Show us your... desktops.

Haha I've never rearlly noticed the feet tbh, but I'm guessing it's a female robot looking at certain curves,so I'm assuming she is wearing some sort of robotic high heel.
Looking at it again, I don't think the shin is that short and the boot moulding does suggest a high-heeled stance.
Well you asked to see me desktop....
Wow! Don't you keep getting that damn pop-up, Cul? - the one that says "There are unused icons on your desktop..."
My latest, B-17G nose. Note the control yoke at middle right for control of the chin turret.


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I figured it had been a while since I posted one up, certainly before I had my little Macbook Pro. So here is my current desktop. Got the picture from trawling on deviantArt. I quite like it but I'll probably soon turn back to a picture of my friends and I when we were away.

This is mine on the laptop (and both screens at work, which my boss gave me a funny look for!):

Since I've refurbished my system, this is what's been on my desktop since then. Yes, cluttered...but ordered.


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