Your Top 3 SF/F

The Book of the New Sun, Gene Wolfe, 1980
Dragon's Egg, Robert L. Forward, 1980
Radix tetrad, A.A.Attanasio, 1985

Yeah, I could have went with Dune, Foundation, Demon Princes and a host of others, but the 3 book series above are what really stick in my mind, for better or worse.
Lord of the Rings 1950 J. R. Tolkein 24
A Song of Ice and Fire 1996 George R. R. Martin 15
Dune 1965 Frank Herbet 10
Ender's Game 1985 Orson Scott Card 10
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy 1979 Douglas Adams 8
The Left Hand of Darkness 1969 Ursula K. Leguin 6
The Dark Tower Series 1982 Stephen King 5
Malazan Book of the Fallen 1999 Steven Erikson 5
The Foundation Series 1951 Isaac Asimov 4
The Name of the Wind 2007 Patrick Rothfuss 4
Time Enough for Love 1973 Robert A. Heinlein 3
The Time Traveler's Wife 2003 Audrey Niffenegger 3
The Chronicles of Narnia 1950 C. S. Lewis 3
Speaker for the Dead 1986 Orson Scott Card 3
American Gods 2001 Neil Gaiman 3
Farseer Trilogy 1995 Robin Hobb 3
The Forever War 1974 Joe Haldeman 3
Riftwar Saga 1982 Raymond E. Feist 3
Tigana 1990 Guy Gavriel Kay 3
The Chronicles of Amber 1970 Roger Zelazny 3
Nineteen Eighty Four 1949 George Orwell 2
Now Wait for the Last Year 1966 Philip K. Dick 2
A Wrinkle in Time 1962 Madeleine L'Engle 2
Neuromancer 1984 William Gibson 2
The Stars my Destination 1956 Alfred Bester 2
Dhalgren 1975 Samuel R. Delany 2
The Dresden Files 2002 Jim Butcher 2
Hyperion 1989 Dan Simmons 2
Vorkosigan Saga 1997 Lois McMaster Bujold 2
The Wheel of Time 1990 Robert Jordan 2
Lord of Light 1967 Roger Zelazny 2
Discworld Series 1983 Terry Pratchett 2
The Wars of Light and Shadow 1994 Janny Wurts 2
Xanth Series 1987 Piers Anthony 2
Contact 1985 Carl Sagan 2
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep 1968 Philip K. Dick 2
Legend 1984 David Gemmell 2
The Belgariad 1982 David Eddings 1
The Chronicles of Prydain 1964 Lloyd Alexander 1
The King of Elfland's Daughter 1924 Lord Dunsany 1
Silver Metal Lover 1981 Tanith Lee 1
The Han Solo Trilogy 1997 A. C. Crispin 1
The Rhapsody Trilogy 1999 Elizabeth Haydon 1
The Majipoor Series 1980 Robert Silverberg 1
Dragonflight 1968 Anne McCaffrey 1
Fire and Hemlock 1985 Diana Wynne Jones 1
Reaper Man 1991 Terry Prachett 1
The Smoke Ring 1987 Larry Niven 1
The Player of Games 1988 Iain M. Banks 1
Spaceman Blues 2007 Brian Francis Slattery 1
One for Sorrow 2007 Christopher Barzak 1
Solaris 1961 Stanisław Lem 1
Spellsinger 1983 Alan Dean Foster 1
Kushiel's Legacy 2001 Jacqueline Carey 1
