What do people mean when they use the word 'Pretentious' about movies? (I haven't seen The Thin Red Line or S.Darko, I'm not having a go at you, Cupofjoe or Guttersnipe.) But I really find it hard to understand how the word applies to a piece of art. I can see how it applies to people. (The innate British class system means I am part of a society that seems to be culturally hardwired to sneer at people getting 'above their station' or be snobbish about those who pretend to be 'better than they are' and all that other crap - though less so than in earlier times I am glad to say.) I have seen many films I adore being dismissed as 'pretentious'. Tarkovsky’s Solaris, Kubrik's 2001, Kieślowski's Double Life of Véronique . All slow, long, but wonderfully rewarding films - and not a car chase in any of them. I have watched films that have baffled me, left me cold, and therefore probably in reflection weren't worth the effort in watching them. A recent example would be Céline et Julie vont en bateau (Celine and Julie go Boating 1974) which is lauded by them that know and securely in place in the pantheon of 1001 Films You Should Watch Before you Die but left me just sitting there thinking what's this all this ABOUT? for most of its running time. Experimental, challenging, obscure, elliptic, different, non-standard, odd, boring, disjointed, weird, - I can recognise all those in a film (all apply to Céline et Julie vont en bateau in parts ) But 'pretentious'? I don't know how to apply the word. Just because I didn't 'get it' - whatever 'it' is doesn't mean it isn't there to get. It just means I don't have the critical tools to hand to find it.