Obsession, Enslavement, Fetish, Passion?

I buy and read a lot of non-fiction books, as well as the SF&F. I'm more inclined to get rid of uninteresting fiction, than I am of the non-fiction. I like having my own library to look stuff up, and I refer to them a lot. For example, just recently, I made plans to see "King Lear" in the theater as part of a trip to Washington, DC. It's one of the plays I have never read or seen performed. So I go to my bookshelf and start looking. I know I have at least 3 books on Shakespeare. Unfortunately, none of them had the full text of the play, so I did have to run out and buy that (ahem!), but I did have lots of good commentary.

I have a very curious mind and am always intrested in new things. The first thing I do whenever I get a new interest is to borrow or buy all the books I can about the subject. I'm constantly buying and giving books to my children and grandkids, trying to educate, intrigue, and delight them.

Like most of you, I long for the space to have a real library, where all my books can fit comfortably. I suspect it's like money, though--however much you have, it's not enough.

And here's a confession a la TMI: Looking at books has a serious laxative effect. It's just a relaxing, enjoyable experience for me, I cannot tell you how many times in the library or bookstore I have had to locate a bathroom . . . quickly! Weird.
Oh, I'd give anything to have my own "library" in my house. Just think of the organising I could do! I'd have to keep it neat and switch everything around everytime I bought a new one! It would be fantastic! And I could just go in and sit and look at all my books and sigh contentedly.

I have to admit - I'm very lucky, although I don't have as many books as some of you guys, a mere 630 (not counting the 300 I've just bought on ebay for a tenner - I don't know what I'm getting yet), I do have a nice study with 4 bookcases and I do often rearrange them, stare at the and sigh with happiness!

I've got a lot I haven't read yet but keep hold of dearly loved ones. I do take some to be exchanged though and often come home with more than I took in. I'm building up a mythology and fairy tale section and can't resist unusual finds, or any finds really!

I find frequent visits to the library hamper me catching up on the books I own but I can't stop going!

It's been great finding this thread - just told hubby that I'm normal after all but I'm not sure he quite believes me!
I have to admit - I'm very lucky, although I don't have as many books as some of you guys, a mere 630 (not counting the 300 I've just bought on ebay for a tenner - I don't know what I'm getting yet), I do have a nice study with 4 bookcases and I do often rearrange them, stare at the and sigh with happiness!

I've got a lot I haven't read yet but keep hold of dearly loved ones. I do take some to be exchanged though and often come home with more than I took in. I'm building up a mythology and fairy tale section and can't resist unusual finds, or any finds really!

I find frequent visits to the library hamper me catching up on the books I own but I can't stop going!

It's been great finding this thread - just told hubby that I'm normal after all but I'm not sure he quite believes me!

Sorry, but if normal means not understanding why we buy, borrow and read books, who wants to be normal?;) I'd rather be crazy---oh, wait, I am crazy and loving it.:D
I'm going to visit Washington, D.C. next weekend (to see my boss argue before the Supreme Court!) and one of the things on my short list is a visit to the Library of Congress. One of the great libraries of the world--you betcha!
My dream is to have....a two storey library filled with the top books and most books from the top SFF authors!

*sighs* One day...


I have no idea how many books i have got and most of those that i have read i had to borrow from libraries (i am not too rich)

I am addicted to reading and cannot imagine how some people have few or none books at home (their lives most be so borring)
I can't put a number on the amount of books I have, but I've got shelves full, as well as boxes full of books.

I love them, they love me, it is a mutual relationship.
Like some on here I have a lot of books (never counted them though).

When I bought this place one criterion was that a spare bedroom would be needed to turn into a library. It now has 6 bookcases in it. Just looked round to check (its also my computer room)

I have overspilled into the main bedroom as well with my bedside cabinet full, the cabinet of my music system and a couple of shelves in the walk in wardrobe filled as well. The shelving in the living room doesnt have any as thats where the DVDs and CDs are stacked (plus all the whisky bottles).

I also have boxes in the loft. Plus a collection of comics in file boxes to keep as well.

Never consider throwing anything out.
I may start to consider the in-and-out rule: For each item (book) you bring home, toss, recycle or give away one item.
I know what you mean, I love to be surrounded by books! Even though I keep rambling on about how I shouldn't buy more books like at University, a part of me is overjoyed to see the collection spread along my bookshelf. I just love books!

OK, Murphy, I'll definitely be joining Bookoholics Anonymous now. *Looks around for a spare chair in the ever-growing circle of Bookoholics* :D
With the sorts of things I do, I've learned never to dispose of any book. I'll always need it a week later!:rolleyes: (And that's darned-near true! I'm always frustrated because a book I need to refer to for something is currently in storage, and even though I try to rotate, half the time the one I need is half-across town!)
i guess one can have worse addictions than books (talk about television for example...the bulls**t they are showing lately is unbeliveable)...i started to put two rows of books in every board because i'm running out of space...but i'm not really planning to stop collecting books...after all there are few things better than sitting in the garden on a sunday afternoon and reading a good book...
I'm joining the bookoholics anonymus. Reading this thread, I see frightening similarities with my own love for books. Double rows, lack of storage, buying lots of books and frequent visits to the library, even though I have plenty of books at home that are still waitin to be read.
Next year, my boyfriend and I will move to Norwich, UK, and I've already checked out the website and catalogue of the library over there, to be sure I won't run out of books to read. :rolleyes:
Yes, I'm a bookaholic.
I don't even use libraries, I tend to buy, or occasionally borrow, so I don't have a strict time limit. I can re-read the good ones whenever I want :p

It does put my bookshelf under some strain though, and I have them stacked in 2 layers, with another 2 on top of them...
You can count me in. I've got hundreds of books. We have full bookshelves in nearly every room, a few boxes full in the spare room (waiting for me to put up more shelves) and a few more boxes in the attic. I'm buying books all the time and can't walk past out local Waterstones without popping in (during their last 3 for 2 sale, my wife had to ban me from going). I have on occaisionally bought books that I already own because I'd forgotten buying them in the first place :eek:
After having unpacked all the boxes of books I've multiple copies of several books. Some I bought unknowingly but others I bought because I wanted to read them and could not wait until they got out of storage. I've also bought multiple copies of favourite books because they are all different editions. Seven different editions of Jane Eyre. Eight of Lord of the Rings, etc :eek:
I know this is kind of irrelivent but every book I read once im done there are white lines all down the spine and the book is puffed up. Is this just the way I read or does everyone have this happen. I mean It's not like the books goes that far I ussally finish them in 2 or 3 days.

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