Because you can?...*chuckle* It happens to the best of us (and, in my case, sometimes the not-so-best of us)... otherwise, why would I have a shelf's worth of such anthologies sitting in my place....?
I confess that as much as I admire authors like Ligotti, Moorcock, Vandermeer, Campbell, Pugmire (I've not read, throwing in based on the comments here) etc... I tend to be blind-sided, indeed misty-eyed when it comes to comparing with the "big 3". I don't exactly know why but they've held a greater resonance for me personally than the more recent lumniaries. Mind you, I've always said I was born into the wrong era.....
Speaking of antholgoies, do you have/read a copy of Weird Tales: 32 Unearthed Terrors? It's something I would be loathe to ever have to part from.