Brain Plague 2000 Joan Slonczewski 1
Songmaster 1980 Orson Scott Card 1
A Game of Thrones 1996 George R. R. Martin 1
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress 1966 Robert A. Heinlein 1
A Scanner Darkly 1977 Philip K. Dick 1
Mr. Norrell and Jonathan Strange 2005 Suzanna Clarke 1
Altered Carbon 2002 Richard K. Morgan 1
The Dreaming Void 2007 Peter F. Hamilton 1
The Deed of Paksenarrion 1988 Elizabeth Moon 1
Waylander 1986 David Gemmell 1
The Moirae Effect 2009 Craig Fox 1
On Basilisk Station 1992 David Weber 1
Furies of Calderon 1984 Jim Butcher 1
The Eyes of the Otherworld 1966 Jack Vance 1
Wolf in Shadow 1987 David Gemmell 1
The Mists of Avalon 1982 Marion Zimmer Bradley 1
Good Omens 1990 Terry Prachett & Neil Gaiman 1
The Difference Engine 1990 William Gibson 1
Martian Chronicles 1950 Ray Bradbury 1
Farenheit 451 1953 Ray Bradbury 1
The Curse of Challion 2001 Lois McMaster Bujold 1
Emerald Eyes 1988 Daniel Keys Moran 1
Ubik 1969 Philip K. Dick 1
Rogue Moon 1960 Algis Budrys 1
Man Who Fell to Earth 1963 Walter Tevis 1
Welcome to the Monkey House 1968 Kurt Vonnegut 1
Wee Free Men 2003 Terry Pratchett 1
Slaughterhouse-Five 1969 Kurt Vonnegut 1
Road of the Patriarch 2006 R. A. Salvatore 1
Fire Upon the Deep 1992 Vernor Vinge 1
The Hammer and the Cross 1993 Harry Harrison 1
The Seeker and the Mage 2009 R. S. Madden 1
Dr. Bloodmoney 1965 Philip K. Dick 1
A Canticle for Leibowitz 1960 Walter M. Miller 1
The Silmarillion 1977 J. R. Tolkein 1
Gateway 1977 Frederik Pohl 1
Rigante Series 1998 David Gemmell 1
The Man in the High Castle 1962 Philip K. Dick 1
Pawn of Prophecy 1982 David Eddings 1
Urban Shaman 2005 C. E. Murphy 1
In the Mothers' Land 1992 E. Vonarburg 1
Beauty 1991 Sheri Tepper 1
A Gift Upon the Shore 1990 M. K. Wren 1
Eathsea 1968 Ursula K. LeGuin 1
Lilith's Brood 1987 Octavia Butler 1
Slan 1946 A. E. Van Vogt 1
Cyteen 1988 C. J. Cherryh 1
Spin State 2003 Chris Moriarty 1
Fire Logic 2000 Laurie J. Marks 1
The Hobbit 1937 J. R. R. Tolkien 1
Dies the Fire 2004 S. M. Stirling 1
Old Man's War 2004 John Scalzi 1
The Sea Beggars 2004 Paul Kearney 1
The First Law Trilogy 2007 Joe Abercrombie 1
The Iron Tree 2005 Cecilia Dart-Thornton 1
Uplift Series 1980 David Brin 1
Nights Dawn Trilogy 1996 Peter F. Hamilton 1
Galactic Milieu Series 1991 Julian May 1
Rama Series 1972 Arthur C. Clarke 1
The Star King 1964 Jack Vance 1
Watership Down 1972 Richard Adams 1
Revelation Space 2000 Alastiar Reynolds 1
Nightwatch 2002 Terry Prachett 1
Dragonlance Saga 1984 Margaret Weis and Laura and Tracy Hickman 1
