll denote the refined, solid naquada as consisting of elemental variants, Hs' or Mt' both about 265 g/mol. One remembers from the movie that the naquada gate with the metamorphosed sand could be lifted by several people with ropes without snapping, but that a simple brick of naquada without the sand had to be lifted by two Jaffa. Though there is no guarantee that the heavier the element the denser it is, as in the case of the densest element iridium the heavier elements thereafter only become less dense by bulk again, the naquada brick was obviously too heavy for one Jaffa to carry. Presumably it was at least 50 kg. Its dimensions I'm guestimating at 14x7x5 cm^3, which makes its density 102 g/cm^3 which is far higher than any element, whereas iridium is about 22.65. Because superheavy elements alone cannot couple well with neutrinos, the augmented (reduced?) electroweak field was used to attract and absorb neutrinos, probably by simulating electron captures, causing a dramatic increase in nuclear mass and bulk density. Like the brass or naquasha bells which rang at an audible tone to attract or influence spirits, the naquada material's nucleus rings at a particular frequency to attract the spirits which are likened as the neutrinos! Is it not more than a coincidence that these two words both referred to metals, but in the same language and function? Or did the writers or founders of the village forsee that? It doesn't seem much like fiction anymore. Because the gate requires an externally-applied voltage, and the energy depends on the wormhole distance, an internal electroweak field explains how electricity could modulate the nucleus and its neutrino cross-section. Don't expect the field to be 100% efficient, so not all of the neutrinos flowing through the gate will be available to create the wormhole.

Even so, to create the smallest black hole enough mass or energy needs to be gathered in a volume such that the event horizon is larger than the singularity, which is the Planck length in width. Using that as the Schwarzschild radius, the energy comes to 1.567e28 eV. To see if that much energy is absorbed from the neutrino sea, I'll use a preliminary calculation with example unknowns: Dialing from the DHD takes eight seconds, one per press. The Stargate's radii are around 3.5 and 2.5 m, so its cross-sectional area is 1.9e5 cm^2. Multiply all of them together with the flux and mean energy to get 6e23 eV. It would seem that the neutrinos are not enough to establish a wormhole. But the Schwarzschild radius is based on the gravitational constant G = 6.673e-11 which only works if gravity propagates in three dimensions. G turns out not to be a constant and it inflates when r < 1 mm because n > 2 on r^n. A NYT article announced the construction of the Large Hadron Collider in 2006 which is to simulate the conditions of cosmic rays. Cosmic rays average 300 MeV and have been as energetic as 10^20 eV. The LHC beam is only 7.0 TeV, but with the extra dimensions for gravity in M-theory or whatever they've used, this is enough energy to create a Planck BH. They estimated that a hundred Planck BHs a second were created in our atmosphere by cosmic rays. 7e12 eV is in the electroweak range for a particle, where it becomes possible to isolate partons or preons (quark constituents) which directly couple to the Higgs field. The catatrophisms that formed the conditions for stable naquada redistributed the Higgs field through subspace, allowing a smaller but specific energy to couple to gravity quintillion times of normal. Forming naquada into a closed figure allowed the electroweak-Higgs field to be focused and to prevent the preon singularity from being dispersed into Hawking radiation.

To recap this subsection, solid naquada requires a few steps from its conversion from a mineral into an active Stargate. The Stargate retains the naturally formed quartzite compound, in the form MxNy(SiO2)z, where Mx is either Hs' or Mt' and the rest of the formula is quartz. Hs or Mt has only been modified to have a stable nucleus; no nucleus alone is able to absorb neutrinos efficiently enough to create a wormhole. The semidamaged regions of space and subspace have changed the electroweak and gravity constants in certain matter so that applying a nominal electrical current to a closed mass of naquada increases the neutrino collison cross-section. The neutrinos are completely refracted by the electroweak field into a standing wave about the nuclei—a nuclear halo—as the gate is dialing. The heavier nuclei have electric fields strong enough to render the inner orbitals relativistic, increasing in mass and sinking toward the nuclei, where the 1s electrons' velocity is given by v/c ~/= Z/137. Thus the highest possible element is 137, near the end of the 5g block. Here the atom sets up a temporary electric black hole condition until one or two (K) electron captures reduce the atomic number again. But the heavier, neutron-deficient nuclei are more likely to induce ECs. When the electron is about to tunnel into the nucleus, the neutrino collision cross-section explodes and somehow the neutrino must be recovered by the above method, leaving an energy-deficient neutron that spits out the electron again. With the nuclear halos, the naquada element is converted into the heavy, excited state Hs'* or Mt'* until the Higgs sea partons (bad joke) or preons spontaneously manifest in the gate cavity as the event horizon. These subquantum particles remain as long as current is supplied, whereafter the naquada returns to its Hs' or Mt' self. Weapons grade naquada bypasses this procedure, as having the sand removed the element is dense enough to reach critical mass whenever an alternating current, probably, opposing the nuclear electroweak field is applied to loosen the neutrons and a particles that have been wanting to escape.

B. Liquid Naquada
I planned this subsection to be much shorter, but it turned out not to be.

Liquid naquada has rarely been mentioned, but it is associated with energy, particle beam, or any type of lasing weapon. This use sharply contrasts from the inert naquada above, so it must be an entirely different element. Beside the obvious two elemental liquids, at least five spots on the periodic table are the next naquada candidate. The low ionisation potential required for electric weapons, engines, batteries, etc. are best suited by alkali and alkaline salts. Our cells even run on two alkalis. Lithium hydride batteries are used in watches and laptops because of their energy density. Sam once designed a homebrew naquada weapon with "lithium hydrite[sic]". I'm not sure if that's the same. Have you tried throwing a watch battery into a fire? Has anyone ever done it with a charged laptop battery? I'd like to hear about it, maybe even see a videotape. Group 1 batteries are better than Group 2. Being on the left edge of the table, the elements are the most electropositive. Alkali is translated from al-qily (Arab.) meaning ashes, and qily comes from qala meaning "to fry or roast". The noun is the end product and the verb is the effect. The al-qily are the figurative extremists of the elements, and its other translation should be a hint that the elements are perfect for power sources in sci-fi series.

