The fire rises in my throat, I spit it up, I cough, I choke.
The stinging flame it fills my eyes, I’ll burn you with your wicked lies.
Your words are vicious they reek of deceit; soon my revenge will be complete.
I burn your skin, I break your bones, you’ll fall ^broken, bleeding alone.
The hate seeps forth, it changes me, I’m not quite what I used to be,
¥ou woke the sleeping beast within, your hate is what will do you in.
You act as a self-righteous lord; you’ve fallen on your own sharp sword.
You bleed, you ache, you cry in pain, do you think your words were vain?
I hope you hurt, I hope you cry, I hope you’re asking yourself why.
Do you really think you’re true, so kind and filled with such virtue?
Inverted accentuation
The mirror reflects only the flesh; inside your heart is heart's a blackened mess.
Your eyes look out ^ judging us, we are ^whom you beat and cuss.
You draw some in with your false tongue with promises and a hidden gun.
The phantom lies within your soul; you don’t know that it has control,
Think yourself so fair and kind, ^ only in your perverse mind.
The truth you bend it to your will, those who argue shall be killed.
But no longer must I stay; the beast will beat you down today.
My fire chars your skin so fast I strike you down with one clean blast.
You’re Your words no more poison my air, the beast returns to her dark lair.
I'm sorry if this is hard to read I can't seem to get it as broken up as the others. Hmph.
Now you see why I don't do poetry. ^symbols indicate a missing beat in the rhythm, blue words are suggestions, things that could be taken out or changed to make it flow better; they should be fairly obvious.