The Court of Air 2007 Stephen Hunt 1
Winter of Fire 1993 Sherryl Jordan 1
The Sword of Shannara 1977 Terry Brooks 1
Starship Troopers 1959 Robert A. Heinlein 1
Rite of Passage 1968 Alexei Panshin 1
Roadside Picnic 1972 Arkadi & Boris Strugatki 1
Dying Earth Series 1983 Jack Vance 1
John Shannow Series 1987 David Gemmell 1
The Weapon Makers 1947 A. E. Van Vogt 1
The Future History 1939 Robert A. Heinlein 1
The Steel of Raithskar-Gandalara Series 1981 Randall Garrett 1
The Lions of Al-Rassan 1995 Guy Gavriel Kay 1
The Anubis Gates 1983 Tim Powers 1
The Tawny Man Trilogy 2002 Robin Hobb 1
The Raine Benares Series 2006 Lisa Shearin 1
The Regiment's War 1993 John Dalamas 1
The Stone Dance of the Chameleon 1999 Ricardo Pinto 1
Coldfire Trilogy 1991 C. S. Friedman 1
Brass Man 2005 Neal Asher 1
Earth Abides 1949 George R. Stewart 1
Frankenstein 1918 Marry Shelly 1
The Book of the New Sun 1980 Gene Wolf 1
Dragon's Egg 1980 Robert L. Forward 1
Radix Tetrad 1985 A. A. Attanasio 1
Kingdoms of Thorn and Bone 2003 Gregory Keys 1
Summerland 2002 Michael Chabon 1
Stranger in a Strange Land 1961 Robert A. Heinlein 1
Stand on Zanzabar 1968 John Brunner 1
Gone Away World 2008 Nick Harkaway 1
Hel's Crucible Duology 1997 Dennis L. McKiernan 1
The Nightside Series 2003 Simon R. Green 1
The Ship Who Sang 1961 Anne McCaffrey 1
Jurassic Park 1990 Michael Chrichton 1
I'm gonna stick with the series theme, despite the clarification, if you don't mind....;)

1. The Lord of the Rings.

Regardless of any movie subsequent, it stands (soars) on its own merits. 'Nuff said!

2. The Chronicles of Amber, Roger Zelazny

Same deal here (although a movie would be interesting if it ever materializes...)

3. The Wars of Light and Shadow, Janny Wurts.
Just being picky, but The Fellowship of the Ring and The Two Towers, the first two volumes of The Lord of the Rings, were in fact first published in 1954, not 1950, with The Return of the King following in 1955.

The number and timespan of single nominations is interesting, showing the wide and catholic taste and different viewpoints of the nominators...
122 people have posted!

Lord of the Rings 1950 J. R. Tolkien 30
A Song of Ice and Fire 1996 George R. R. Martin 20
Dune 1965 Frank Herbet 14
Ender's Game 1985 Orson Scott Card 12
Malazan Book of the Fallen 1999 Steven Erikson 10
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy 1979 Douglas Adams 9
The Left Hand of Darkness 1969 Ursula K. Leguin 6
Farseer Trilogy 1995 Robin Hobb 6
The Dark Tower Series 1982 Stephen King 5
