To which, phonetically and diametrically, I say Naah ....
My brain has fixated on this as referring to the inscription on the doors of Moria: "I, Narvi, made them". Am I getting hopelessly lost?
To which, phonetically and diametrically, I say Naah ....
Puss. A conventional call-name for a cat... also applied in the 17th century and since to hares. The derivation from Lat. lepus, a hare, Frenchified into le pus, is, of course, only humorous.
In those days, it is said, Daeron the Minstrel, chief loremaster of the kingdom of Thingol, devised his runes ... By the Naugrim the Cirth were taken east over the mountains and passed into the knowledge of many peoples
Then there's the matter of responding to the question....."To which I say Now...." wouldn't have been very helpful, would it?
Well, that one didn't draw any interest, apparently....
How about this: those who bore the letters east were known for making many things, but here they were only carriers.....
Now now, my good rabbit, you say toe-maw-toe, I say toe-may-toe, and all that stuff....
I second your motion, however; with the Hare haring off to realms of fantasy (carrots and cabbage figure prominently), I do believe the floor is yours, pd......
end of today.
Well, that was much too optimistic. Coming up with something neither too easy not too hard is quite a challenge in itself...