It's February Already! What We're Reading...

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So far, 2007 has been a slow year for reading by me. But I'm in the midst of Queen of the Darkness, by Anne Bishop. And for the morning and evening commute, I'm listening to The Book of Dead Days, by Marcus Sedgwick, which several people on these forums recommended.

After that, I REALLY want to sink my teeth into the beautiful Invention of Hugo Cabret, which is part YA novel, and part illustrated film noir tribute. It looks EXCELLENT.
Oh, yeah, I agree that The Gunslinger isn't that great...but I assure you, the next one, The Drawing of the Three, is much better. And then the one after that, The Wastelands, is fantastic!
T'was the other way for me...The Gunslinger was the best of what I read of Dark Tower (went up to book 4, at which I stopped because it was a case of ever increasing size with ever diminishing returns). It's not neatly book-ended but I think it makes for a lovely msytique laden narratve in itself.

That is, assuming you're not reading the revised, expanded and ass-ripped edition where Stephen King does the whole George Lucas act of gouging though his original prose and slapping on stuff to make it "fit in" with the mood of further instalments of his series.
That is, assuming you're not reading the revised, expanded and ass-ripped edition where Stephen King does the whole George Lucas act of gouging though his original prose and slapping on stuff to make it "fit in" with the mood of further instalments of his series.

Well ... actually I was reading the revised version (in really horrible paperback binding - but that's not the point here). So the original is actually better ? Ok, I'll keep that in mind and try to find copy of the original from somewhere.
Just finished The Floating Island by Elizabeth Haydon.I really liked it, and look forward to the next book in the series. I can't decide what to read next. Might just wait and pick something tomorrow. (my to-read pile is getting too big!)
I've just finished the books I had started on, so I have now started on The Sleeper Awakes (H.G. Wells).

Out of the books in my to-read pile, I found that there was 13 books which really tempted me at the moment, so I asked my boyfriend to pick a number between 1 and 13.
Just started Firestorm, book 1 of the Caretaker trilogy, by David Klass. It's really good so far!
That's The Princess Bride done and dusted. I really hope that Goldman writes Buttercup's Baby, because he cannot leave such a cliffhanger! (I had the version where there's a chapter of it tacked onto the end as something extra).

Anyways...well, the big question, what to read next! Start on my new Moorcock books, or maybe try out Neil Gaiman...Or Anne McCaffrey? Oh, decisions!!

Ok...ok, I think I'll go for...Moorcock. The Knight of the Swords.
Methinks tonight I'll start Elizabeth Kostova's The Historian, and go on to A Clockwork Orange (came free with The Independent today! :D) once I've finished.

I didn't get to go to the library today. :(
Just checked out The Gunslinger by Stephen King. I'll start it tonight when I get home from work.
Not been able to get as much reading done lately as I'd like, but I did get around to another Doc Savage: The Czar of Fear; now back to finishing off the Bulfinch...
Managed to finish Gibson and Sterling Difference Engine - and discovered that it's really hard to get into a book if you don't care what happens to the main character(s) :eek: It's not even a discovery - just a thing, noticed multiple times reading this book. And it only took 3 months to finish it ... with re-starts. Not a bad book, a lot of thinking and atmosphere (stinking and smoggy atmospehere, but that is beside the point :rolleyes: ) but no characters I'd care for.
Reading Perumov's Death of Gods - and it seems to suffer from the same problem, there are two "main" characters and I don't care what happens to either of them :confused: If it doesn't get any better, I'll probably try to finish Cook's Tyranny ... instead.
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