Obsession, Enslavement, Fetish, Passion?

Now, you'd think that, but for some reason, every time I go round to my friend's room and tell her to clean up, she doesn't appreciate it! Although I have her well-trained now...whenever she knows I'm going over to see her, she tidies up beforehand :D
Exactely! Other people have to really work hard to make a mess but we are naturals.:p *sigh* Life is too short..

It sometimes seems that all I have to do is to sit quietly and very still in a clean and neat room for a couple of hours and it will have on its own transformed into a cluttered mess. I must exude entropy or something.

I hardly ever loan books. When I do I have to nag to get them back and they are hardly ever in the same condition as when they left me. I am obsessive about keeping book spines uncreased while it seems all around me think they've got to mangle book spines into submission before they can properly read a book. :eek:
My book shelves are neat though. I finally got all the books (the ones not misplaced by the mover) organised on shelves last night. It has to be one of the best feelings looking at all those neatly ordered spines.

I decided to do them by genre and then group those which were sets together as opposed to alphabetical which would have been muddly especially since the shelves in my bedroom are for old favourites and immediate must-reads.

The main reason things are tidy is because I've got the worst eyesight and it was a long time before teachers at school figured out the problem. I still do a lot through memory so tend to keep things neat otherwise I'll likely bump into or fall over something. :eek: Admittedly surfaces do get cluttered every so often.

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