The Discworld Diaries

So, the mail brought me all Discworld up til Maskerade and the the wings, trucks, whathaveyou trilogy.
100 posts! I'd like to take a moment...

Over the months I've been on the Chron I've read a lot of stuff, being wrapped up in spider web, drank a few pina coladas, seen demons from hell, and enjoyed the company of a fascinating and diverse mob.

Thank you all!

And my last word must go to Marky, who's Discworld thread kept me so enthralled that I made my hundredth post on it.
What does the prospect of re-reading Discworld mean to you Marky?
I always find it a joy, and usually I notice a lot of foreshadowing and hidden jokes :)
What does the prospect of re-reading Discworld mean to you Marky?
I always find it a joy, and usually I notice a lot of foreshadowing and hidden jokes :)
As of today, there's no re-reading for I still have a long road to go. I only re-read Mort because my new fix hadn't arrived yet. When I get there, I'll tell you all about it.
I love how Victor is so incredibly "lazy" that he stays in top physical shape so as to not have to exert himself to much in day to day life. It is similar to the Pratchett concept of Knurd. He has gone so far into sloth he's come out the other side into something else.
You know, I keep bashing the horrible US covers and will keep doing so for a long time, but, you know, when you're putting them on a bookshelf and look at them at the spine, it looks kinda neat I have to admit.
You know, I keep bashing the horrible US covers and will keep doing so for a long time, but, you know, when you're putting them on a bookshelf and look at them at the spine, it looks kinda neat I have to admit.
There was a UK artist who did the early USA covers when he was over there doing some artwork for one the film companies for a while went under the name of Fangorn I don't think he is responsible for the newer editions though.
Well, I'm meaning these ones:

Okay, Moving Pictures is history! Liked it a lot, I have to say. I moved a title back now to Eric. If I can find the time, I'll write a review on Pictures.
Movie Magic Mayhem!—a review

In the tenth Discworld novel we see how Mr. Pratchett ridicules the movie magic. Giving examples of this would simply be too silly. To me it looked like the entire novel was from beginning to end, an ongoing mockery of Hollywood. From Lassie to King Kong, from the perfect look to the superfluousness of celebrities, everything remotely important in the movie business gets its two minutes of dubious fame. We see the invention popcorn, Hollywood dreams and the classic gag where a car drives into a barn and bangs (or is it dangs) out of the other way covered in chickens. The novel satires especially the silent movies, which is also important in the climax of the story.

Up to now, this is definitely one of the best Discworlds. Where the series started as a funny spoof on fantasty with the Colour of Magic and The Light Fantastic, Moving Pictures shows how Pratchett keeps on mastering his satire. Though, of course, in this novel it isn’t a subtle as it is in other books.

There’s something in this novel for everyone. Firstly, for movie buffs, there’s dozens of tiny little references to movies. Secondly, there’s a lot to enjoy for anti-Hollywood lobbyists. And last but certainly not least, it has the uncomplicated fun from all the other Discworlds. For the hardcore Discworld fans it’s very nice how the wizards and their tricks develop more and more. I guess it’s just a new feast for everyone member of the family!

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