The alkalis and alkalines, if isolated, must be coated with mineral oil to avoid contacting air or moisture, lest they tarnish or ignite. For air, this is the reason that alkali and alkaline salts are used in fireworks; the ignition electrolyses the compound and the free metal oxidises and releases a bunch of powerful energy. Tossing a fair lump of the element into a body of water is worse (for anarchists and pyromaniacs, read: better) because not only is water denser than air, after the element oxidises (or is that hydroxidises?), the resulting energy is used to ignite the hydrogen in the water. The explosion would look like a tiny nuclear or antimatter bomb went off. (Hydrofluoric acid or fluorine gas would be worse.) Burning a magnesium ribbon and watching it is like staring into the sun. The more electropositive elements should be brighter and hotter, and anyone who tries to test them by dropping them (Tossing and running might work.) into a pool would be too blinded to notice the incinerating slag flying toward them. :evil: This is just speculation, of course. Exploding bullets could be made out of alkalis encased in mineral oil and plastic, which would especially be effective in the summertime. Is my treatise getting out of hand? If these metals were not so expensive, rare, or difficult to produce, everything could be run from them. When they're through, simply recharge them with solar power—from rechargeable batteries to rechargeable bombs. How about CsH for both? CsH btw, like Os, is stiffer than diamond. If that salt were plentiful, it'd be great for a penetration-fragmentation-spontaneous combustion bullet, don't ya think?

As mentioned before, the metals get softer the further down one goes. Cæsium and francium are liquid a few degrees above room temperature (25°C, 77°F), the latter even closer. So the best candidate for a liquid power source is francium. But francium only lasts as long as 22 minutes, and there is only an ounce of it on Earth at any time. This is where the EW privilege comes in again. Having a stable nucleus allows the alien races to use its chemical properties, and having a rich mineral record allows them to revel. Every source says that francium has no chemical uses, but they say so only because they believe so. Taming the nucleus is a determined and well-understood goal and accomplishment, but they can't stop there or forget that taming the nucleon is even more important. I've heard that they're working on changing (nudging?) half-lives, so that's good. This is what WebElements says about cæsium's use: "The metal can be used in ion propulsion systems. Although not usable in the earth's atmosphere, 1 kg of caesium in outer space could propel a vehicle 140 times as far as the burning of the same amount of any known liquid or solid. It is more efficient than rubidium." So imagine what they could do if francium were freed up.

Francium, frankly speaking, is a ******* of an element. (How many of these element names with double entendres are there? There are other appropriate words, in this subject, starting with Fr.) It, lying at the back corner of the table, is the most chemically and nuclearly unstable element of the first 103 elements. It has 33 isotopes, most of which decay before you can read about them, and some before you can form a thought. If you got enough of the stabler isotopes in one place and try to touch it, it'll probably burn your hand internally a little while after eating it. This element, along with the other preoccupations I mentioned earlier, is one of many that deserve more attention from the world. Rather than ignoring it, see it for the [unused ~ unusable] power that it is, and turn lemons into lemonade. (You can run electricity off lemons, if you were too stupid to get that.) With some NM, francium' would make a good liquid naquada cell. See the versatility that this element has: . The "energy crystal" preferably uses middle to heavy Fr'-[214,232]. By being able to modify the EW field, different ejecta can be chosen for your person, place, or thing. Phasers, disruptors, zats, zarcs, staffs, etc. are made possible, as particle lamps. The person who discovers the common door to EW would be doing what Maxwell did for EM. By controlling the EW field, one can choose the decay channel for Fr'-[214,232]'s products and reduce the half-lives to seconds when not making them stable.

(continued in next message)
Making Stargate a Reality 2/2

Other candidates for liquid naquada include Ga, Uuu', Uub', Uuo', and ekaFr' (ekafrancium') or Uue'. The first is obviously too boring and light to produce needed effects for weapons. Uuu' and Uub', or ekaAu' and ekaHg', look reasonable. But because the natural processes that produced enough inert naquada to build stargates, ships, etc. out of would be expected to produce a tractable quantity of slightly-heavier also-NM elements, which we don't ever see in the show, liquid naquada being heavier than inert naquada is unlikely. Uuo', a noble element which may be heavy enough to liquify, other than the above problem would be an inconvenience in stripping electrons and other stuff for weapons. ekaFr', though, is a distant possibility for an even more dangerous and lethal substance. If elements heavier than inert naquada were produced, but were simply not mentioned in the show, were not NM and became unstable, or were not discovered yet, then ekaFr' may be the "heavy" liquid naquada in "Absolute Power".

1. Liquid Naquada Weapon Beam 1
Say you wanted to burn something. Release the EW field, or even apply its opposite polarity, to the crystal's compartment with the heavier isotopes, for the duration of the beam. One can set the amplitude as well as the frequency, or power, of the beam. A bunch of b-rays will be channelled by a strong, rotating magnetic field out the aperature toward your target. Say the average energy of the bs are 4.75 MeV. After they impact atoms, their kinetic energy will be stepped down about 35,000 times. Even then will the resulting temperature be over 1 MK, vapourising any flesh or object in the way. Usually, radioactive samples this strong dissipate their radiation in three dimensions, wasting all that valuable energy. Because the radiation is charged, a magnetic field can collect the wasted energy into one dimension, doing a lot of damage in the process. Of course, a phaser or cannon using this process will have its b beam dissipating much of its energy to the atmosphere before it hits the target, which causes the plasma glow you see on television. bs only travel about a foot in air, so either the electromagnet in the weapon must provide the energy for the beam to reach the target, or the weapon can blow a stream of pressurised air toward the target to provide a partial vacuum for the beam to travel through.

