Discussion -- 300 Word Challenge #5

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Thanks for the mention Crystal Haven, and many thanks for the vote chocco, as always votes come as a wonderful surprise.
Thanks for the shortlisting, crystal haven.
No, seriously, what's going on here? Not that I'm complaining, mind! Many thanks for the votes Glitch, nixie, Taly, ratsy and allmywires! And thanks also for the mentions and shortlistings johnny, Perp, Boneman and choccoweeble.

Incidently: choccoweeble - fun to say, hard to type...
Thanks boneman and mosaix for your votes, thanks crystal for the shortlisting. hope I haven't missed anything. Three votes: it's a pb. I'm thrilled!
Thanks to David Evil Overlord, Warren Paul, crystal haven, choccoweeble and TacticalLoco for the short listing and to Boneman for the shorter listing.

And a special thanks goes out to southron sword for the vote!

Wow! So many mentions and an actual vote! I'm stunned. And grateful. Thanks all!
Well, I finally got my votes in.
Here's my shortlist:
Karn's, Pepsi and the Sandwich Man
Southron Sword's, The Script
Hex's, Voices in my Head
Phyrebrat's, Silence!
TheDustyZebra's, The Play's the Thing

Here's my votes. I'd like to add why I voted for these.
Abernovo's, Aspirations--I liked the idea that the gifted could be included in the working class, or should be.
Hopewrites's, Bed Time Story--I liked the two different ways the author showed how to escape the real world.
Grizzgreen's, A Miserable Day in Fictional History--This showed me how ideas become monsters too big to over power; and how those who start it leaves us to the bloodshed.

I loved the way Karn's story "Pepsi and the Sandwich Man" showed that good deeds never die, too bad there's only three votes.
Thanks for another mention, Boneman, and even bigger thanks to TacticalLoco for the delightful vote! I wasn't expecting that!

You know this is all so subjective. One never knows if a given story will do well or not.
It's like asking what your favorite color is. (That gives me an idea!)
Regardless I'll go the full monte and state for the record your story was my #1 pick.
Thank you very much everyone who mentioned liking my story it was frustratingly fun to write. Have a sick day dotay so I hope to be able to catch up on reading and get my list at least started between naps.
You know this is all so subjective. One never knows if a given story will do well or not.
It's like asking what your favorite color is. (That gives me an idea!)
Regardless I'll go the full monte and state for the record your story was my #1 pick.

Ooh, thanks! :D

I was just happy to get my story in this month -- when I saw the picture, I thought I'd come up with all kinds of ideas because it was really great, but I just never had time to think about it. Then I finally got to sit down and think long enough to write the story and discovered that I couldn't connect to the site to post it. I was afraid I'd have to email it to somebody to get it up there in time!
Well, I finally got my votes in.
Here's my shortlist:
Karn's, Pepsi and the Sandwich Man
Southron Sword's, The Script
Hex's, Voices in my Head
Phyrebrat's, Silence!
TheDustyZebra's, The Play's the Thing

Here's my votes. I'd like to add why I voted for these.
Abernovo's, Aspirations--I liked the idea that the gifted could be included in the working class, or should be.
Hopewrites's, Bed Time Story--I liked the two different ways the author showed how to escape the real world.
Grizzgreen's, A Miserable Day in Fictional History--This showed me how ideas become monsters too big to over power; and how those who start it leaves us to the bloodshed.

I loved the way Karn's story "Pepsi and the Sandwich Man" showed that good deeds never die, too bad there's only three votes.

Wow, my jaw dropped when I read this. Thank you so much Lilmizflashythang for the vote! Your take on my story was right on! :)

Oh, the excitement continues! Thank you also, Southron Sword, for the vote as well!
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Ooh, a vote! Thank you Luiglin!

My shortlist, votes are starred:

Springs *
Riever *
David Evil Overlord
Scott R Forshaw
Perp Man *
The deliberations have been made...

Honourable mentions

Crystal haven
Starbeast (it was the commas. The commas, made me, laugh)
The Spurring Platty
Ursa Major


The Judge


Paranoid Marvin

Oh, and sorry to Southron Sword for our similar titles -- I hadn't read the stories before voting, but I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that our stories were very different.
Once again my shortlist is almost everyone! Thank you for the vote, and the mentions, very much appreciated :)
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