Well-Known Member
Be gentle with praising me. I blush and pump easily@VRlass I don't have much to say about yours, I can't find any solid critiques. I think it's solid, impactful, and seems to work the way you intended
Yeah… I was thinking of ending with ‘only via eyes of a child we can see the hope’ but somehow i felt if I am gonna do this everyone will just get a cognitive dissonance and think it’s crap (i would—after actually reading the 300 i can say I would for sure!!). I have one 2k wonder that has 2 plot twist in the last 2 sentences and one revealed in the middle as you know the previous 2. For some people it was just too much.But I didn't get any sense of layered/hidden stories here, just a mother euthanising her son on a dying ship)
But I just placed it in there so that if someone wants - can stretch a muscle, but if no — it is a complete story as well…
Yeah the repetition seems annoying abut they do build up the drama in nice quiet way (i don’t remember who said that it had a quiet dramatic tone louder than any melodrama - I LOVED THAT COMMENTmaybe changing some of the more repetitive dialogue lines
aww… I could say more about the attack… yeah it would work for both stories…to outline more backstory at what happened
The first version had more descriptions showi the state of mother, and the rest Of the family, and the child just appeared at the scene, and was trying to understand what happened. And the mother was… acting to the motherest she could.or make the ending even more bleak
if for some the thing they read was too much while gradually building up drama and patios in a way, the previous was suspending the drama and just hammering reader with few lines at the end.
NOPE don’t want people to read this - i thought and I made the first story about mother trying to protect her child, if not from death than from fear and suffering. Fulfilling her duty as a child’s guardian with the last resorts of her dying body. Something beautiful there, and I wouldn’t change it to add more drama…