Discussion - February 2011 - 75 Word Challenge

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I usually start high and edit down. If it's under 300 I reckon I can usually do it, any more and I chuck it away (or hope it might fit a 300 one sometime ;))
Which tells me, more than anything, I use way too many words in a draft. :D
Oh, here's my shortlist so far too. No particular order.

Starbeast's "Escape from the Planet of Peril"
Nixie's "Man's Best Friend"
Paranoid Marvin's "Probing Questions"
Aun Doorback's "Brave new world"
Hopewrites' "The Day Food Talked Back"
Glen's "I second that emotion"

These, especially, made me smile, one way or another.
I usually start high and edit down. If it's under 300 I reckon I can usually do it, any more and I chuck it away (or hope it might fit a 300 one sometime ;))
Which tells me, more than anything, I use way too many words in a draft. :D

Best bet, I suppose. I'll try that next time, I only went over by about 10 with that one.
I just write and stop when I hit about 60 then work out how to end it. Usually never end up with more than about 82 at the end.
I haven't been at it long enough to algorithm out my writing style in any format let alone in the challenges.
But if I figure me out I'll let you know.
thanks for the pre-short-listing, Kaladan, I didnt know it was coming in vogue to mention them, but am flattered none the less :D
Well mine's about to go up. It's not what I was originally going to post, but once the idea bit me I could not leave it alone.

I'ce hand counted three times and it says 75 on the knuckle, but the word count says 76, I think it's counting the hyphen... gulp!
I write my challenge stories on paper, because I know what 75 and 300 words look like in pencil, and it's easier to edit line by line to raise or lower the word count. It's especially helpful on the 300, because I know when I get to 1 1/3 pages, that's it and I have to go back and prune. If I do them on the computer, I have no idea how much I've written.
Well, I managed to make it longer, and I posted it.

Now I can read the others without fear of being influenced by them.
Yea, and I had the misfortune of posting beneath T.E.'s piece of pure prose.
Thank you Scott, Kaladan, Parson, and Warren!

I'm impressed by the quality of all the stories, and I'm sure we have many great ones to come.
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