August photography challenge - Discussions

Star Girl: First Photo - The candle is so simple, and yet so beautiful. You have managed to capture a still-flame and it really keeps my eye watching... just in case it moves! Second Photo - A beautiful capture... the sea almost seems like a completely reflectively surface, and yet... you can imagine the tide waiting to roll in in this one... just as soon as you blink, the scenery changes!

Thank you very much, I always think a sense of movement is nice in pictures. I live by the sea, so it's nice to finally take some pictures and show them to people.
Went out looking for light, and came back with heavy.

Still, I did indulge this time.


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Mmm plums...

I was a bit worried when I saw 'squashed hedgehog' for a mo there, Chrispy! :D
StormFeather: First Photo - I really like this picture. I love how the sun seems to be 'resting' on the branch! And the pale shades on the sky are truly beautiful.

You're a star LittleMissy - and your comments are very much appreciated!!:D:D

I was a bit worried when I saw 'squashed hedgehog' for a mo there, Chrispy! :D

Coming here first, I was a bit worried when I read your comment! Much relieved when I checked out that actual picture :p

There are, as always, thoughtful interpretations on the theme leading to really great shots! Voting is going to be very hard though! ;)
Oops. I generally preface my data-reduced pictures (for eMailing or Webdownloads) with "squeezed". But I couldn't squeeze a hedgehog, could I? Not even a crystal one. So, following road discipline…
I saw the perfect picture for this today and I didn't have my camera! Took the dog to the rezzie as the sun was setting and the light was reflecting right across the reservoir, complete with three little ducks swimming across it.
Oooo, yay, more photos have appeared! :D And some very excellent pics indeed! Voting is going to be tough, me thinks!!!

In the meantime, and without much furtherado... I do the review: -

Allanon: First Photo - Very beautiful. So bright and light. Definitely catching on the this month's theme there. Second Photo - This one is super vibrant. I love the purple of the flowers and the way the sun seems to be reaching down to them to feed them more of that yummy sunshine that makes flowers grow so well.

chrispenycate: First Photo - A definite mystery photo this. But... very, very pretty, a really well captured photo. Second Photo - I think that's one of those lantern-balloons people set off at New Year?! I find my eyes being drawn to it... even though I want to chase the orbs!!! It's subtle and yet, quite pretty.

Leisha: First Photo - WOW. What a stunning photo. I must say that to be able to stand and see a view like that must have been truly inspirational. Second Photo - Now this is the sort of thing that makes me believe there must be a higher power in the universe, whether it's God or something else. It's almost like the light is pouring through the clouds like a waterfall. Gorgeous!

alchemist: Second Photo - What gorgeous scenery! It almost feels as though the light is about to take a lazy tumble down the hills and into the water.

HoopyFrood: First Photo - Sitting in the sun drinking Crabbies... not only am I jealous you got to do that, but I think just the description alone means you should win!!! I love the way the sun has come through the glass and created a point/arrow (I hope it's pointing towards the Crabbies?!). Second Photo - Wowser!!! :eek: This is a very stunning picture. I love how the entire sunset is completely mirrored in the river. You might even manage to turn the picture upside down and it still be just as stunning.

Mouse: Second Photo - They really are 'glow flowers' aren't they! I love how the light appears to be coming from within them rather than from some external source. Beautiful, Mouse.

Glen: First Photo - A RAINBOW!!! And what a fantastic picture you have managed to capture. It's beautiful seeing it peeking through the branches of the trees. Very nice indeed.
Thanks for the kind words, Missy! And just to deepen the envy, I was sitting at the edge of the quay (same river as in the second photo) while drinking it, legs tangling over the edge, watching the boats go past. Simply spiffing.
Consider my envy suitably deepened!!!

I shall have to run off now and drown my sorrows in a nice tall glass of... what... wait a minute... all I have is tea! How is a girl supposed to properly drown her sorrows in tea?!

Crabbies would help, maybe if I was sitting on a quay with my feet dangling over the edge watching the boats go past :p Darn it, now I'm jealous again.

*LittleMissy stomps off to sulk*
Loving this theme! There are so many great photos. I love the contrasts, some are all about vibrant colour, some are cool, beautiful landscapes, and others full of warmth and joy.

