The Ongoing Saga of the "Hobbit" movie...

re: The Ongoing Saga of the "Hobbit" movie...

You're right! Interestingly though, there's not as huge a gap as you might think.

LotR cost: $285 million
Avatar cost: $237 million (though some say $460 million - seems a bit of disparity there!)
LotR earnings: $2.9 billion
Avatar earnings: $2.8 billion

It's funny how millions and billions don't seem so significant when you're talking about Hollywood. Anyway, that's kind of off-topic but I found it interesting (and wanted to kill some time at work).
Sorry this is in no way on topic, but Pyan, I love that celtic knotwork-style avatar! Use it more often!
how many hobbit movies are there going to be? it was only one book.

i'm admittedly looking forward to this and i want to see it in the theaters, but i really hope it doesn't wind up in the land of "really bad sequels that we did just for the money."
I"ve been watching the blog that PJ is putting out, it looks fantastic. they put the same love and effort into it. and yes it will all be in one movie.

It's being shot in #D!!!!! (oh for crying out loud I cant capitalize the 3?)
how many hobbit movies are there going to be? it was only one book.

i'm admittedly looking forward to this and i want to see it in the theaters, but i really hope it doesn't wind up in the land of "really bad sequels that we did just for the money."

2 movies, they're bridging the gap between the Hobbit and LOTRs.
