Ah dear, doing a 'mega run' of various Rimworld locations picked at random but all different. My current Desert biome colony, on Randy Random and not quite the hardest difficulty, set in mountainous terran (colony called "Death Valley") is just managing to get through it's third winter.
Everyone died bar one in the first winter to hypothermia (I started all colonies on Tribal so it's taken ages to research and I was nowhere near any power options for all of the first year. Plus they only had their stupid tribalware clothes). The man in black came in as well to save me...
Survived the second winter with three pawns, but we essentially had to eat all the humans (raw as I had no fuel or electricity to cook anything*) that we killed in the large numbers in loads of raids, because I did manage to build a welcoming entrance to my base (<cough> kill box <cough, cough>)
Managing to get some power in the third year, got the colony up to 7 pawns, and got hydroponics...yet, still nowhere near enough food to survive.
At least this time I can cut up the human flesh and cook it.
Despite the need to recreated the Doner party, I'm impressed by my pawns.
* I've stripped all the cacti and trees off the entire map, and I've not seen any wildlife on the map for about three seasons!