What's tatters Hobbit?
Let's keep a short list short
Chel - Got the vote
No One
Thanks Allanon for the menty mench.
Chel - Got the vote
No One
Thanks Allanon for the menty mench.
Thanks for the vote, Aun Doorback! And yes, it's just like the Oscars, only without the tears and back-stabbing and poorly-scripted commentary from second-rate comedians. However, we do get to wear beautiful frocks while we're posting. (NB This bit is compulsory, so dig out the Dior and the Valentino...)
Thanks for the write-up, Perpetual Man, and for the short-listing. Thanks also to Talysia, Teresa, alchemist and Arkose for the mentions. I think this is actually my best month for mentions, so I'm really chuffed.
My vote goes to Golden Apples. For some reason this story stuck with from the beginning. (I would have voted for my dad's story, but that seems too much like nepotism. I may have to come up with a way of reading all the entries without seeing the authors)
The name of the Heroine is Corrie Ten Boom. Here's a couple of sites Het Corrie ten Boom Museum - "De Schuilplaats" and the obligatory WIKI Corrie ten Boom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Unfortunately, it appears that it is impossible to gratify Boneman now that the polls are on-site.
Edit -- Well, actually we could, but it would be a pain, and involve making who votes for which story public.
Besides, if we give Boneman 42 votes, the next thing you know, he'll be wanting 48.