Re: The Dark Knight: Nolan and Bale’s Batman 2
sooo - and I'm going out on a limb here...
you've never read "Batman: year one" ???
Nolans story was heavily sourced from Millers graphic novel, the Ras Al goul story was out of an earlier account - its all about going back to basics.
As Shrek Baby pointed out Batman Movies have often reflected the times... the comic books have been little different.
Anybody here know that in the first incarnation of Batman he happily killed criminals? theres more than one he breaks the kneck of - he even killed the joker on his first outing

He even carried a GUN at one point - something the "modern" batman wouldnt even contemplate.. so I agree one has to context the films but the context here is heavily Frank Miller.
Ok I'm rare as I though Jack Nicholson was the absolute worst person on planet earth to play the joker - hell they modified the script to accomodate jack, and a lot of the sceans they changed too - remember the last scean where batman's flying in all guns blazing (yet still amazingly missing)??? that scean the Joker was supposed to be jumping around a lot like a pin ball - but nope they pandered to nicholson and in the final version he just stood there.
The joker is best summed up in "the killing Joke" - I expect the dark night will have this as a strong influence to it, and perhaps parts of the dark knight returns and Arkam Asylum.
The Joker is possibly the most ill understood character in the batman univers but the most well known. Everybody thinks of him as a clown who then does evil things... the problem is the Joker IS a clown full stop - the litteral truth is everything he does he Thinks is funny - wether it be a pie in the face or a pie in the case with an acid filling - to him its the same but the "joke" element dictates if its lethal or not - also the Joker is the intellectual equal to the batman, just as smart in every way.
so heath ledger as the joker who can play it very dark, and comic will be a 100% better than jack who never got the character imo