George R R Martin: A Game of Thrones (Book Club)

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Blood and Gold is the second part of A Storm of Swords... It was published in two parts, bizarrely. (The first part is called Steel and Snow, incidentally)
I eventually found and bought the book !
It'd better be good or you'll have to pay me back :p

I won't read this thread befor finishing the book, I don't want my fun spoiled :p
I'll let you know how I like(d) it though ;)
i have read all of the books in A Song of Ice and Fire that are currently out. It is definitely the best series i have read in the fantasy realm and i would put it on the top of my list. Its very unpredictable. the use of one character per chapter makes me read in every characters perspective/point of view which gives the reader more to think about. the reality of the book is GREAT and its definitely for a mature audience who can appreciate this type of book. for instance giving up a predictable happy ending with actual suprise ... in fact alot of times i would find myself actually mad at some things.... ILOVE IT.

i am very suprised that george r r martin is not listed in the sub forums of AUTHORS.
I know I said I wouldn't post here before finishing the first novel, yet I have a question : is it possible for me to find a sort of "list of the characters" somewhere ? The thing is I'm not used to reading books with so many characters in it, and I kind of struggle remembering who's who when it comes to "secondary" heroes :eek:

Apart from that, I'm really enjoying myself... it took some time to "get into it" ( sorry about the literal translation from French :p ) but now, I find it gripping !
There should be a section at the back of your book where all the principal houses, members of the families, their bannermen/servants/concubines/bastards as well as their current state - alive or dead...

Keep in mind that the list is updated each book, so if a character dies in this one, he'll be listed as alive, in the next he'll be listed as deceased and the cause...
Oh Fiddlesticks !
I have every reason to be blushing with shame !!!
I am so used to not reading the end of a book so as not to spoil my pleasure that I hadn't seen the appendix :eek:
Thank you ever so much, my good lady:)
ive read this series about 4 times now, best fantasy out there. i think one of the best things about it is that there isnt a whole lot of magic. it makes any the little bit of magic more extreme, and more "magical".

the new novel should come out this year!
at least that was the talk on the ccg forums for this game elsewhere.
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