Question re Secret Keepers...

The entire Order couldn't have known, or else they'd all have immediately realised it was the Secret Keeper who blabbed.

I'm thinking it was like this: Sirius asked Wormtail to be the Secret Keeper instead of him. Wormtail was made the Keeper. No one else knew that they'd swapped, not even Dumbledore. Wormtail told the secret to Voldemort. Voldemort killed the Potters and blew up the house. As soon as the building collapsed, the spell collapsed too, which meant everybody in the Order suddenly just "knew" the Potters' location somehow.
Yeah, we e-mail her a link to this thread. :D

Now does anyone know her e-mail address? :p
Sounds like an imposter to me, I bet loads of people have done that!

Anyways, Rowling doesn't use emails.

C/o. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
38 Soho Square
i have an answer, wormtail posted the secret online in a forum thus the whole world and their elf knew the secret

orrr...perhaps wormtail told and elf and the elf passed the sexret on, as it is clearly stated that the houseelves have a different magic to wiz and witches, therefore they wont be bound by the annoying prospect of telling the secret

another theory i have is that he told the secret w/o actually saying wot it was, as he could answer simply yes or no and under the veritserum (??) he could not lie, thus allowing the secret to be told...a bit like chardes or 20 questions...
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