Discussion - February 2011 - 75 Word Challenge

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They are all brilliant and all very, very different; Hex, the insidious temptation (and Anya), Revier, so sad, Scott, very clever. AMB; I love the name of the rose style overtones. And lots of newbies, too; all really really good.
Once again, a remarkable selection of tales!
Thought I'd go with something about faegicide this month.
Nice, stormcrow. I like it a lot (and this time I understand it without having to go begging Abernovo to explain it to me).

AMB -- yours made me laugh. Very neat.

Springs... (!)
Wow that one took the most effort to come up with anything - it was between that or a ghost dog witnessing his master and another man in a cupboard. Thanks to Alchemist for the inspiration.

I'm not sure what speculative fiction is, but I am hoping a dancing lipid comes under it. Apologise for the out of date science ;)

I like it; so that's what happens. There's a public health infomercial in there somewhere.
Hex - thanks for the mention; glad you like it. Yours made me thirsty (now where'd I put that flask?) - liking the reference!!

What is a poor Parson to make of that story? My more conservative colleagues would say very unkind things indeed.:D

I liked it. Hope you are forgiven.:D Hope I'm forgiven too.:eek:
Hi all, I'mmm back! :D Apologies, I haven't been in this challenge for ages; just been too busy. However my New Years Resolution is to get balance in my life and that means more time for me and that means try and do more writing! I would have had a go last month but just couldn't come up with anything. However I have something this month; just needs a little more polishing!

Some great entries so far (hope they don't end up scaring me off :eek:)! I was particularly taken with:
Abernovo - you included an awful lot of plot in 75 words.
Alchemist - inspired
Hex - Brilliant now where did I put down that dram (nearest thing I've got to miruvor, maybe better)
Reiver - very clever (me being called Michael I have an inside track on that one!)
Scott R Forshaw - Evil and brilliant
Stormcrow - excellent
I'll just say: I liked it, springs.

Some very good entries already.

Thanks for the nice comment, Vertigo.
Thanks Aber and Mouse (I think); it was received rather differently than I planned... :eek:

And another load of brilliant entries tonight.

Nixie; I did wonder if someone might do something like that, good stuff.
Ty Scott (and Warren, and TDZ) I kind of hid for a while today, so only going back over thread tonight.

I'm looking forward to Perp's comments, he has a lot to work with this month...
Great Galaxy!

Within two days, I see 20 fantastic tales involving great drama, fun and heartfelt moments. I can't even imagine what is to be posted next.
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