Science & Religion (The Vatican's Interest)

As an atheist who plays music in a Christian church every Sunday, I have a huge amount of respect for some believers, if not for their beliefs. When I listen to sermons and readings, particularly those which relate directly to the words of Jesus, I have to translate what I'm hearing into what I can accept that any supposed "teacher" or "wise man" or "magus" would actually say.

There is no doubt in my mind that the churches and formal religious groups who have control over these ancient writings, and thus control over how they are distributed, are either keeping the important truths back or are honestly ignorant of what they are.

I'm equally positive that this is true of practically every faith-centred clique. The people who preach it, don't really get it, so they dumb it down, first, for themselves and, second, for their congregations. The consequence: The good stuff sinks in after a while and the mistranslated stuff becomes bad stuff that also sinks in.

The Vatican may or may not be paying lip-service to science here, realising that their congregation is no longer reliant on one source of information, but on the other hand they may actually be trying to expand their own knowledge-base. When the ship is sinking, someone has to wonder if the hole can be fixed, if maybe the next vessel of this class can have a stronger hull.

Millions of people are leaving the Catholic church every day, very often to go and set up their own churches. There are now more registered denominations of Christianity than any other religion in the world. And that's an interesting point: People are leaving Catholicism, not their core belief in the Christ.

I hope that the Catholic church will learn from their scientific endeavours. I hope they will modify their behaviour, as a result. I actually really do hope they discover what it is that they've been worshiping for all this time because I have a sneaking suspicion that science will arrive at a similar conclusion, from a different perspective, quite soon, now.

This may be a knee-jerk response to their dwindling numbers, but good may come of it.
Western Europe is becoming increasingly secular but the world’s four biggest faiths are growing.

There are no reliable figures for the number of Catholics although the estimate was 1.1 billion worldwide with a rise of 1.7% in 2008. In fairness, that number doubtless includes many lapsed Catholics. However, the number of priests is reliable. Despite dwindling congregations and a shortage of priests in (for example) the UK, the numbers of priests worldwide continues to grow.

The Catholic Church has made a grave error over the condom issue and it has cost many lives, but Pope Benedict XVI has now said that condoms could be used in certain cases to minimise the risk of HIV infection. That does not mean that he has condoned the use of condoms as a form of contraception, but the Church is to hold a conference on AIDS in May that will hopefully clarify the condom issue.

Then there is the subject of rape, which is a risk factor in AIDS. Hundreds of thousands of women and girls in Africa have been subjected to rapes and beatings, an issue for the justice system and not the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church is actually the main caregiver for HIV/AIDS sufferers, providing 25% of services worldwide and as much as 50% in Africa. But that doesn’t make for attention-grabbing headlines.
The Catholic Church has made a grave error over the condom issue and it has cost many lives, but Pope Benedict XVI has now said that condoms could be used in certain cases to minimise the risk of HIV infection. That does not mean that he has condoned the use of condoms as a form of contraception, but the Church is to hold a conference on AIDS in May that will hopefully clarify the condom issue.
I don't personally think the issue of condoms is one of science vs. religion, but I can see why others might do from the medical point of view. I think the Catholic view that sexual abstinence is the answer requires a level of self-control that is totally unrealistic, given that it is well documented that even Catholic priests are unable to follow this kind of asceticism themselves.

If you are looking for a sea change in this from that conference, then I think you will be disappointed. The Vatican later "clarified" what the Pope had said:
BBC News - Vatican: Pope did not back condom contraception use
I consider that clarification to be as clear as mud!

I respect the right of other people to practise their own religion, but when the Pope says "don't use condoms" it has a significant impact among tens, even hundreds of millions of people. Almost a fifth of Africans are Roman Catholic. I'm afraid it may be brutal, but J-WO is correct.
Christian, Catholic religion, obviously, if the Vatican is involved. I haven't read the book, but there are other religions? The Hindu Upanishads? Brahma (Shiva?) breathes out, the universe expands, Brahma breathes in, the universe contracts ...
The Pope's not a politician trying to win votes. In Catholic religion the Pope is infallible when he speaks on matters of dogma. In Catholic religion, over issues like contraception and celibate (oh yeah?) priests, the word of the pope becomes the word of God, who has his own way of seeing things, though human beings might not like it. In Catholic religion, sex is reserved for marriage. Look, I'm not standing for or against. A Catholic can say to God: Look I know you don't like me doing this, but I've got twelve kids running around the house already, so please give me some slack here, ok? Then you explain it to the priest when you go to confession, and he gives you 10 Hail Mary's penance for your sin. It's not a hanging matter. People smoke, people tell white lies. But paedophile priests ...
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I know a (Catholic) advertising guy who was commissioned to create an ad for 'Virgin Condoms'. He told me he came up with the idea of a condom, with a halo, captioned Immaculate Contraception. But he spiked the idea because, as he said: a lot of Catholics fly Virgin ...
Christian, Catholic religion, obviously, if the Vatican is involved. I haven't read the book, but there are other religions? The Hindu Upanishads? Brahma (Shiva?) breathes out, the universe expands, Brahma breathes in, the universe contracts ...

Its just some 4000-year old scribe's way of making this particular God sound all spooky and bigger than we can hope to imagine. If it resembles current cosmological theory (which it now doesn't- the universe won't contract but dissipate entirely into nothing. Presumably this is Brahma's death rattle) its only coincidence.
Ha ha ... now there's a very interesting book by Clark Heinrich called 'Strange Fruit' ... has anyone read it?
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