Because there is no atmosphere in space, such a beam should be invisible and silent, unless the user intended to include gaseous or metallic slag in the beam. At francium's very low density, it looks like half a pound can fit in the Jaffa staff weapon. It fires a ball lightning-like discharge, which means that the accelerated fission also heats the radioactive waste turning it into a molten plume, including radium, astatine, polonium, bismuth, and maybe lead. Most of the plume vapourises along the way, but the gas retains the momentum of the induced fission and ablates all of the Gou'ald armour on the spot, killing them. But a half-pound has 6e23 atoms of francium, with about four trillion joules (not including chemical) to spare in the decay process, stepped down (about 16 times from average of b and a masses to air molecules) to 250 billion joules into the atmosphere.

.5*4p(1000 m)^3 /3 = 2.1e9 m^3 = 2.1e12 L => 9.3e7 mol => 2.8e3 kg
.77(28 g/mol) N2 + .21(36 g/mol) O2 + .01(18 g/mol) H2O + .093(39.9 g/mol) Ar = 33 g/mol

250 GJ = (1.01)(2.8e3)DT, DT = 88,000,000 K

If the weapon were set to self-destruct, it would heat the air in a km radius hemisphere over 88 million kelvins, and not even naquada does that in the show... So the weapon would be limited to over a hundred-millionth of that amount, or more if the process is very inefficient, and the remaining space reserved for other elements and devices. The green energy crystal that could be replaced by hand then is limited to about a microgram of liquid naquada, the rest probably filled with lighter alkalis and more mundane compounds to provide the pumped particles. The heavy liquid naquada in "Absolute Power" could contain a higher concentration of Fr' and associated alkalis which do have enough energy to destroy Moscow and its vicinity from space.

2. Liquid Naquada Weapon Beam 2
Eventually in the decay chain, the sample will be radiating a particles instead. Because these are so heavy, and have already used up their energy forming, they are very useless for the directed energy weapon. However, by using the EW field the weapon can prevent deuterons in the nucleus to form into as that tunnel out. The next type of beam we need is one that combusts or explodes in the air and on the spot. In order to do that, the weapon needs to fire a proton beam. A way to co-erce the protons to leave the nucleus is to form an excess of positive charge in the nucleus. The weapon will have to use g rays formed after b or some a decay, and reflect them into the heavy nuclei used in the weapon casing, probably more inert naquada. Pair production will occur, and the positrons can be collected into a beam and inserted into the Fr' nucleus, which will cause the buildup of protons and the nuclei vomiting. The intricacies and complexities of these processes would make any handheld weapon difficult and expensive to build. Maybe Bose (the manufacturer of the Wave Radio, not the discoverer of bosons, though both would help!) has some ideas.

The protons, and the electrons from the pair production, will be channeled at the same speed toward the target, but through separate aperatures. Each other beam will appear at rest, and the particles will eventually combine into elemental hydrogen, releasing heat, then into diatomic hydrogen. The heat from all the collisions at some point in the double-beam's path ignites the hydrogen stream, which combines with the oxygen in the air and explodes into the target. There may be some dissipation problems as with the b beam, which can be remedied in the same way. All of these processes must be efficient enough to be useful. But that is how they could be done. Both the b and H2 stream are obviously lethal on most settings as they can deliver over 5 Gy. To stun someone, the weapon needs to be fired at between .25 and 2 Gy, which means being able to control the EW field more delicately, or to use a more mundane process.

3. Liquid Naquada Weapon Beam 3
The third and last process, that I can think of limited by the particles and radiation that we are familiar with, which is to stun someone works like a lightning bolt. Liquid naquada, or its relatives, is simply heated or illuminated until it gives off electrons which are held in a bank of capacitors near the front of the weapon. The beam is to act like a cathode ray in a television display, but the target needs to have a huge positive charge for the capacitors to discharge directly into it. So a small amount of the liquid naquada would have to decay to act as a UV, X, and/or g ray laser to ionise the site. The laser would activate briefly before the cathode ray, so no one would notice the difference. The zat guns look like they do this, and the capacitors are similar to stun guns in that they contract the muscles quickly enough to exhaust their pyruvic acid supply which converts into lactic acid. How they would kill on the second shot must be related to the complete buildup of lactic acid, maybe subsequent heart or lung failure. Lactic acid is metabolised by the liver, and in someone with a high alcohol level the elimination is less efficient. A buildup of this acid is responsible for the hangover. So the energy absorbed from one to one-and-a-half zat shots produces the worst hangover ever. (In "Prodigy" it even looked like Jack was drunk when he got up after being shot.) Someone can be shot again after a sufficient time has passed, related to the metabolic rate of the liver, and live. Because the body was not inhibited by alcohol, presumably, it would only take a few hours. The vaporisation of the target on the third shot, and the clear distinction between the effects of targets experiencing different numbers of shots, may be related to the third application of the ionising laser as having penetrated and covered most of the body. The third electric discharge would impact the body with more force than before, and colliding with enough energy to vapourise it.

C. Naquadria
Naquadria is said to be another form of naquada with ten times the power. It's believed to power the personal, gate, and ship force shields. Because I haven't seen the sample in one episode where 8 or 9 Gy were emitted, and don't have information or know where to find information on the intensity or frequency of radio-isotopes, I can't gauge where naquadria can be assigned. The emission may not even have been whole, but controlled, because otherwise all the naquadria would have decayed before it was discovered. If it actually decays from a heavier, but inert element, then its source should be specified. It's possible that heavy liquid naquada is instead ekaAu' or ekaHg' and that naquadria is ekaFr' or ekanaquada_l. In the last spot, any chemical and nuclear instabilities in Fr would be multiplied... perhaps by ten.

