The Revived Tolkien Trivia

Is it to do with a Grandma sucking eggs?

That was my first thought on seeing your post on Wednesday, but I'm having a blank about whose Granny it could be.
It's Gollum. I think Bilbo gives a riddle to which the answer is eggs, and Gollum's trying to think of the answer and he recalls teaching his grandmother to suck eggses.
He does indeed (or, more correctly, "eggses"). Well remembered.

I didn't ask for an exact quote, so, with the delicate chime of an eggshell bell, the next question is yours.
Aargh! So obvious, but the possibilty of Gollum's eggses hadn't even passed through my synapses.
In the first, unpublished draft, Gollum said this after the riddle game, while pouring Bilbo a glass of sherry.
And in the second draft, Gimli says it to Gandalf, when the Balrog turns up at Durin's Bridge. The next line was "Now all we need is a fourth for Bridge..."

Yesterday evening, looking at the last two posts, I was very very impressed with their knowledge and reading of early drafts.

Then today I realised that something was not quite right.

Unfortunately I then resorted to google.
OK, I think the speaker has a beard, and the subject is not an actual guest, the saying being a metaphor in this case. Is that right?
OK, I think the speaker has a beard, and the subject is not an actual guest, the saying being a metaphor in this case. Is that right?

In the movies, the speaker does indeed have something of a beard. But that really doesn't narrow anything much down.
Hmm. My reserve guess (after Gandalf and Gimli) was Faramir, who I believe does have a beard in the film. But I've just scanned his dialogue at the end of TTT, and I can't find it.

Ah! I think the speaker has just popped into my head. I'll check him out later.
The Lord of the Rings, Book Two, Helm's Deep

Don't have the book, but... Aragorn says this to Eomer regarding Gimli's participation in their sortie at the Hornburg. Eomer remarked that he did not know Gimli joined them, but Gimli replied that the "hillmen looked over large for me" and so hung back. He ended up joining the fight and saved Eomer's life.
Actually Eomer says it directly to Gimli, but the context is spot on.

(Eomer was my next guess, but I thought he said it of Aragorn just after meeting him. Then I thought it might be Theoden. I could have gone on for ever.)

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