Fantasy vs Science Fiction: A Poll

Which do you prefer?

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At least in these forums us SF fans fight squarely with the popularity of fantasy.

I might enjoy reading fantasy but i will never vote for it before SF.
I've gotta say sci-fi. But thats mostly on principle.

I find with fantasy it leaves so much room, allowing wonderful and amazing storylines and worlds that are so diverse.

But then, I've always preferred sci-fi, why? Not really sure, I'm just drawn to the idea of the future, and what it holds for humanity.

Still, what I enjoy about most fantasies is the wealth of detail that can accumulate behind it, like in Middle Earth. Creation myths, old legends and so on.
Growing up I always prefered SF but in the last few years I have migrated more to Fantasy, I don't find I enjoy SF as much as I used to.
Haven't checked this in a while. I'm surprised it's so close. I wonder if I start banning SF fans whether their votes are retroactively removed...
I would probably say i'm on the SF side of the fence, i particularly like the large scale grandiose SF novels by the likes of Greg Bear.
I've always been a fantasy person, but I've been starting to really enjoy SF these past few years. Still, I've given fantasy a 2 vote lead in the poll.
I write fantasy but read does that come?
Of course, the only fantasy that I really do read and really do love is the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett right now. But most of what I've read this year has been Sci-Fi and that's where my vote went. Damn you Zamyatin, damn you Huxeley, damn you Pohl, damn you all for taking my elves away.
I mostly read fantasy but despise the genre on celluloid. Seems better left to the imagination. On the other hand I love SF movies, but don't read much SF.

Did vote for fantasy, as reading is my main past-time.