D. Discontinuity
Several sources report that a 1.2 Gt naquada-enhanced warhead is equivalent to 1000 Mt TNT. That would mean naquada reduces the blast because 1.2 Gt equals 1200 Mt. Did they mean a 1.2 Mt warhead?

III. The Iris
Whether the iris was made of the old material titanium, or the new material titanium-trinium, the petals do not extend farther into the Stargate than their width allows through shape- or volume-morphing that was observed of the Gou'ald uniforms which was associated solely with naquada. (About this effect that I did not remember to include in the above section was that the nuclear EW field is also able, with technology, to partially shield the nucleus allowing the outer electron orbitals to expand beyond their normal volume, and for piezo-electric materials made from naquada to change in size. The change is only an increase because, like osmium and iridium, only a thin layer of material is required as this group of elements is already as dense as they can be because they have minimal nuclear shielding and/or electron repulsion.) The volume of the iris before and after extension is the same. They work like a telescoping antenna, only that the petals slide behind another as they retract into the gate. Titanium-trinium is, unlike inert naquada, still subject to becoming breached by a particle beam such as that from Apophis's particle accelerator which was probably powered from liquid naquada. If the iris were made from inert naquada, he probably would not have tried.

IV. The Glyphs
Each of the 38 glyphs represents a constellation. Even though constellations are composed of stars within the same galaxy, some include other galaxies, clusters, or nebulæ far beyond the range of the SGC-powered Stargate. This does not mean that those distant objects are used in the calculation of locations within the galaxy or even beyond the galaxy. A few problems were brought up with the number and nature of co-ordinates used to dial a location. The FAQs answered them, somewhat, by explaining that six glyphs were required to base a large and versatile enough catalogue of combinations on, whereas four or five from the intersection of two lines or a line and a plane could not. Even with six constellations, they do not guarantee describing mutually-orthogonal axes, as stellar drift over millennia would disturb. Also, six points and three axes on the faces of a cube surely do not always intersect at a point. When they don't, the Stargate would have to calculate the centroid of the cubic-half-perimeter formed by the distance vectors between the axes or at least try to open a wormhole anywhere in that region, and also to calculate the centroids of each constellation. Thus the Stargate doesn't work according to the movie's Daniel Jackson's description. Its writers were different, so that's okay.

1. Constellations
The correct description is that each glyph represents not a point represented by a constellation, but a region. Because constellations take up a significant portion of the sky, it is likely that any six will intersect at one region, not several whose centroids must be calculated. The exception to this is if one intentionally tries to write an address using four adjacent constellations and two constellations very removed from the four. The projection of each constellation—I'll call the shape a lump—is used to describe a set of three lump-prisms corresponding to the three axes. But they are not lines. PTeppic was trying to model a sphere with that many points equidistant by latitude and longitude to find how many formed intersecting lines. Well of course there'd be plenty because they're on the same latitude and longitude! Random points on a surface do not follow these imposed axes. But the method used regions, not points. So for him to find how well the constellations intersect, I've included the list of constellations and their projections' areas in real life. I took the RA and Dec. extrema of the twelve brightest stars to estimate the area of the ellipse formed by the two diameters. These were taken from I also included the distance extrema. Because the above site didn't have distances, I reverted to the cards in my Secrets of the Universe collection. They only included at most six of the brightest stars, so don't try to correlate the distances and area. Deciphering the intention of the glyph system is problematic, though, because these values do not include visible galaxies and globular clusters near the projection when the Ancients may have. Also, the glyphs do not always, or usually, include segments of stars now included in each constellation.

(11.43h, -12°)
[delta,eta]: [0h57m X 13°01' = 145.7°^2] X [
(13.21h, -3.73°)
[Spica,kappa]: [3h01m X 22°06' = 785.4°2] X [36,262] ly
(14.73h, 30.72°)
[Arcturus,iota]: [2h30m X 34°24' = 1013°^2] X [
(13.13h, -45.96°)
[Rigel,pi]: [3h38m X 26°39' = 950.3°^2] X [4.4,525] ly
(15.21h, -15.59°)
[Zubenschamali,iota]: [0h47m X 18°46' = 173.2°^2] X [72,518] ly
Serpans Caput
(15.71h, 9.07°)
[Unukalhai,3]: [3h41m X 32°45' = 1421°^2] X [
(16.05h, -52.01°)
[gamma2,kappa]: [0h13m X 9°27' = 24.12°^2] X [
(16.99h, -37.17)
[Antares,iota1]: [1h49m X 23°11' = 631.7°^2] X [
(18.64h, -41.49°)
[alpha,theta]: [0h36m X 4°24' = 31.10°^2] X [
(18.67h, -10.3°)
[gamma,epsilon]: [0h14m X 6°17' = 17.27°^2] X [
(19.11h, -25.77°)
[Kaus Australis,theta1]: [1h46m X 20°51' = 552.5°^2] X [
(19.67h, -2.5°)
[Altair,kappa]: [1h30m X 22°5' = 390.2°^2] X [
(20.97h, -35.2°)
[gamma,zeta]: [0h32m X 11°49' = 74.18°^2] X [

