I'm not generally used to quoting so i hope i did this right
From the other side it's clear, which not only means the event horizon is semitransparent, but that the tear as a void maps both ends of space across its body. So if someone tried to pass through on the other side, there are two scenarios. The void would either act as a barrier, preventing someone else on the other side to stick a body part or object through the opening and for you to pass through and materialise around that object (ow), or you would still be able to pass through as long as there wasn't an object on the other side, which would itself act as a barrier. In the second scenario, of course if you rammed something hard or energetic enough through the barrier just might break and you'd have a severed object or body part going through the wormhole without you.
hmm there's a nice button that does it for me, i nearly used html tags rather than the [tags].
After re-reading it seems that you were talking about the stargate on the other side. What do you mean when you say "it's clear?" It isn't clear, you can't see through the wormhole, i think that's what lead to me thinking you were talking about the back of the stargate. Can i also ask another question? What would happen if you stuck a stick through the back of a stargate, would you block the path of something entering the gate by distorting the wormhole around the object as it sticks through, or would it be destroyed. I thought of another scenario which isn't really feasible in this reality, where if you rammed a stick through, no matter how much energy you put in it wouldn't go through or anything. The reason i think this unfeasable because then there would be an infinite amount of energy preventing the stick from going through.
Why couldn't naquadah be special? I mean we know it is a heavy element, which has to have a higher atomic number than a known element, yet it forms naturally. Therefore it must be different to other elements. It can also react with neutrinos, also making it unique. I see naquadah as a faery element-it displays magical properties-it can make warheads make big bangs, it can make wormholes, easy spaceflight, energy based defense shields, very durable metal for spacecraft (Asgard) and so on and so forth. I'm not being very clear, but my point is that it could work on a whole different level to normal atoms and it could be that all these are different properties, rather than different isotopes or elements.
I just looked up heavy liquid naqudah on a transcript and it only mentions it once
This is all in reference to a blueprint of a defense satelite.
"CARTER: Where does it get its power from?
DANIEL: Liquid naquada fuel cell here. (He points.)
CARTER: Liquid naquada?
DANIEL: Well actually it's heavy liquid naquada but don't ask me what makes it heavy, at least not yet."
It could be an isotope of Naquadah, or it could be a compound of naquadah. Naquadria is obviously an isotope of naquadah. liquid naquadah i don't know much about.
Now inert/weapons grade naqudah. I think inert naquadah may be a compound, whilst wgn is highly purified naquadah. ever heard of weapons grade uranium? i'm not really sure what it is, but i think it could be purified uranium.
<spoilers redemption s6>
Now we know the gate can survive a giant naquadah enhanced boom that turns an entire naquadah enriched planet into a giant fireball. But it also blows up quite easily when energy builds up in it's capacitators. Now i don't know as much as you about this physics so... i'm gonna try to put forward a theory as to why this is true
Heat cannot break up the strong chemical bonds between the naquadah and the other element/s in the compound (inert naquadah), but pure energy can for some reason-can't think of one. So therefore energy as the gate puts out can cause the gate to go boom. So theoretically in the warheads the USAF have, they must somehow put that kind of energy into the bomb, creating a giant boom. Now it doesn't have to be much, the gate didn't require that much when Anubis blew it up. It only kept 1% each time so it can't have been all that much considering how big the pulses the Ancient's device sent through were.