Thanks for the mention Vertigo.
I've been wondering when or where to put this down, even thought of resurrecting the Perpetual Man thread but thought that was a tad egotistical.
That being said I've decided to stop doing my comments or the time being. I started doing them just as a one off and everyone liked them so much that I just kept going, month after month, 75 word and 300 word challenges.
I have to say that I loved doing it - I haven't even kept count, I cannot tell when I started - how long I have been doing it, but I know I have not missed a month and I'm proud of that, but more importantly I really appreciated the way everyone else really appreciated it. (Even to the extent of getting my appreciation thread - I cannot say how much that meant to me!)
As many of you know, myself and Mrs Perp. are expecting our second child in a few weeks (yup time has gone that quickly we could be counting in days...) and the baby could come at any time. With that in mind and knowing how busy I'm going to be in the coming months, I've decided now is the right time to stop the comments for the time being.
I did play with the idea of starting April, but thought there was no guarantee I'd finish them, and that did seem right.
I will be continuing with the challenges just can't speak about the quality of them what with late nights and early mornings...
So thanks for all the thanks, and as far as the comments go, as Arnie once said:
I'll be back.