The Foundation Series 1951 Isaac Asimov 4
The Name of the Wind 2007 Patrick Rothfuss 4
Hyperion Cantos 1989 Dan Simmons 4
The Chronicles of Amber 1970 Roger Zelazny 4
Time Enough for Love 1973 Robert A. Heinlein 3
The Time Traveler's Wife 2003 Audrey Niffenegger 3
The Chronicles of Narnia 1950 C. S. Lewis 3
Speaker for the Dead 1986 Orson Scott Card 3
American Gods 2001 Neil Gaiman 3
The Forever War 1974 Joe Haldeman 3
Riftwar Saga 1982 Raymond E. Feist 3
Tigana 1990 Guy Gavriel Kay 3
Nights Dawn Trilogy 1996 Peter F. Hamilton 3
The Wars of Light and Shadow 1994 Janny Wurts 3
Nineteen Eighty Four 1949 George Orwell 2
Now Wait for the Last Year 1966 Philip K. Dick 2
A Wrinkle in Time 1962 Madeleine L'Engle 2
Neuromancer 1984 William Gibson 2
The Stars my Destination 1956 Alfred Bester 2
Dhalgren 1975 Samuel R. Delany 2
The Dresden Files 2002 Jim Butcher 2
Vorkosigan Saga 1997 Lois McMaster Bujold 2
The Wheel of Time 1990 Robert Jordan 2
Lord of Light 1967 Roger Zelazny 2
Discworld Series 1983 Terry Pratchett 2
Xanth Series 1987 Piers Anthony 2
Contact 1985 Carl Sagan 2
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep 1968 Philip K. Dick 2
Legend 1984 David Gemmell 2
Mr. Norrell and Jonathan Strange 2005 Suzanna Clarke 2
The Silmarillion 1977 J. R. Tolkein 2
The Hobbit 1937 J. R. R. Tolkien 2
Watership Down 1972 Richard Adams 2
Revelation Space 2000 Alastiar Reynolds 2
Starship Troopers 1959 Robert A. Heinlein 2
The Tawny Man Trilogy 2002 Robin Hobb 2
The Book of the New Sun 1980 Gene Wolf 2
The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant The Unbeliever 1977 Stephen Donaldson 2
Liveship Traders Trilogy 1998 Robbin Hobb 2
The Belgariad 1982 David Eddings 1
The Chronicles of Prydain 1964 Lloyd Alexander 1
The King of Elfland's Daughter 1924 Lord Dunsany 1
Silver Metal Lover 1981 Tanith Lee 1
The Han Solo Trilogy 1997 A. C. Crispin 1
The Rhapsody Trilogy 1999 Elizabeth Haydon 1
The Majipoor Series 1980 Robert Silverberg 1
Dragonflight 1968 Anne McCaffrey 1
Fire and Hemlock 1985 Diana Wynne Jones 1
Reaper Man 1991 Terry Prachett 1
The Smoke Ring 1987 Larry Niven 1
The Player of Games 1988 Iain M. Banks 1
Spaceman Blues 2007 Brian Francis Slattery 1
One for Sorrow 2007 Christopher Barzak 1
Solaris 1961 Stanisław Lem 1
Spellsinger 1983 Alan Dean Foster 1
Kushiel's Legacy 2001 Jacqueline Carey 1
Brain Plague 2000 Joan Slonczewski 1
Songmaster 1980 Orson Scott Card 1
A Game of Thrones 1996 George R. R. Martin 1
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress 1966 Robert A. Heinlein 1
