First Lines

It snowed that night, the first snow of the year, and in August, no less.
Even seventy-four light-years from Old Earth, Christmas Eve still held some of its old magic.
It's not often you hear "Silent Night" being sung in four-part harmony by a group of mice, but somehow it didn't seem odd at all after fourteen pints.
As the stormclouds rolled in, he could swear he could see visions of horses at the front, complete with riders bearing swords, like an army was descending to the world.
"This could hurt", falling and heights had never bothered him before, falling from this height, bothered him alot!!
The grip on her ankle tightened, and she could feel the claws biting through her skin as she tried to get away from the beast that had emerged from the ground.
“Syracuse is ready to see you,” a black glad secretary said, and gestured Guy Baker to step behind the double-doors that ominously stood behind her desk.
It was like she had just woken up: She was standing in the middle of a room, with three people lying motionless on the floor and there was blood on her hands, but she had no memory of what had happened.
As I slid on loose gravel down the steep slope towards the cliff edge, I cursed myself for ever taking on this job.
They called him Roach and Roach he was, a scuttling creature of darkness and filth, so easily squashed and so widely despised.
Here's the opening line to something I'm writing:

Jim Steiner was found dead, outside, in his tighty-whitey, skid-mark stained underwear, laying in a pool of his own vomit, clutching a tin Superman lunch box so firmly that the paramedics had to break four of his fingers, a thumb, one wrist, and both elbows to pry it loose.
Most writers have a muse of some sort, but mine is somewhat different, he wrote, as she actually sits on the side of my computer as I type, being the whimsical fairy that she is.

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