Hoops - loving yours especially, and yes, am very jealous of the circumstances they were taken in :p
Ooo looks like another photo snuck in whilst I was reading elsewhere...

StormFeather: Second Photo - Someone else here to make me jealous it seems. This is a beautiful view, you are so privileged to be able to look out at something so beautiful every day. I love the ring around the sun as it sets. That's something you mostly notice with the moon, but you have captured it perfectly here around the sun. Well done.

I am now going back off to sulk some more! :p
Ooo looks like another photo snuck in whilst I was reading elsewhere...

StormFeather: Second Photo - Someone else here to make me jealous it seems. This is a beautiful view, you are so privileged to be able to look out at something so beautiful every day. I love the ring around the sun as it sets. That's something you mostly notice with the moon, but you have captured it perfectly here around the sun. Well done.

I am now going back off to sulk some more! :p

Thank you Missy! To be honest, I'd forgotten that I'd taken it, and was just scrolling through my pictures last night. There are two, taken shortly after it when the sun has gone behind the hill, which I was considering, and may post here after the comp is over, but that one just made me happy!

Please don't sulk - right now it's grey, raining and horrible, and I can't even see the hill in the picture . . and I have two house-bound kids to entertain today (they don't agree with Peppa Pig that it's fun to jump up and down in muddy puddles so thats out!):p;)
Thank you for the lovely comment, LittleMissy!:)

There are some excellent entries this month - picking a winner is going to be very difficult!
Whoops, looks like I wasn't paying attention when I popped in yesterday for a quick peek at the boards :eek: Talysia managed to sneak in a second pic, sooo...

Talysia: Second Photo - I really wish that was a small glowing water sprite hovering above the water and you had had the great fortune of being able to capture it on camera! Alas, my sensibilities tell me that isn't so and I may have to concede that it is the sun, as you say. Either way, very pretty.

Please don't sulk - right now it's grey, raining and horrible, and I can't even see the hill in the picture . . and I have two house-bound kids to entertain today (they don't agree with Peppa Pig that it's fun to jump up and down in muddy puddles so thats out!)

Okay, okay, I'll stop sulking now. :) Just think though, at least keeping them clean is easier when they're NOT jumping up and down in muddy puddles!!! (psst... as a kid, I was one of those that DID :p)

So, it seems the voting now begins. Tough call I think. There are so many fantastic pictures to choose from, I just don't know how I am going to manage to pick just the one! I shall have to go and hide in a corner with my thinking cap on and stare at all the pictures until I decide...

Good luck everyone :D
Just scrolled through the photos (again), and trying to decide what to go for. They are all excellent pictures, so I'm really trying to think about the theme. I did think of making a short list, but at least one of everyone's photos would be in it.

It's probably down to Chris, Hoopy. LittleMissy and Talysia for me...
Dithered a long time between LittleMissy and Mouse.

I love the quality of Mouse's street photo, and the shadows and bursts of light.

But I had to vote for Missy's. Taking the time to create light! Plus the photo has a softness about it that accentuates it all. I love constructed photos -- done a few myself and it's a lot of fun trying to actually build a photo. The candles remind me of the time I almost set fire to a patch of my garden trying to get a photo for (I think) the very first theme, Blue.
Oooh, so close! Thanks, Hoops.

I need to look through them again. They're all brilliant, as usual!
WOW! One vote and two mentions!!! Thank you Perp and Hoopy (plus extra thanks to Hoopy for the vote) :D

But I had to vote for Missy's. Taking the time to create light! Plus the photo has a softness about it that accentuates it all. I love constructed photos -- done a few myself and it's a lot of fun trying to actually build a photo. The candles remind me of the time I almost set fire to a patch of my garden trying to get a photo for (I think) the very first theme, Blue.

Thank you sooo much for the kind words Hoopy :p It's actually the first time I've constructed a photo. And, you're right, it was a lot of fun doing it (despite losing a nail - I had the lighter angled wrong and managed to burn it off trying to get all those candles lit).

I'm still thinking on where to place my vote. I've narrowed the 12 entrants (obviously not including myself :)) down to 6! (Talysia, Mouse, Perpetual Man, Mosaix, Leisha and HoopyFrood.) That's good... right?! Now I just need to narrow them down to one. I've been staring at the pics on and off all day, but there's different things about each that I like so I'm finding it tough...

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