Discussing the Writing Challenges -- November and December 2010

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re: Discussing the Writing Challenges -- September and October

To be honest, I was almost swayed by the sheer audacity of Deathfrommassive's Sloth!

(Wow. 'Death from massive sloth'--what a way to go that would be...)
re: Discussing the Writing Challenges -- September and October

Actually, I was picturing a giant version of the mammal crashing down on me.

But, hey, chap--I've read some of your stuff-- and your imagination's sheer athleticism make's up for that dodgy lally.
re: Discussing the Writing Challenges -- September and October

My mind is fast, my body slow, I never liked the sports, nohow. But when standing side by side, I think my mother cried, because she mistook me for the cow.

Oh, that's awful. I had best leave such things to the late, great Benny Hill.
re: Discussing the Writing Challenges -- September and October

Ah, Benny. Besides absurd period dramas and sitcoms where everyone's mean to one another, Mr Hill must be the UK's greatest export.

In memory of his genius, one day we should get everyone on the Chrons to chase each other in a long line at sped-up speeds...

But, erm... quality turn out for stories this month. T'was very difficult to choose.
re: Discussing the Writing Challenges -- September and October

ARGH. :mad: I just finished chopping up my story today and came home ready to post it...

I've learned a valuable lessons from this: 1) memorize the contest deadline before disappearing into the creator cave for two weeks, and 2) know GMT. Now where is the head-bonking-against-brick-wall smiley? Come next event, I'll just use a mystical branding iron or enchanted barcode as a reminder.

Anyways, I can't wait to get to reading and voting. Some quick skims in the earlier bit of the contest hinted at bunch of promising entries. :). Thanks all for making this a fun reading night.
re: Discussing the Writing Challenges -- September and October

The last time I watched an awards ceremony of any sort on TV, there were a lot of people thanking their Lord and Savior, instead of singling out their elderly and unattractive spouses.
I'm not sure I've ever seen a movie star with an elderly and unattractive spouse. A few have been older, but far fewer than the age of the recipients would seem to indicate, but none to my recollection are unattractive.

If such people are to be believed, Jesus seems to take an inordinate interest in movie stars, recording artists, and sporting events.* It is possible, however, that he is not as interested in these things outside of America. It must be hard for him to keep up with everything.

*It has always seemed strange to me that people would credit their success in these endeavors to Jesus. Their spiritual redemption, yes. Their ability to overcome alcoholism, drug addiction, or hardship, yes. Their ability to hit home runs or win an Oscar, no. It seems ... irreligious.
I don't know about the entertainment world, but in the sports world almost everyone I've ever heard who thanked Jesus, thanked him for the physical and mental gifts that they had been given. Which, if you are a believer, is no stretch at all. I think praying for victory pretty much goes by the boards by the early teens.
re: Discussing the Writing Challenges -- September and October

OK, here's the weird part.

Why did I have the vote thread in my CP 'list of threads that had been updated' when I hadn't visited that thread title before.

Not complaining I just wondered if it could be done in everyones CP?
re: Discussing the Writing Challenges -- September and October

I made up my short list, and as usual it is not so short. There were other excellent stories that I might have chosen for the list, too (except that then it would have been really long) but these were stories that stayed with me.

In the order they were posted:

reiver 33 "The Oppenheimer Insight"
digs "An Excerpt from ArchPope Pius XIII's Divine Manifesto"
chrispenycate "Seven deadly virtues"
TheEndIsNigh "The lesson"
The Procrastinator "Pride: The Original and Best"
Sephiroth "Omnia Vanitas"
J Riff "tick@!...tock"
Mag the Magnificent "Flesh and Blood"
Ventanamist "Sermon to the Children of the True Church"
Culhwch "Sins"
re: Discussing the Writing Challenges -- September and October

All of the entries were excellent, and I had a hard time making my shortlist, well, short, but I've just about managed it. Another great month!

My shortlist:

Mosaix - Monthly Editorial Meeting of the Chronicles SFF Magazine...
Deathfrommassive - Sloth
StormFeather - Temptation
Boneman - The Homecoming
Teresa Edgerton - Every Sin But One
Devil's Advocate - The Road to Hell
Sephiroth - Omnia Vanitas
Mouse - For Your Sins
Culhwch - Sins

A difficult choice, but in the end, my vote went to StormFeather. Her poem just kept drawing me back to it every time I read through the contest thread.
re: Discussing the Writing Challenges -- September and October

I almost voted for Dutzingirl, made me laugh. There's too many other good ones to make a list here. Great stuff, everyone.
re: Discussing the Writing Challenges -- September and October

I wonder how many others do similar. I'd be interested to know how the votes fall in comparison to when the stories were posted. The Judge was doing a bit of statistical analysis recently, she might like to have a look at that...

I try and avoid the thread until after the closing date then read through them all a couple of times.

I'm afraid I don't spend too much time trying to 'understand' a story. Surely an author's primary responsibility should be that a story is understood by its target audience? If it isn't then I discard it.

Generally I come down to two or three, mull them over for a day or two and then decide.
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