A Scanner Darkly 1977 Philip K. Dick 1
Altered Carbon 2002 Richard K. Morgan 1
The Dreaming Void 2007 Peter F. Hamilton 1
The Deed of Paksenarrion 1988 Elizabeth Moon 1
Waylander 1986 David Gemmell 1
The Moirae Effect 2009 Craig Fox 1
On Basilisk Station 1992 David Weber 1
Furies of Calderon 1984 Jim Butcher 1
The Eyes of the Otherworld 1966 Jack Vance 1
Wolf in Shadow 1987 David Gemmell 1
The Mists of Avalon 1982 Marion Zimmer Bradley 1
Good Omens 1990 Terry Prachett & Neil Gaiman 1
The Difference Engine 1990 William Gibson 1
Martian Chronicles 1950 Ray Bradbury 1
Farenheit 451 1953 Ray Bradbury 1
The Curse of Challion 2001 Lois McMaster Bujold 1
Emerald Eyes 1988 Daniel Keys Moran 1
Ubik 1969 Philip K. Dick 1
Rogue Moon 1960 Algis Budrys 1
Man Who Fell to Earth 1963 Walter Tevis 1
Welcome to the Monkey House 1968 Kurt Vonnegut 1
Wee Free Men 2003 Terry Pratchett 1
Slaughterhouse-Five 1969 Kurt Vonnegut 1
Road of the Patriarch 2006 R. A. Salvatore 1
Fire Upon the Deep 1992 Vernor Vinge 1
The Hammer and the Cross 1993 Harry Harrison 1
The Seeker and the Mage 2009 R. S. Madden 1
Dr. Bloodmoney 1965 Philip K. Dick 1
A Canticle for Leibowitz 1960 Walter M. Miller 1
Gateway 1977 Frederik Pohl 1
Rigante Series 1998 David Gemmell 1
The Man in the High Castle 1962 Philip K. Dick 1
Pawn of Prophecy 1982 David Eddings 1
Urban Shaman 2005 C. E. Murphy 1
In the Mothers' Land 1992 E. Vonarburg 1
Beauty 1991 Sheri Tepper 1
A Gift Upon the Shore 1990 M. K. Wren 1
Eathsea 1968 Ursula K. LeGuin 1
Lilith's Brood 1987 Octavia Butler 1
Slan 1946 A. E. Van Vogt 1
Cyteen 1988 C. J. Cherryh 1
Spin State 2003 Chris Moriarty 1
Fire Logic 2000 Laurie J. Marks 1
Dies the Fire 2004 S. M. Stirling 1
Old Man's War 2004 John Scalzi 1
The Sea Beggars 2004 Paul Kearney 1
The First Law Trilogy 2007 Joe Abercrombie 1
The Iron Tree 2005 Cecilia Dart-Thornton 1
Uplift Series 1980 David Brin 1
Galactic Milieu Series 1991 Julian May 1
Rama Series 1972 Arthur C. Clarke 1
The Star King 1964 Jack Vance 1
Nightwatch 2002 Terry Prachett 1
Dragonlance Saga 1984 Margaret Weis and Laura and Tracy Hickman 1
The Court of Air 2007 Stephen Hunt 1
Winter of Fire 1993 Sherryl Jordan 1
The Sword of Shannara 1977 Terry Brooks 1
Rite of Passage 1968 Alexei Panshin 1
Roadside Picnic 1972 Arkadi & Boris Strugatki 1
Dying Earth Series 1983 Jack Vance 1
John Shannow Series 1987 David Gemmell 1
The Weapon Makers 1947 A. E. Van Vogt 1
The Future History 1939 Robert A. Heinlein 1
The Steel of Raithskar-Gandalara Series 1981 Randall Garrett 1
The Lions of Al-Rassan 1995 Guy Gavriel Kay 1
The Anubis Gates 1983 Tim Powers 1
The Raine Benares Series 2006 Lisa Shearin 1
The Regiment's War 1993 John Dalamas 1
The Stone Dance of the Chameleon 1999 Ricardo Pinto 1
Coldfire Trilogy 1991 C. S. Friedman 1
Brass Man 2005 Neal Asher 1
Earth Abides 1949 George R. Stewart 1
Frankenstein 1918 Marry Shelly 1
Dragon's Egg 1980 Robert L. Forward 1
Radix Tetrad 1985 A. A. Attanasio 1
Kingdoms of Thorn and Bone 2003 Gregory Keys 1
Summerland 2002 Michael Chabon 1
Stranger in a Strange Land 1961 Robert A. Heinlein 1
Stand on Zanzabar 1968 John Brunner 1
