What we're reading in August...

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Really, what did you think compared to the earlier series??

I haven't read them. Yet. I really liked The Long Sun, and I'll definitely be reading more Gene Wolfe. I haven't decided where to start next, though. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I haven't read Starship Troopers yet. I was kinda put off reading it by the ridiculous movie adaptation. One of the worst movies ever. I know I shouldn't, but I can't avoid making the connection. I do believe the book to be vastly superior, and in many aspects (including plot) totally different from the film, but it is quite far down my list.

Have you read any Heinlein before? If you havent start with Starship Troopers. Its a perfect first RAH book.

I think you should think more about Heinlein's place in SF history rather than a stupid hollywood movie when you think about if Heinlein is worth reading or puting it far down in your list.

I knew nothing of him when i started reading him other than he was one of the three called greatest SF writers of all time. Something told me there was a reason for that ;)
I haven't read them. Yet. I really liked The Long Sun, and I'll definitely be reading more Gene Wolfe. I haven't decided where to start next, though. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I would start with the Book Of The New Sun quartet, then Latro In The Mist duology followed by Wizard Knight duology and then Fifth Head Of Cerberus. That will provide a good sampling of Gene's work......:D If you want to read colllected short stories by Gene, Storeys From The Old Hotel comes recommended.
Finished Hag's Nook by John Dickson Car and Palace Of Tears by Alev Lytle Croutier.

Am now reading Vesuvius Clun by Mark Gatiss and a huge, ginormous book of Harlan Ellison's stories (I swear the book weighs more than me as I discovered to my detriment when I tried to read it lying down). One squished nose and a set of sore ribs later ....
Hey, the Collected Wit and Wisdom of George Bush probably weighs more than you, Cat!

Trying to get into The Abominations of Yondo, by Clark Ashton Smith - has anyone seen or heard of a comparison essay with HPL that I could read?
Pandora's Star - Peter F Hamilton. Bought it on impulse from Waterstones - I love their little recommendation cards on the shelves. Only just started and a Dysons sphere has been mentioned. Am happy :)
I've decided to give American Gods a re-read... Gaiman's preferred text!

...and a huge, ginormous book of Harlan Ellison's stories (I swear the book weighs more than me as I discovered to my detriment when I tried to read it lying down). One squished nose and a set of sore ribs later ....

Nesa, I don't mean this to sound the way it's probably going to, but... roflmao.....:D

Hey, the Collected Wit and Wisdom of George Bush probably weighs more than you, Cat!

Um, Pyan... I don't think I'd go quite that far... unless you want to put her on the negative side of the scale....:p

Trying to get into The Abominations of Yondo, by Clark Ashton Smith - has anyone seen or heard of a comparison essay with HPL that I could read?

What sort of thing are you looking for, Pyan? I've seen essays comparing the two now and again, but mostly very early on, especially as the two were colleagues and correspondents for about 15 years (from 1922, as I recall, to HPL's death). Were you looking for something that compares their styles, or subject matter, or...:confused:

And I'm reading H. P. Lovecraft: A Symposium... the last several days, I've had to be reading small bits and pieces, so I've had to put the LeFanu on hold temporarily...:(
Have you read any Heinlein before? If you havent start with Starship Troopers. Its a perfect first RAH book.

I think you should think more about Heinlein's place in SF history rather than a stupid hollywood movie when you think about if Heinlein is worth reading or puting it far down in your list.

I knew nothing of him when i started reading him other than he was one of the three called greatest SF writers of all time. Something told me there was a reason for that ;)

Yes, I have read Heinlein before. I just don't care much for military literature. I do intend to read ST as well as Joe Haldeman's Forever War, for completeness sake, at least.
I started reading Small Gods by Terry Pratchett while at the train station/on the train yesterday.

Now that I'm back at home, however, methinks it's back to Ulysses.

Maybe a few more pages of Small Gods...

NO! University reading...bad Hoopy!

*Mumble grumble*
JD ... it is a HUGE book too as I was demonstrating to Phek Chin last night ... remind me never do this sort of thing again ... :rolleyes:

Am finishing up Vesuvius Club and will start on it's sequel The Devil in Amber by Mark Gatiss. Am also going to start on In The Shadow Of Trees by Eleanor Gill and Malory - The Life And Times Of King Arthur's Chronicler by Christina Hardyment
I just finished Altered Corbon and im torn beteween reading Broken Angels the sequal to Corbon just to see what Takeshi is up to in book 2 and reading Patrick O'Brian's Master and Commander.I saw a great BBC drama documentary about Blackbeard'd which gave the urge to read a naval story which is why im even thinking about Master and Commander.

Eh i'll go for Master and Commander cause the first Takeshi Kovacs book was such an emotional rollercoaster that i will save the sequal for alittle later.
I finished The Illustrated Man, and am going to start reading A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess. It's been years since I watched the Kubrick film, I've heard the book is supposed to be really good.
I finished The Illustrated Man, and am going to start reading A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess. It's been years since I watched the Kubrick film, I've heard the book is supposed to be really good.

Yes, great book. I love the film too. Kubrick did it justice.
I would start with the Book Of The New Sun quartet, then Latro In The Mist duology followed by Wizard Knight duology and then Fifth Head Of Cerberus. That will provide a good sampling of Gene's work......:D If you want to read colllected short stories by Gene, Storeys From The Old Hotel comes recommended.
I can't wait to get started. :)

I finished Lord of Light, and now can't decide what to read next. I finished Pandora's Star a couple of weeks ago, and ordered the sequal, Judas Unchained, before I finished. It took forever to get here, and now I can't bring myself to pick it up and start reading. I want to know what happens, but I'm not sure it's worth slogging through another thousand pages of Peter F. Hamilton. Has anyone read Judas Unchained? Is it worth it?
I can't wait to get started. :)

I finished Lord of Light, and now can't decide what to read next. I finished Pandora's Star a couple of weeks ago, and ordered the sequal, Judas Unchained, before I finished. It took forever to get here, and now I can't bring myself to pick it up and start reading. I want to know what happens, but I'm not sure it's worth slogging through another thousand pages of Peter F. Hamilton. Has anyone read Judas Unchained? Is it worth it?
I've got both of the Hamilton books but I haven't read them yet. I heard from reviewers that Judas Unchained is pretty good. You read Zelazny's Lord Of Light and I assume you enjoyed it? If so, you should try his Chronicles Of Amber, classic EPIC fantasy.
I did enjoy it. It sounds like I have another title to add to the to be read list. It's growing by the day!
Still on a mystery kick.

Finished Straight Into Darkness, mentioned above. Then finished Gone, by Jonathan Kellerman this morning.

Continuing to read The Garden of Eden and Other Criminal Delights, a book of short stories and essays by Faye Kellerman and deliberating which novel to read next. I've got an old John D. MacDonald Travis McGee novel out of the library (Dress Her In Indigo) and might tackle that next...been awhile since I've read a McGee; used to love them. Or I might go with another Jonathan Kellerman novel, Obesession...it is out of the library as well, and due sooner than the MacDonald/McGee as it's a two-week rather than a three-week book...I think it must be the latest out.

Wish I could find some science fiction that I want to read, but nothing appeals right now.
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