First Lines

Sounds like a thought-provoking work closely examing the way in which we as humans interact with the natural world, and how transitory our existence truly is.

Or not.
At first, it was dark. Then I saw a light coming towards me, and whilst I had no idea what it was, all I knew was that it was moving fast.
When you've read as many books as me, you realize how phony first lines can be. So I won't.
The day I died, it rained, just after I'd pegged out the washing. I'll admit, I thought things could be worse, but I didn't actually expect them to.
Sometimes, when I sit atop Aeirth Rock at night and look out into the Eastern Sea, I see the dim outline of ship approaching from far away, and a dark, cold fear snatches my heart; and when I see clearly that it's a turtle or some sort of the bird in the horizon, I feel joy, but also the foreboding thought still lingers inside: if my fate will ever stop chasing me.
"Aliens?" came the incredulous reply. "Don't be ridiculous. Everyone knows that they don't exist! No, it must be something else. It's probably just a publicity stunt," he scoffed.

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