Your Favorite Fantasy Book(s)

Nice to hear someone mention McKillip's Riddlemaster trilogy. She's one of my favorite writers and that remains (in my opinion at least) her best work.
The Book of Words / JV Jones
Sword of Shadow / JV Jones
Riftwar | Serpentwar Saga / Raymond E. Feist
Rigante Threat / David Gemmel
Elric / Michael Moorecock
The Book of the New Sun / Gene Wolfe
The Quintara Marathon / Jack L. Chalker (Pretty sf'ish but still had f'ish aspects)
knivesout said:
Not much love for Leiber, Moorcock and Vance then. I thought not. *rides away tilt at other windmills*

Mind you, if everyone liked them you'd probably think they were too popularist and find someone else's cause to champion ;)
Not much love for Leiber, Moorcock and Vance then. I thought not. *rides away tilt at other windmills*

Simply stated 3 Gods of speculative fiction, and they are represented in my list:)
Winters_Sorrow said:
Mind you, if everyone liked them you'd probably think they were too popularist and find someone else's cause to champion ;)

Wanna bet? I still think Asimov, Heinlein and Clarke are mighty good, even great a times, although they're so popular. Leiber's stuff used to be mass-consumption stuff. As was Moorcock's. I don't hold that against them. Far from it.
Hi, I would recommend one of my favorite authors, Robert Jordan, and his Wheel of Time series, close second is author, Dan Simmons, his Hyperion won the Hugo award, Fall of Hyperion was excellent as well, he also did a translation/novel of the Illiad, called Illium(wonderful). If you like those, let me know and I can recommend others.

Welcome to the forum.:D

HMMM.. Heard of Dan Simmons of course but never read anything by this author, more information please ie. what type of stories are they....:confused: :confused:

BTW if you like Robert Jordan as I do then you may like other "EPICS" like George RR Martin or Steven Erikson's fantasy series. You read these yet??

Bye for now...:D
My favourites not including LOTR and Hobbit or Narina

Fiest-Riftwar saga,Serpentwar Saga and Conclave of Shadows

Stephen King- Dark Tower

James Barclay- Chronicles of the Raven and Legend of the Raven

Stephen Donaldson-First Chronicles of Thomas Covenant and Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant

Hobb-Farseer Trilogy,Liveship Traders and Tawny Man

Freda Warrington- Court of the Midnight King

Fiest & Wursts- The Empire Saga

Juliette Mariller[spelt wrong]-Sevenwater Trilogy

Mary Gentle-Ash a Secret History
29 and now you want to try fantasy and SF. It must have been a bid stone you've been living under;)

Here's my suggestions, in no particular order.
Memory Sorrow and Thorn by Tad Williams
A Song of Ice and Fire by George R R Martin
Anything by David Eddings, though there is similarities in his different worlds
Sword of Shadows by J V Jones
You HAVE to read R.A Salvatore. Drizzt rocks.
War of the Spider Queen by various authors. I like it a lot.

Otherland by Tad Williams
Any Dune novels. Frank and Brian Herbert
Ringworld novels by Larry Niven

Hope this helps
Cos it won't help your bank balance.:eek:
Wow - I'm a newbie to fantasy too, and this thread is fantastic.

My favorite place to suggest starting is with the Chroncicles of Narnia. I read those when I was little and I'm still obsessed with Turkish Delight :)
George R.R. Martin's A Storm of Swords is the single greatest work of imaginative fiction that I have ever read.

At certain points, this book actually caused my heart to race alarmingly... brilliant. If GRRM keeps up this level for the rest of his series, this will be hailed as the greatest epic fantasy ever written... right alongside LOTR.
Lord of Winterfell said:
George R.R. Martin's A Storm of Swords is the single greatest work of imaginative fiction that I have ever read.

At certain points, this book actually caused my heart to race alarmingly... brilliant. If GRRM keeps up this level for the rest of his series, this will be hailed as the greatest epic fantasy ever written... right alongside LOTR.
Interesting comments there. Yes I agree Martin's work is of a high quality but for me Steven Erikson's malazan series is the best EPIC fantasy series I've ever come across with the wordlbuilding second only to Tolkien himself IMHO and an amzing magic system. I generally place Martin at No. 2 on my all time list.. Actually I'd have to put Tolkien and Erikson ahead of Martin in terms of "great works of imaginative fiction" and I'm sure there are others that could be added here....:D
I'll like to add another favourite author that I recently discovered onto this list :)

Alison Croggon :D

I've been keeping an eye on this thread and realised I need to expand my reading range more :D :D :D There are still a lot I've not managed to try yet :eek:
rune said:
I'll like to add another favourite author that I recently discovered onto this list :)

Alison Croggon :D

I've been keeping an eye on this thread and realised I need to expand my reading range more :D :D :D There are still a lot I've not managed to try yet :eek:
AH..another aussie author passes the Oracle's Test. YIPEE!!:D
