It's February Already! What We're Reading...

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Just finished Black on Black by K.D. Wentworth. A pretty good story about a cat like alien kidnapped as a cub, raised as a human. Who is seeking his origins on his home planet in a totally non human society. I liked this one!
Now to try the sequel Stars on Stars.
I just finished Ysabel by Guy Gavriel Kay. I didn't like it as much as his others, but it was still quite good. There's a surprise in there that caught me completely off guard! I'm now starting on Sunshine, by Robin McKinley. Haven't actually read any of it yet though, so I can't comment. But its supposed to be good (or so I've heard).
I just finished Ysabel by Guy Gavriel Kay. I didn't like it as much as his others, but it was still quite good. There's a surprise in there that caught me completely off guard! comment.

I'm about 4/5 of the way in the book now. Do you feel the need to read the Fionavar Tapestry trilogy again? I do.
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