Great name for a ships mind in the Culture too.![]()
I wonder if there's any tinkering with the Clone Wars cartoons?
They push the line with canon as it is, though I still enjoy them.
Great name for a ships mind in the Culture too.![]()
I wonder if there's any tinkering with the Clone Wars cartoons?
More tinkering for the upcoming blu-ray releases of the original trilogy, some examples in this thread:
I think the worst thing is that these bits and pieces seem to have caused other inconsistencies, although I suppose that's an excuse for him to release yet another version with those bits 'fixed'![]()
I'm sitting here watching the original, blissfully unchanged version of Star Wars on dvd right now. Decided to check it out before cancelling my pre-order for the blu-rays. It's non-anamorphic, bog-standard stereo sound, and it's absolutely bloody brilliant. And Han shot first. None of my money for you this time, Mr Lucas.
I have the VHS and I queued up to see "Star Wars" in 1977. It is an alternative reality.I have the origianl dvd box set not the blu-ray's and could swear Greedo shoots first, Han just anticipates and gets the kill shot.
I have the origianl dvd box set not the blu-ray's and could swear Greedo shoots first, Han just anticipates and gets the kill shot. I could be wrong but I have some serious Star Wars watching to do soon![]()
You're right in that the original dvd box set only had the special editions. But, later on, there was a limited edition release with the original theatrical versions of all three movies.I have the origianl dvd box set not the blu-ray's and could swear Greedo shoots first, Han just anticipates and gets the kill shot. I could be wrong but I have some serious Star Wars watching to do soon![]()
I'm sure you're right - in a couple of years we'll see the 'Super Ultimate Edition' which will include these new versions, the special editions, the original versions, and all in between.He caved for the DVD and I'm sure a marketing/fan screaming decision will be made for Blu-ray as well.
Actually, strike that - it won't be called the 'Super Ultimate Edition', it'll be called the 'George Discovers Seamless Branching Edition' ... I mean, if the blu-ray releases of Star Trek TOS can be released with fancy new effects and sound and the original effects and sound all on the same discs, I'm sure George and his digital editing suite can manage it![]()
That one had my whole house laughing out loud, Huttman.
Great post.
Can't say I like the new changes George Lucas made to Vader
at the end of RotJ. I wouldn't mind it if it didn't make me laugh.
That scene is supposed to be too serious to be funny, but I've
watched Vader throw Palpatine down the shaft 10 times now.
I laugh every single time.
In honor of the original version I think this video will sum up my thoughts on the matter of changes. Imagine the singer is actually the original movies trying to talk George out of making his changes.
I'm not at all angry, he is allowed to do what he wants, except that I would like to be to buy the originals on DVD or Blu-Ray. I'm not going to keep a VHS player only to watch 'Star Wars' and eventually the tape will stretch and wear out.At this point, I can't get angry at George Lucas. I have my originals on DVD, and that's all I need. I can't really see much purpose to the changes he makes, though. It just kind of leaves me bewildered.
I actually think he might have a problem with obsession.
I actually think he might have a problem with obsession. To me, it seems like those people who are addicted to having plastic surgery. They start off with a nose job, or to take away lines around their eyes, with some possibly valid cosmetic reason. Then they go back for more, and more, and more surgery, hoping to make themselves perfect, but they end up having too much and looking like Jocelyn Wildestein, or with Michael Jackson's nose, their faces losing all the beauty that they ever once had. Isn't it much better to just grow old gracefully.