Gone Away World 2008 Nick Harkaway 1
Hel's Crucible Duology 1997 Dennis L. McKiernan 1
The Nightside Series 2003 Simon R. Green 1
The Ship Who Sang 1961 Anne McCaffrey 1
Jurassic Park 1990 Michael Chrichton 1
The Use of Weapons 1990 Iain M. Banks 1
Honor Harrington 1993 David Weber 1
Only Forward 1994 Michael M. Smith 1
The Land of Laughs 1980 Jonathan Carroll 1
At the Mountains of Madness and Other Stories 1936 H.P. Lovecraft 1
We 1924 Yevgeny Zamyatin 1
The Last Unicorn 1968 Peter S. Beagle 1
Through the Wolf's Eyes 2001 Jane Lindskold 1
Island in the Sea of Time 1998 S. M. Stirling 1
I Am Legend 1954 Richard Matheson 1
The Mistborn Series 2006 Brandon Sanderson 1
Snowcrash 1992 Neal Stephenson 1
Lion of Macedon 1990 David Gemmell 1
Dune (1965) Frank Herbert
God Emperor of Dune (1981) Frank Herbert
The Dark Beyond the Stars (1997) Frank M. Robinson
146 People have posted their top 3!

42 Lord of the Rings 1954 J. R. Tolkien
28 A Song of Ice and Fire 1996 George R. R. Martin
16 Dune 1965 Frank Herbet
15 Ender's Game 1985 Orson Scott Card
13 Malazan Book of the Fallen 1999 Steven Erikson
9 Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy 1979 Douglas Adams
8 Hyperion Cantos 1989 Dan Simmons
6 The Left Hand of Darkness 1969 Ursula K. Leguin
6 Farseer Trilogy 1995 Robin Hobb
6 The Name of the Wind 2007 Patrick Rothfuss
6 The Book of the New Sun 1980 Gene Wolf
5 The Dark Tower Series 1982 Stephen King
5 The Foundation Series 1951 Isaac Asimov
4 The Chronicles of Amber 1970 Roger Zelazny
4 The Wars of Light and Shadow 1994 Janny Wurts
4 The Chronicles of Narnia 1950 C. S. Lewis
4 American Gods 2001 Neil Gaiman
4 The Forever War 1974 Joe Haldeman
4 The Wheel of Time 1990 Robert Jordan
3 Time Enough for Love 1973 Robert A. Heinlein
3 The Time Traveler's Wife 2003 Audrey Niffenegger
3 Speaker for the Dead 1986 Orson Scott Card
3 Riftwar Saga 1982 Raymond E. Feist
3 Tigana 1990 Guy Gavriel Kay
3 Nights Dawn Trilogy 1996 Peter F. Hamilton
3 Lord of Light 1967 Roger Zelazny
3 The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant The Unbeliever 1977 Stephen Donaldson
3 Watership Down 1972 Richard Adams
3 Liveship Traders Trilogy 1998 Robbin Hobb
2 Nineteen Eighty Four 1949 George Orwell
2 Now Wait for the Last Year 1966 Philip K. Dick
2 A Wrinkle in Time 1962 Madeleine L'Engle
2 Neuromancer 1984 William Gibson
2 The Stars my Destination 1956 Alfred Bester
2 Dhalgren 1975 Samuel R. Delany
2 The Dresden Files 2002 Jim Butcher
2 Vorkosigan Saga 1997 Lois McMaster Bujold
2 Discworld Series 1983 Terry Pratchett
2 Xanth Series 1987 Piers Anthony
2 Contact 1985 Carl Sagan
2 Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep 1968 Philip K. Dick
2 Legend 1984 David Gemmell
2 Mr. Norrell and Jonathan Strange 2005 Suzanna Clarke
2 The Silmarillion 1977 J. R. Tolkein
2 The Hobbit 1937 J. R. R. Tolkien
2 Revelation Space 2000 Alastiar Reynolds
2 Starship Troopers 1959 Robert A. Heinlein
2 The Tawny Man Trilogy 2002 Robin Hobb
2 The First Law Trilogy 2007 Joe Abercrombie
2 Lion of Macedon 1990 David Gemmell
2 The Sword of Truth 1994 Terry Goodkind
