OK: Missed this one somehow so sorry for the late arrival.
I agree with comments about the demise of the various dwarfs although how you handle it is a different matter.
One thing that struck me was the distorted male female ratio. There was a token woman in the first bunch but you seem to have shied away from women after that.
However the main thing that struck me was these pictures have so much detail that we never get told about.
I'm wondering if there isn't a case for a Rupert Bear approach.
You have your basic lines as shown but add an area of real story line to keep the older kids interested (as they grow). In that area the bones and the minor details, even daily events, can be fully explored. A picture says a thousand words true: but a picture explained will keep them looking for the things you tell them about and the on page experience will last longer. (Presumably giving you longer for the pop ups to really sink in
). That way, they start reading with Mother - (oh you sexist B... Tein
) but as they grow and are able to read more they will visit the site as years go by. Also Mother (slap) is far more likely to keep revisiting the site if there is something there to read to the children and keep her interested too.
Not so stupid an idea. I know of one Rupert fan that still gets the annual every year.