(21.02h, -20.23°)
[Deneb Algedi,mu]: [1h36m X 14°23' = 271.1°^2] X [
Pisces Austrinus
(22.29h, -30.66°)
[Fomalhaut,6]: [1h31m X 7°42' = 137.6°^2] X [
(21.21h, 7°)
[Kitalpha,SV]: [0h21m X 4°53' = 20.14°^2] X [
(22.71h, -19.10°)
[Sadalsuud,phi]: [2h35m X 21°17 = 647.7°^2] X [
(22.75h, 19.53°)
[Enif,upsilon]: [2h51m X 26°59' = 906.1°^2] X [140,672] ly
(.5h, -32.35°)
[alpha, lambda2]: [2h27m X 7°22' = 212.6°^2] X [
(.85h, 11.08°)
[eta,tau]: [2h18m X 36°6' = 978.2°^2] X [
(.54h, 38.54°)
[Alpheratz,iota]: [3h02m X 24°21' = 927.5°^2] X [97,355] ly
(2.11h, 32.03°)
[beta,12]: [0h39m X 6°34' = 50.29°^2] X [
(2.66h, 20.09°)
[Hamal,15]: [1h27m X 12°38' = 215.8°^2] X [
(3.71h, 41.77)
[Mirfak,Menkib]: [1h18m X 24°00' = 367.6°^2] X [
(1.42h, -11.35°)
[Deneb kaitos,xi2]: [2h25m X 31°10' = 887.3°^2] X [
(4.27h, 18.87°)
[Aldebaran,delta1]: [2h13 X 19°35' = 511.4°^2] X [

(6h, 41.73°)
[Capella,mu]: [2h19 X 24°48' = 676.9°^2] X [
(3.92h, -15.82°)
[Achernar,nu]: [4h30m X 53°53' = 2857°^2] X [
(5.59h, 4.58°)
[Rigel,phi1]: [1h06 X 19°09' = 252.7°^2] X [
(10.26h, -2.41°)
[delta,12]: [0h59m X 12°16 = 142.1°^2] X [
Canis Minor
(7.66h, 5.9°)
[Procyon,11]: [0h24m X 10°14' = 48.22°^2] X [
(7.15h, -5.74°)
[alpha,16]: [1h40m X 18°08' = 356.0°^2] X [
(7.19h, 22.69°)
[Pollux,zeta]: [1h23m X 21°04' = 343.3°^2] X [
(10.12h, -19.36°)
[Alphard,sigma]: [6h18m X 37°47' = 2804°^2] X [
(8.03h, 45.32°)
[alpha,8]: [2h44m X 27°05' = 872.1°^2] X [
(8.69h, 20.15°)
[beta,omega]: [1h13m X 23°14' = 333.0°^2] X [
Leo Minor
(10.3h, 35.16°)
[46,27]: [1h19m X 17°52' = 277.0°^2] X [
(10.66h, 16.45°)
[Regulus,upsilon]: [2h08m X 26°49 = 674.0°^2] X [36,260] ly

I only have cards for a few of the constellations included in the glyphs, so someone should find a source for the 12 brightest stars in each and their distances to fill in the rest of this list. Star clusters within each constellation, though, will be thousands of light-years away and appear just as bright as the nearer stars because of their combined number. They are in orbits off the galactic plane which, if the gate includes distances and nonstellar objects, will skew the axes drastically. The 38 constellations appear to have an even distribution in the northern and southern hemispheres.

Here is the sequence for Earth:
28-26-5-36-11-29 (Auriga-Cetus-Centaurus-Cancer-Scutum-Eridanus)
[(6h, 41°73),(1.42h,-11.35°)] = [(13.13h, -45.96°),(8.69h, 20.15°)] = [(18.67h, -10.3°),(3.92, -15.82°)]

Roughly sketching this on paper it may look like the prisms intersect in the first octant. But if distances are considered, the ends may shift around until they do intersect at Earth.

2. Dialing
Most addresses use seven glyphs. The Point of Origin is the 39th glyph on the inner ring, but there are only 38 glyphs on the DHD including the PoO. This does not mean that a constellation is unavailable from each DHD; it only means that a glyph can be used more than once if it corresponds to the PoO. To eliminate confusion, the PoO glyph from now on should be referred as the end glyph or chevron instead of the seventh or eighth glyph or chevron. Then the last constellation can be referred as the (N-1)th glyph or chevron. For the Stargate to distinguish between a glyph and its reused PoO, it only needs to count the glyph's order. If the glyph is used within the first six chevrons, the usual constellation is used. If the glyph is used as the seventh and end chevron, the PoO is used. The PoO is an authentication code, unique to each Stargate to ensure that it has the rightful owner. If the wrong PoO is entered, the gate doesn't lock. If the sequence includes seven chevrons and the correct PoO, the seven must be read first. The Stargate would only lock if the seventh chevron is one out of all the correct glyphs associated with the previous six glyphs, otherwise it interprets the seventh chevron as an incorrect PoO and won't lock. Because most DHDs use a constellation as their PoO, it means they are located in that constellation as seen from our Stargate. One is also able to use one's own constellation in the dialing sequence. The Earth DHD does not have a PoO sharing a constellation because the constellation including Sol must be unknown, or undefined.

It is a common misconception that the more chevrons are included in the address, the farther the wormhole goes. Extra chevrons only increase the precision of the location. The more Stargate sites, the more references are required to pin them down. This was explained in the FAQ as the reason there were six glyphs required for intragalactic travel rather than four or five. The address for the Ida galaxy and the Asgard homeworld used an additional chevron. Sam said that this chevron added a "distance calculation like another area code". Because area codes are alloted by geographical regions and cover all the regions but chevrons are alloted by projected regions and may or may not cover all the regions, this analogy is sketchy at best. Even if the glyphs include the distances of galaxies within the projection, the distance between galaxies diverge more than that of stars, making the location of one galaxy using other galaxies or even galaxy groups much more unlikely to be represented.

The first six chevrons are endpoint pairs for the three axes, not necessarily orthogonal: [X1,X2] = [Y1,Y2] = [Z1,Z2] where each term represents a region, not a point. They intersect at an undefined <X,Y,Z>_f until the end chevron is dialed which plots the <X,Y,Z>_i and determines the distance vector. The seventh chevron, referencing the same galaxy, cannot alone lead to a Stargate in another galaxy. Nor can the eighth. Without the additional power to the Stargate, the wormhole would still be pointing to a location in the same galaxy. The seventh chevron is strictly a position calculation; it does not include a distance calculation unless the gate automatically determines the distance, using say... a subspatial field gradient aided by the "parallax" of the seventh constellation, when a Stargate is absent in that region and from that assumes a certain amount of energy is required. The energy-distance relation is presumably how the SGC computers know how long the MALP takes before reaching the other side. The seventh chevron only increases the position precision because there are more galaxies in the universe than there are stars in our galaxy. The Othala sequence uses Scorpio as the seventh chevron, even though Scorpio has no galaxies! That is, unless there are galaxies in its projection dimmer than magnitude 9 or 10. If there were, the problem arises of which to use and how many, since space is so vast.

