Discussing the Writing Challenges -- November and December 2010

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Bagpuss :)

You're among friends! I know quite a few people our age who have Bagpuss duvets and everything.
This is clearly an uber-macho thing, designed to convince hard men that you'd take them apart if they dared to pass comment! Of course, I bet the ladies think you're all soft and sensitive, so you've got the best of both worlds. Back on topic, this conversation might inspire a story...
Well, Nixie got away with it. Besides, I don't think it's possible to get into trouble for plagiarism if you reference popular culture items in a 75 word story. In 1,000 words or more, you probably would.
* Wonders what sloweye is sacrificing**.... *

** - and I don't mean in the story.
I actually have three stories written out so far this month, which is a first for me. I now know why it's a first, because I'm having a really hard time picking which to go with.

Snap! Don't know whether to go for comedy or death. Story of my life.
It is only the eleventh, isn't it? Only HJ's posted, and I was beginning to wonder if I'd already missed the plane home for Chrispymass…
Storm Feather....

That story was a Christmas Tale gone painfully wrong! I loved it!!!


Hope my post can hang on to the high level of entries this month.
I am mortified!!!!:eek::eek:

My something hidden in my entry was an acrostic. ---- Which I spelled wrong!:eek::eek:

You work on something for hours, and mess up that little bit. It is even easily fixed!!!

Sorry everyone.
Don't apologise, Parson! I screwed up the title on mine.

(What's an acrostic?!)

edit: Hang on, I know what an acrostic is.
A parasite with anger management issues...?

(And shouldn't have known that initially, Mouse?)
It's not a thing you wave at Dracula. Or is it?

Erm, isn't it that thing where the letter at the beginning of each line also forms a word down the side, or am I thinking of something else?

Edit: LOL!
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