2 Waylander 1986 David Gemmell
2 Rigante Series 1998 David Gemmell
2 The Demon Princes Series 1964 Jack Vance
2 Dying Earth Series 1983 Jack Vance
2 The Lions of Al-Rassan 1995 Guy Gavriel Kay
1 The Belgariad 1982 David Eddings
1 The Chronicles of Prydain 1964 Lloyd Alexander
1 The King of Elfland's Daughter 1924 Lord Dunsany
1 Silver Metal Lover 1981 Tanith Lee
1 The Han Solo Trilogy 1997 A. C. Crispin
1 The Rhapsody Trilogy 1999 Elizabeth Haydon
1 The Majipoor Series 1980 Robert Silverberg
1 Dragonflight 1968 Anne McCaffrey
1 Fire and Hemlock 1985 Diana Wynne Jones
1 Reaper Man 1991 Terry Prachett
1 The Smoke Ring 1987 Larry Niven
1 The Player of Games 1988 Iain M. Banks
1 Spaceman Blues 2007 Brian Francis Slattery
1 One for Sorrow 2007 Christopher Barzak
1 Solaris 1961 Stanisław Lem
1 Spellsinger 1983 Alan Dean Foster
1 Kushiel's Legacy 2001 Jacqueline Carey
1 Brain Plague 2000 Joan Slonczewski
1 Songmaster 1980 Orson Scott Card
1 A Game of Thrones 1996 George R. R. Martin
1 The Moon is a Harsh Mistress 1966 Robert A. Heinlein
1 A Scanner Darkly 1977 Philip K. Dick
1 Altered Carbon 2002 Richard K. Morgan
1 The Dreaming Void 2007 Peter F. Hamilton
1 The Deed of Paksenarrion 1988 Elizabeth Moon
1 The Moirae Effect 2009 Craig Fox
1 On Basilisk Station 1992 David Weber
1 Furies of Calderon 1984 Jim Butcher
1 The Eyes of the Otherworld 1966 Jack Vance
1 Wolf in Shadow 1987 David Gemmell
1 The Mists of Avalon 1982 Marion Zimmer Bradley
1 Good Omens 1990 Terry Prachett & Neil Gaiman
1 The Difference Engine 1990 William Gibson
1 Martian Chronicles 1950 Ray Bradbury
1 Farenheit 451 1953 Ray Bradbury
1 The Curse of Challion 2001 Lois McMaster Bujold
1 Emerald Eyes 1988 Daniel Keys Moran
1 Ubik 1969 Philip K. Dick
1 Rogue Moon 1960 Algis Budrys
1 Man Who Fell to Earth 1963 Walter Tevis
1 Welcome to the Monkey House 1968 Kurt Vonnegut
1 Wee Free Men 2003 Terry Pratchett
1 Slaughterhouse-Five 1969 Kurt Vonnegut
1 Road of the Patriarch 2006 R. A. Salvatore
1 Fire Upon the Deep 1992 Vernor Vinge
1 The Hammer and the Cross 1993 Harry Harrison
1 The Seeker and the Mage 2009 R. S. Madden
1 Dr. Bloodmoney 1965 Philip K. Dick
1 A Canticle for Leibowitz 1960 Walter M. Miller
1 Gateway 1977 Frederik Pohl
1 The Man in the High Castle 1962 Philip K. Dick
1 Pawn of Prophecy 1982 David Eddings
1 Urban Shaman 2005 C. E. Murphy
1 In the Mothers' Land 1992 E. Vonarburg
1 Beauty 1991 Sheri Tepper
1 A Gift Upon the Shore 1990 M. K. Wren
1 Eathsea 1968 Ursula K. LeGuin
1 Lilith's Brood 1987 Octavia Butler
1 Slan 1946 A. E. Van Vogt
1 Cyteen 1988 C. J. Cherryh
1 Spin State 2003 Chris Moriarty
1 Fire Logic 2000 Laurie J. Marks
1 Dies the Fire 2004 S. M. Stirling
1 Old Man's War 2004 John Scalzi
1 The Sea Beggars 2004 Paul Kearney
1 The Iron Tree 2005 Cecilia Dart-Thornton
1 Uplift Series 1980 David Brin
1 Galactic Milieu Series 1991 Julian May
1 Rama Series 1972 Arthur C. Clarke
1 Nightwatch 2002 Terry Prachett
1 Dragonlance Saga 1984 Margaret Weis and Laura and Tracy Hickman
1 The Court of Air 2007 Stephen Hunt
1 Winter of Fire 1993 Sherryl Jordan
1 The Sword of Shannara 1977 Terry Brooks