3. Zones and Limits
Somewhere someone said that a wormhole cannot be established with another on the same planet at the same time, because the separation is not adequate. Yet the co-ordinates would have to accomodate planetary rotation and revolution, and stellar drift, making the zone for each address somewhat large. The Beta gate, even though it's kept on the same planet, has different co-ordinates somewhat based on Earth's address yet its endpoints have even shifted axes. Instead of [Auriga,Cetus]=[Centarus,Cancer]=[Scutum,Eridanus], it's [Eridanus,Centaurus]=[Cancer,Libra]=[Triangulum,?]. This suggests that the co-ordinates preserve the orientation of the wormhole, even though the region is the same.

(This part should be in The Wormhole section, but I couldn't find a way to complete both sections without it here.) Because wormholes cannot be dialed in the same zone, one quote from "Window of Opportunity" that the planet Alaris was "several billion miles away" may seem incorrect. But this was more likely the description of the length of the wormhole, not the normal distance to the planet. If wormhole distances were that long, anyone stepping into the wormhole would take centuries to reach the other end unless the matter stream were accelerated in midstream. Several billion miles is several light-hours, though. The matter stream cannot be superluminal because it retains positive, real mass. Also, it cannot be extremely relativistic because the SG teams would frequently notice the lost time upon arrival and return. The subspace travel time to Alaris suggests that the planet is much farther than anywhere in the galaxy the team has been, if the energy is constant or similar and it is assumed that the subspatial distance correlates to real distance. The length of the wormhole suggests Alaris is in another galaxy. The matter stream should be limited to .7c to avoid time conflicts. Assuming that the Alaris subspace distance was 6e9 mi., light would get through after nine hours and a .7c stream in almost 13 hours. But to the rest planets, a day passes for each trip. Alaris was probably not the same as P4X-639, so this duration was never mentioned in the episode because golf balls can't talk. But in other episodes which involved travelling to other galaxies, one could only assume that the time had passed, everyone knew about time dilation, and the long part is intentionally excluded from the episode.

By the lack of attention, it can be assumed that Alaris only has a six-chevron sequence. This means that Alaris is in a galaxy much closer than Ida, and that the Stargate only needs at least six chevrons to reach other galaxies if it has enough power. Someone should find out the wormhole travel times, from nonstock footage, and see if they correlate with real distance.

4. Extra Long Distance
Much speculation has been made as to how the seventh and eighth chevrons work. Everyone has so far assumed that additional chevrons increase the wormhole's distance considerably, when that is not necessarily true. Either the seventh is for other galaxies or groups and the eighth is for other groups or superclusters, or the eighth is for other universes, realities, or times! But those guesses are invalidated with the above explanation that the Stargate can go anywhere in the universe as long as it has enough references and energy and there's a Stargate on the other end. The references may become invisible because they go past the constellations as seen from here, but the position vectors are still valid. The eighth chevron then, incorrectly called the ninth chevron by the fans, may or may not extend farther than Ida and other galaxies. To end all speculation, the obvious use for the eighth chevron is to contact the Ancients who built the Stargate network. It would be stupid of them if they had not included such a feature to observe or visit their ports. The conclusion of the series or of the movie should include resolution of the chevron and the Ancients. But because of the challenging nature of describing an incredibly advanced and/or remote race, either the Ancients will have to visit us and supply their own power, possibly destroying themselves and the Goa'uld in the process having been unsuccessful to re-establish wormholes from their home to all parts of the universe with frequented Stargates as well as the Stargate time machine which connected to a dozen other Stargates including Earth's causing the planets to experience time loops, or the Ancients' homeworld will be found by one of the known races, such as the Gou'ald or Tollan, and powered by a large quantity of naquadriah but which had been abandoned or annihilated by a cataclysm which is to do the same to the Gou'ald so that we still do not get to see the Ancients.

V. Conclusion
I had no idea that this message (It's a document now!) would get so long, especially anywhere near 59 k. But reading the lengthy discussions and debates in the forum over small details and subjects fascinated me. When I began thinking of their solutions, the past contemplation I had done about paraphysics and -chemistry all fell into place, and each subject presented another subject. It took a period of 4.5 to 5 half-days to complete this message and I kept falling asleep before I could wilfully pause for the day. It's possible that all the mystery has been removed from the theme, but the awe remains or even increases and the application certainly increases. There is nothing more I can explain about the show at this time, unless you want me to get into character, race, and political relations. If you know the email addresses or phone numbers of the writers, cast, and crew, or of other Stargate fansites and fora, be sure to pass on the URL of this message to them. It would be great to hear from them, to compare notes, to see their reactions. If there are any factual errors or if you can explain the discontinuities, please let me know. If you enjoyed reading this message, how about donating something to my PayPal account?

© -Autymn "lysdexia"
holy **** you did your homework.... wow....

there are a few things that you mentioned that i'm going to check, but that does seem to explain alot of stuff...

hmm about the 8th chevron thing... could a naquadria (not naquada) powered energy generator give enough power to dial the 8th chevron...

Energy Generator gives 10x more power to the gate....

naquadria is 10x more powerful than naquada

therefor naquadria enhanced energy generator would net 100x more power...

just thinking out loud... Jedi
Ah... WOW!

Autymn, this is an incredable piece of work. If you don't mind, I'll copy it to a doc so I can read at my own pace and dig through this. I can see some good discussions coming.

