Lost Boy
It's okay, digs, you needn't feel shame, no Bothans actually died for Edd to write that post. You see, Bothans don't really exist.
There are a lot of summations of sample chapters from ADWD (SPOILERS) that were read by GRRM at various events here (JON 3 is best BTW)
A Dance with Dragons - A Song of Ice and Fire
And the Davos one (Again spoilers)- has some specific stuff about NED fathering a *******. here Davos 1 - Spoilers for ADWD - A Song of Ice and Fire
Interesting stuff possibly trumping R+L=J;has this been discussed?
"You came back with another woman's son" - wasn't this line in the book? I am positive it was
The Ned and Jon bit of "you might not have my name but you have my blood" is something I picked up on the trailer. Seemed a bit odd as "you might not have my name but you are my son" would've been more appropriate.
It had taken her a fortnight to marshal her courage, but finally, in bed one night, Catelyn had asked her husband the truth of it, asked him to his face.
That was the only time in all their years that Ned had ever frightened her. "Never ask me about Jon," he said, cold as ice. "He is my blood, and that is all you need to know. And now I will learn where you heard that name, my lady."
If Jon would be a Targaryen it wouldn't make sense that he found Ghost (as well finding the direwolves should be a sign) and that he has such a connection with Ghost...
I do believe Jon's mother's heritage is of importance but the Stark + North connection he has can't just come out from anywhere...There's a reason that and I do believe it's Ned's blood.
Also I've always found the name Wylla funny. Like Ned tried to keep the image of Jon's mother being some random wench by giving a peasant's name to the mother.
If I consider myself to know Martin's patterns a bit though the answer is something none of us have guessed probably
If Jon would be a Targaryen it wouldn't make sense that he found Ghost (as well finding the direwolves should be a sign) and that he has such a connection with Ghost...
An unbeliever! Catch him!
Surely the fact that Jon has Stark blood merits him a direwolf and said connection? That there's a distinction between Ghost and the other pups could also suggest a unique other bloodline.
Very good No One, I agree! Plus the white blond hair is a Targ trait, therefore a white wolf!An unbeliever! Catch him!
Surely the fact that Jon has Stark blood merits him a direwolf and said connection? That there's a distinction between Ghost and the other pups could also suggest a unique other bloodline.
Took the words out of my mouth.Very good No One, I agree! Plus the white blond hair is a Targ trait, therefore a white wolf!