1 Rite of Passage 1968 Alexei Panshin
1 Roadside Picnic 1972 Arkadi & Boris Strugatki
1 John Shannow Series 1987 David Gemmell
1 The Weapon Makers 1947 A. E. Van Vogt
1 The Future History 1939 Robert A. Heinlein
1 The Steel of Raithskar-Gandalara Series 1981 Randall Garrett
1 The Anubis Gates 1983 Tim Powers
1 The Raine Benares Series 2006 Lisa Shearin
1 The Regiment's War 1993 John Dalamas
1 The Stone Dance of the Chameleon 1999 Ricardo Pinto
1 Coldfire Trilogy 1991 C. S. Friedman
1 Brass Man 2005 Neal Asher
1 Earth Abides 1949 George R. Stewart
1 Frankenstein 1918 Marry Shelly
1 Dragon's Egg 1980 Robert L. Forward
1 Radix Tetrad 1985 A. A. Attanasio
1 Kingdoms of Thorn and Bone 2003 Gregory Keys
1 Summerland 2002 Michael Chabon
1 Stranger in a Strange Land 1961 Robert A. Heinlein
1 Stand on Zanzabar 1968 John Brunner
1 Gone Away World 2008 Nick Harkaway
1 Hel's Crucible Duology 1997 Dennis L. McKiernan
1 The Nightside Series 2003 Simon R. Green
1 The Ship Who Sang 1961 Anne McCaffrey
1 Jurassic Park 1990 Michael Chrichton
1 The Use of Weapons 1990 Iain M. Banks
1 Honor Harrington 1993 David Weber
1 Only Forward 1994 Michael M. Smith
1 The Land of Laughs 1980 Jonathan Carroll
1 At the Mountains of Madness and Other Stories 1936 H.P. Lovecraft
1 We 1924 Yevgeny Zamyatin
1 The Last Unicorn 1968 Peter S. Beagle
1 Through the Wolf's Eyes 2001 Jane Lindskold
1 Island in the Sea of Time 1998 S. M. Stirling
1 I Am Legend 1954 Richard Matheson
1 The Mistborn Series 2006 Brandon Sanderson
1 Snowcrash 1992 Neal Stephenson
1 Childhood's End 1953 Arthur C. Clarke
1 Elric of Melnibone 1961 Michael Moorcock
1 Exiles 1994 Melanie Rawn
1 Redemption of Althalus 2000 David Eddings
1 Twilight 2005 Stephenie Meyer
1 The Second Son's Trilogy 2004 Jennifer Fallon
1 To Your Scattered Bodies Go 1971 Philip Jose Farmer
1 A Man of His Word Series 1991 Dave Duncan
1 7th Son Series (podcast) 2007 J.C. Hutchins
1 The Birthgrave Trilogy 1975 Tanith Lee
1 Titus Groan 1946 Mervyn Peake
1 The Dark Beyond the Stars 1997 Frank M. Robinson
1 - Silmarillion/Hobbit/Lord of the Rings (I consider this a full series)
2 - Malazan Books of the Fallen
2 - Sunsword series (Michelle West 6 books 1997 - 2004)
The Wheel of Time - Robert Jordan
Malazan Book of the Fallen - Steven Erikson
A Song of Ice and Fire - George R R Martin
A Song of Ice and Fire George R.R. Martin
The Second Sons trilogy Jennifer Fallon
The Sword of Truth series Terry Goodkind
A Tale of Malazan Book of the Fallen (1999), Steven Erikson
A Song of Ice and Fire (1996), George RR Martin
The Wheel of Time (1990), Robert Jordan

I was hardpressed to pick the third slot with it between Riftwar by Raymond Feist, Ender by Orson Scott Card, and Dune by Frank Herbert. Robert Jordan won out because it was probably the series I enjoyed and anticipated the most (even with those middle books that were drawn out).
Dune (1965) by Frank Herbert
Tales of The Dying Earth (1950) by Jack Vance
Foundation (1951) by Isaac Asimov
C' were willing to change your beard for a set of cat whiskers, so why not this?.... ;)

Actually I admit that is a very tough call....