Seriously good stuff.

"The Physics of Star Trek" is an interesting book, albiet now a bit outdated in some of the math, but an interesting read, none the less.

Jedispara, I think your idea on nequadria would be theoritcally valid. We'll have to see if we're given any further hints on power output, etc.

Great thread starting here! :D

Does HTML copy over?

How did you become moderator of so many fora? Is speculative technology your hobby?

I do a 'highlight', 'copy' & 'paste to new doc' and it works fine.

Ah, forums ... many of mine outside of the Stargate areas are quite small and I act as sort of an 'overwatch' on them. For the Stargate ones: well, myth and tech are hobbies of mine, I enjoyed S3&4 and I've worked as a staff volunteer at GateCon the last two years and this year also.

It really isn't as big a load as it looks, but it does keep me busy. There is a time and labor commitment made when you become a mod. The fun of being a 'blue alien' :D

I've been covering this stuff for awhile, but just got around to showing it in my sig line.

As for becoming a mod on a forum: if there's an area that needs coverage, we mods will talk amoung ourselves as to who's in a position to cover it. We'll also keep out eyes on folks who've been on the boards awhile and seem to have good people skills and level heads. If someone catches an eye, we'll discuss it among oursleves and watch them for awhile. If we all feel good about it, that person may be asked to become a mod on a particular forum if Padders, Mything, Neo or one of the 'bigger-big-bosses' agrees.

Originally posted by lysdexia
Does HTML copy over?

How did you become moderator of so many fora? Is speculative technology your hobby?

well actually you can copy html over its just a bit harder...
Well, we can all go home now and close down the whole "Stargate Technical" fourm. And you've said you're right, so you must be! ;)

Perhaps the biggest thing to remember about this thread, no matter how detailed the research, is "ITS ONLY A TV SHOW". :D

Anything we discuss in this and the other threads are POSSIBLE ways the physics and technology could work. Unless you are a writer for the show, and have been able to copy from their "handbook on how the show works", we are simply applying what we know to the way we have seen things work. I would imagine that some of the most impressive things have been developed the way they have, "because it looked great", or "because we needed it to" for a plot line, and they simply didn't consider the reality. :dead:

Nevertheless we can't ignore the large quantity of experience or research that has gone into the above essay :eek7:, and also the potential contributions of dozens of others who may have inspired or provided the basis for your ideas and thoughts. As you said, there are already 2000+ messages discussing the above already - I would hope, despite the implications above, that we are not all completely wrong in them.
I said 2141 messages, not 2400+ threads.

Look at the name of this thread. The essay's premise was not only to explain things, but to make them real. The future is about having and doing what we want. Also, by writing the above, I was attempting to get into the heads of the writers.
That was a fantastic essay Lysdexia, I still haven't read it all yet, but there was a great deal of work put into it.

I don't want to be crtitical, because it is so good and thorough, but I do tend to agree with some of what P'Teppic says...

You seem to imply that the 'Stargate' writers have some great master plan in mind, and have worked out all these details that they just slowly unfold by drip-feed to us; when in actually fact, we all know that that they just make it up as they go along. Apart from the fact that it would have been virtually impossible to invent everything before the series began, there would be no time for that amount of pre-planning, and they also leave things intentionally vague to allow room for future writers to explore and "discover" new exciting details.

Anyway, thanks for giving it to us, and I'm sure there will be some great further discussions based on your work.
As you will have read, we have SG-1 staff-members drop in from time to time, and many of the people who contribute have been to Conventions, and thus have spoken to producers, directors, technicians, writers etc.

So, we (though not me personally), do.
Originally posted by lysdexia
Making Stargate a Reality
9–13 Aug 2002

Stargate and SG-1 are very special in that their content, though fictional, is more real than any other show because it uses scientific and theoretical principles to bridge into the unknown. And they occur in the present, which is awesome for the fans who can identify with current concepts. When the original Star Trek came out, at first it was found to be too intellectual in its time as compared to other sci-fi series. The pilot was rejected and the first seasons never gained a large following. The same thing happened with Stargate, and I think the writers intended this series to be the next step in technical thought and creativity. It's unfortunate that these series, like artists, are not famous or admired enough until they're dead, and a movie or some other popularised work is made about them. This is why a circus such as Star Wars has always been popular, more popular than most Star Treks, when it has little value, and has not even been a series. People who are devoted to Star Wars are interested in science fiction for the fiction, not the science, and as such are hypocrites. The same goes for the original Star Trek, which most people are obsessed with by their frequent pointless invocations of the cast-crew such as Kirk or Scotty, which I never liked and also don't find any value in. The series has become popular and tenacious to this day because of its hypocritical popularisation and glamorization, and because its crew's antics resemble those of Friends. The series has had the shortest run of the four, yet it had the most movies! Like Star Wars, the original Star Trek was nouveau fameux, and the following series and Stargate were much better and valuable and deserving of attention. Yet these shows and their elements are hardly mentioned outside a reference to a show itself, unlike SW and TOS, except for Klingons and the Borg, yet more dumb anthropy. Given some more time SG-1 will expand its fan base. That is, if everyone can understand it.
This is, to my mind, some of the most arrogant, self-obsessed and pretentious clap-trap I have had the pleasure to read in this forum, though it is followed by some of the most technically complete consideration of the series' concepts and technologies.

"it has little value", "don't find any value in" - the media presentations were for art, profit and entertainment. Whilst many of the sci-fi movies/series, such as the latter variants of Star Trek, did attempt to draw on current technology and theories, it would be extravagant to say they developed their shows to show how things WILL turn out. They perhaps hope they use semi-realistic methods and approaches, so that they don't look foolish and too dated in the future. Their value is as entertainment, not a technical methodology, and as entertainment the enduring popularity, even if you don't like them, is extreme.

"a circus such as Star Wars", "not even been a series" - George Lucas has been clear from the outset that his series of films has been a single story canon, but for various reasons filmed starting in the middle. It isn't even finished yet. Perhaps I should approach J.K. Rowling to ask about writing a Harry Potter serialisation to start next year...

"hardly mentioned outside a reference to a show itself" - why should they - its entertainment! Its not primarily intended to be philosophy, or a great work of humanitarianism. Its designed to make the studio money, by entertaining the folks. If some of the story-lines happen to make us think about certain things, all well and good, as a bonus.

"were much better and valuable and deserving of attention" - valuable to whom for what? To you, perhaps. To the massive world-wide audience of these shows/films, this is denigrating their taste and views with abandon. They may have different styles, production values and underlying content, but all are for entertainment. Taste is always personal, so if you don't like them, don't watch, but don't criticise us for doing so please.

"the writers intended this series to be the next step in technical thought and creativity" - perhaps. I would suggest it is more likely that the audience as changed, and so the genre is changing with it. This is mirrored in most of the sci-fi shows around today, even from Buffy/Angel through ST:TNG/DS9/V and so on. People are expecting more from their shows, a greater degree of realism, high production values, context to todays problems, multi-episode story canon and so on. SG-1 is simply another step on this genre evolution. Its not a step towards answering your fixation on seeing technology develop in sci-fi.

"People who are devoted to Star Wars are interested in science fiction for the fiction, not the science, and as such are hypocrites." Why? The genre is "sci-fi" - science and fiction. What is so terrible about liking the fiction, which happens to be science based. Same question applies to, for example, westerns. Can you like the stories, but not the cowboys? How often are stories re-applied to a new genre: take "Sichinin No Samurai". re-applied as a western, a spoof (i.e. comedy) western, and also as science-fiction. How often is Shakespeare re-worked in new genres? Can one disassociate the storyline from the genre - of course.

"That is, if everyone can understand it." - we don't NEED to understand the physics to enjoy the show. Kids love the show, as do juvenilles, adults and pensioners. Some can barely read and write, others have post-grad astro-physics qualifications. The mark of a good plot is that it crosses the education, language race, gender and age barrier, and appeals to all people. The science supports the plot, and in some episodes directs the plot, but the level necessary to understand the show is always explained, for those of the audience who are not already experienced in the field. We only need to appreciate the technology or science. To go further would alienate the audience, whereas you appear to have chosen to insult them.

"frequent pointless invocations" - fans are human beings. Human beings are made unique by their eccentricities. So what - I am proud of (most of) mine. Don't insult or denigrate people for being, well, human.... "beam me up, Scotty".

You will have noticed that, having come late to this forum, that I have posted extensively. I hope that in all that I have remembered that other views are valid, but different, and very little in the discussion of a sci-fi show is right or wrong, but more or less probable. We can't possibly KNOW how a zat, staff weapon or stargate works - they simply don't exist.
Re: Re: Making Stargate a Reality

We can't possibly KNOW how a zat, staff weapon or stargate works - they simply don't exist. [/B]

ah but we can take a best guess based on the physics that we know...
Yes, I know that - but we can only GUESS or SUGGEST. We can't KNOW, which lysdexia is implying in this and other threads.
Originally posted by lysdexia
Making Stargate a Reality
9–13 Aug 2002
You have clearly put a lot of thought and study into some very technical points. :cool:

My main observation would be the distinction between "explaining the TV show" and "making it work for real".

The majority of threads within this sub-forum seem to follow the former topic, second-guessing the un-real, supposing the fantastic and occassionally wandering through the known science of the now.

Your detailed essay is, without prevaricating, very long. I doubt if any of us will read it in detail in a single sitting - I know my ISP connection would time-out if I tried! :evil: As a result, many will skim parts, read-over and miss bits. Which means they may miss the whole point, which, as I understand it, is not NECESSARILY to explain how things work in the show, but to explain how they COULD work if we did it for "real" i.e. your discussions of a super-heavy elements whose allotropes could behave like naquadah show that such an element is highly plausible. :eek7:

I would just suggest that perhaps this needs clarifying near the top.

[I hope to go through your epic over the weekend, to bring for discussion the bits which cross more into "how the show works", rather than the "could it be real", with which I have little to say or add. :blush:]
well all as i can say lysdexia is well done. i applaude your efforts and it is very clear that alot of your effort and hard work has gone into this very interesting piece. whether the stargate is real or not it not really the issue, the issue is whether it COULD be. and with people like yourself lysdexia thinking about this, maybe one day a stargate (as such) will come into existance, if it isnt already so.

every piece of technology we currently have on earth started form one small thing...... 1 persons idea.

thats all that is needed to oneday make the fantasy of traveling across space through an artificial wormhole..... a reality!! Keep those ideas and thoughts coming, anything can happen as the future has not yet been writen. it is up to US, to write it.

Spike's Mine :smilej:
P'teppic your wrong about any of us sitting down and reading this in one sitting, i did, and it took me an hour...
Well, the ST:TNG crew do say that when Professor Stephen Hawking was on set to do his "appearing as a hologram of himself" episode, when they passed a corridor graphic of a warp engine he winked and muttered, sotto voce, (to the extent allowed) that he was working on it...

In fact, thinking one step further, do we not limit ourselves by creating so many highly technical, imaginative and soon-to-be-real inventions in fiction?

If we ever DO get some sort of super-luminal travel, it almost certainly WILL be known popularly as warp-drive, no matter what the originating scientists/engineers call it. Any high-power plasma or laser weapon is likely to be a phaser, and so on... :D
Originally posted by Jedispara P'teppic your wrong about any of us sitting down and reading this in one sitting, i did, and it took me an hour...
Fair enough - it was a generalisation that was bound to have some exceptions. And, only my opinion - so may simply be wrong!! :D ;)

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